Customized Playing Cards
1. 52 Customized Dad Jokes Cards
Here come the groaners…there’s nothing better (or worse) than hearing your dad slip in a few of his favorite dad jokes during a conversation. He says them to your friends, your significant other and even the grocery bagger at the checkout line. Show your appreciation for “dad humor” this Father’s Day by printing each one of his jokes on a standard customized 52-card deck. Now, he’ll never run out of content, and even your children’s children won’t have the luxury of escaping his beloved dad jokes!2. Personalize Dad’s Favorite Sports Team(s) Cards
Dad yells at the television even though the players can’t hear him. He says it’s “therapeutic” and surely the players will sense his anger and hear his commentary from miles away (his emotions and voice are apparently that powerful). But no matter the score, dad will always stick by his team of choice and its players. This Father’s Day customize your own playing cards with his favorite sports team(s).- Pro Tip: Consider adding action shots of memorable plays/wins and even include a couple of playing cards with inspirational quotes for the times when dad’s team isn’t looking so hot.
3. Print Dad’s Ultimate Drink Choices Playing Cards
Cold beer…hard liquor…an appletini? In addition to buying dad a pack of his favorite drinks for Father’s Day, get even more creative! Feature customized playing cards of your Dad’s 52 favorite drinks or brands so he’ll be reminded that it’s always 5 o’clock somewhere. And who knows, maybe he will even put the deck on display as a reminder that you’re his favorite gift-giving child!- Pro Tip: Consider giving dad the gift that keeps on giving: A Customized Drinking Game. Get started with our design team to make your own customized card game.
4. Sentimental Customized Wedding Photo Playing Cards
Get sentimental this Father’s Day by reminding dad of the happiest moment in his life (at least that’s what mom says) by printing very personal customized playing cards. He’ll reflect on the time in his life when he didn’t have to pay for your college tuition. All joking aside, dad will appreciate a deck of personalized playing cards that feature a blast from the past with his wedding photos.
5. Customized Pictures of Grandchildren Cards
Since Dad’s grandchildren are the cutest munchkins that ever stepped foot on Earth…use the millions of photos dad has on his camera roll and print them onto a customized deck of playing cards. There’s nothing better than being able to shuffle through those precious photos, especially when you’re playing a card game with the family. But most importantly, now he can constantly point out all of the good-looking features he passed along to them.Request a Quote Today with Shuffled Ink
- Request a quote today for Father’s Day by making your own customized playing cards. Take the reins on one of our suggestions and even put your own twist on it. ● Official Shuffled Ink website: ShuffledInk● Make Your Own Custom Playing Cards at: ShuffledInk● Make Your Own Custom Card Games at: ShuffledInk
About Shuffled Ink
Shuffled Ink is a multigenerational family business that specializes in printing custom playing cards, tarot & flash cards, custom card games, packaging and more for businesses and individuals worldwide.
To receive complimentary samples of our card products, either follow this link or please include your delivery address and phone number on your custom quote request form.