Dedicated to the sixth Major Arcana, #ShuffledInkLovers spotlights talented client creators’ custom tarot deck designs, specifically their Lovers Cards.
These artists carry on the classic Rider-Waite Tarot legacy. How? By adding to it. Read on to explore each Lovers Card through the lens of its creator.
An Embodiment of the Modern Day Woman
The Lovers card in the Moonroot Tarot deck represents love in all forms. It asks us to focus on the pure essence of love and to lead with our hearts. New relationships or opportunities in love are abundant when we choose to be vulnerable and keep both an open heart and an open mind. Alexandra Anthony, creator of the Moonroot Tarot Deck

Personalities of the Wild West
The Lovers card of the Desert Illuminations Tarot portrays the unusual relationship between outlaws Calamity Jane and Wild Bill Hickok. Love is intense, mystical, and one of the most complex emotions. To love someone is to release all fears so one can share intimacy with others in their own unique way. Love can also drive us to do unimaginable things, create art, drive our desires and dreams. The power of this feeling, energy, and emotion is beyond the self, and that is what makes it so powerful. Lindsay D. Williams, creator of Desert Illuminations Tarot

Love as it Prevails
The Lovers card as it relates to tarot, not only encompasses romantic relationships, but also important and strong friendships and familial bonds. It also speaks to open and honest communication, which is a value that I try to apply to my everyday life. The whole deck was made to depict different characters from a game that I play. In this card, we see one of the most prominent couples in the game. They fell in love rather quickly and they had a bit of a rocky start, but they are the longest-running couple in the game and a fan-favorite pairing to be sure. The characters depicted belong to my sister, so they are close to my heart. Melanie Vanderford, creator of the First Blood Tarot Deck

To Love Oneself
When the Lovers comes up in a reading, I see it as an invitation to check in with the relationship you have with yourself. I’ve found that when we are able to honor and accept ourselves fully in all of our darkness and our light, we are then able to show up and pour more love into our relationships with others. The Lovers is a card that asks us to find our own sacred balance and feelings of home within ourselves before searching for it in someone else. Alexa Villanueva, creator of The Future Ancestors Tarot Deck

Rooted in Relevance to the 21st-Century Reader
My interpretation of The Lovers card is the concept of choice in relationships; whether it’s choosing to maintain relationships in your life or leave them behind. The ability to discern what continues to support you and what is no longer serving you. I believe this card is about love in all its aspects: friendship, family, and romance. Self-love is another huge component. Through relationships we learn and grow, even when it’s messy and toxic. It can be extremely painful, but continuing to love yourself will save you, fight to be authentically you, know yourself better than anyone, and create a home with peace in your mind and body. Love takes on many forms and teaches us many lessons, but it’s up to you to choose what is best. Delilah Miske, creator of Adapt Tarot

Tarot Mythology
My deck loosely depicts the story of Persephone and her journey from maiden to queen. The Lovers represents her growing connection to the Underworld and its King, Hades, through which she starts to find her true self. Ivy Kwan, creator of Asphodelon Tarot

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About Shuffled Ink
Shuffled Ink is a multigenerational family business that specializes in printing custom playing cards, tarot & flash cards, custom card games, packaging and more for businesses and individuals worldwide.
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