Category: Playing Card History


Playing Cards Crafted by Jews at Camp Vught (January 1943 – Sept. 1944)
During World War II in the early to mid-1940s, these handcrafted playing cards were made at an SS (Schutzstaffel, or Protection Squads) camp known as Konzentrationslager Herzogenbus or Camp Vught.  During the Holocaust, Nazi Germany built the camp in the Netherlands. Active for nearly 20 months, it reached a max of 9,000 Jews during May 1943. The Holocaust was the mass genocide of European Jews, where nearly two-thirds of Europe’s Jewish population were murdered. Adolf Hitler, the Anti-Semitic Nazi leader, believed that Jews were an inferior race.  Nazi Germany built nearly 44,000 concentration camps for the purpose of ethnic cleansing.  Today, we remember the Holocaust survivors and victims through Memorial Museums.  Now, handcrafting playing cards did not start in a concentration camp. The process dates back to ancient China, where domino markings would be drawn onto slips of paper. The cards were then brought to Europe during the 14th century, where they sported more hand-painted designs. The origin and invention of playing cards can be attributed to a variety of cultures all around the world, which is why discovering new card designs that reflect the times during the Holocaust is fascinating to find. Throughout these points in history, playing cards struck an appeal with a variety of people and cultures for one reason or another. But it’s undeniable that the cards created at Camp Vught symbolized a time when people were seeking a source of amusement, as well as a means to accentuate their artwork.

The Card’s Designs

  • KINGS / QUEENS / JACKS: These cards represent the SS camp’s authority figures, as they are shown clothed in the British army’s uniform.
  • ACES: Buildings are illustrated on these cards, including the Protestant church shown on the ace of spades.
  • JOKERS: It is daunting, yet, unsurprising that these cards portray the prisoners themselves. They are shown pinned with the unlucky number 13 on their chest amid barbed wire and dust.
The handcrafted playing cards created by the Jews at Camp Vught were preserved by the camp, which has been turned into a national monument (Nation Monument Camp Vught). Despite being created under such devastating and brutal circumstances, the cards seemed to have played an amusing role during an unamusing time. Nevertheless, the cards can be added to the long history of playing cards that we continue to discover. ● Official Shuffled Ink website: ShuffledInk ● Make Your Own Custom Playing Cards at: ShuffledInk



Expressions and idioms derived from playing cards and card games

As the English language has developed over time, many expressions have entered common usage, which give meanings to words quite different from the literal meanings of the individual words themselves. When this happens it is referred to as an idiom, which is a phrase that doesn’t always follow the normal rules of meaning and grammar. Many idioms have their background in older phrases that have changed over time, or originate in specialized areas and have come to have a broader usage. So it’s no surprise that a lot of idiomatic expressions in English originate in the world of playing cards and card games like Poker. Not every expression that might seem to be playing card related is necessarily so; for example the idiom “call a spade a spade” actually originates in a first century Greek writing, well before playing cards even existed! But many expressions and catch-phrases do originate with playing cards and card games, and this just goes to show the tremendous impact that cards and games have had on our culture. In fact, language usage like this is often used by sociologists, anthropologists, and historians, to measure how widely known card games were, because their use in language is clear evidence of their cultural importance and significance. So let’s learn how card games haven’t just put cards into our hands, but have also put phrases and expressions into our English language!
● Above board What it means: Honest and straightforward, not secret or deceptive. How it originated: When playing a game of cards, players would show that they were not cheating by keeping their hands above the table, which was originally called a “board”. ● Have an Ace (or card) up your sleeve or Ace in the hole What it means: Something important held in reserve, which others aren’t aware of, and can be used to your advantage at the right time. How it originated: Magicians or cheaters at cards would sometimes literally have a card up their sleeve, that they would sneakily pull out at the appropriate moment. Similar is an “Ace in the hole”, which originates in Poker. Since an Ace is the strongest card, and your “hole” cards are hidden and known only by you, having an Ace in the hole means you have a hidden advantage that becomes known when revealed later in the game. ● All bets are off What it means: The outcome of a situation or event is unpredictable. How it originated: When a game situation is uncertain, for example after an unexpected change, then no players would take any bets due to the uncertainties. ● Ante up What it means: Pay the money for something. How it originated: An ante is the amount of money you put on the table as your bet at the start of a card game. ● Come up trumps What it means: To successfully achieve a better-than-expected outcome. How it originated: In card games, trump cards beat all other suits. ● Deal in What it means: Include someone. How it originated: In a card game, the playing cards are “dealt” to all the players, so to be dealt in means to be part of the game. ● Dealt a bad hand What it means: Have bad luck, or receive a disadvantage. How it originated: No matter how skilful you are, if you are dealt a hand of bad cards, this is hard to overcome! ● Few cards short of a deck or Not playing with a full deck What it means: Unintelligent, mentally deficient, somewhat crazy or simple. How it originated: A deck that has several cards short is obviously incomplete, and can’t function properly for a card game. ● Follow suit What it means: Follow someone else’s actions or example, and do what they have done. How it originated: Especially in trick taking games, players are often required to play a card of the same suit as the person who plays first in a hand. ● Hold all the cards or Hold all the Aces What it means: Be in a strong position, with all the advantages. How it originated: If a player held all the Aces – usually the strongest card – or a winning hand, they had a very strong advantage, and the best chance of winning. ● House of cards What it means: Something unstable, badly put together, and easily destroyed. How it originated: Building a literal house of cards can be a fun activity, but the result is usually very fragile, and an accidental bump in the wrong place will cause the entire structure to fall. ● In spades What it means: To have something in a large amount, or an extreme degree, as much or even more than you’d want or need. How it originated: The highest ranking cards in Bridge are the Spades, so if you had cards in Spades you’d be in a good position. ● In the cards What it means: Possible, likely. How it originated: This originates in the practice of using playing cards (especially Tarot cards) are sometimes used for fortune-telling, to predict the future.
● Joker in the pack What it means: An unexpected and unpredictable variable that could have a large impact. How it originated: In many card games the Joker is a “wild card” that can be used as any card, and therefore can be a real game-changer. ● Lay your cards on the table or Show your hand What it means: Be open, and honestly reveal your intentions or resources for all to see. How it originated: Games like Poker involve a showdown where players need to reveal their hand and show what they have; prior to laying your cards on the table, or showing your hand, your strength is secret and unknown, and even subject to bluffing. ● Lost in the shuffle What it means: Overlooked or bypassed, often in a busy setting or crowded circumstances. How it originated: The aim of shuffling, naturally, is to lose cards in a deck, so that their position isn’t known or immediately identifiable. ● Overplay your hand What it means: Overestimate the strength of your position. How it originated: This is a result of thinking that the cards in your hand are of greater strength and value than is actually the case. ● Play your cards close to your chest What it means: Be very secretive or cautious. How it originated: By literally keeping your cards close to your chest, there is less chance that other players will see them, and discover the strength of your hand. ● Play your cards right What it means: Make the best use of your opportunities to achieve the greatest success possible. How it originated: Winning a card game requires more than having a good hand – you also need to play your cards right, by deciding when and how to play them. ● Play your last card What it means: Make a final or last-ditch effort. How it originated: Playing your last card means that after this play, you have no more resources to use. ● Poker face What it means: A expressionless face that gives no indication of feelings or emotions. How it originated: This is an essential skill in poker, since good players will look for subconscious “tells” in their opponents that might give away what cards they have or whether they are bluffing. ● Showdown What it means: A decisive confrontation or contest. How it originated: A showdown is the moment in a game of poker when players reveal their cards to determine the winner. ● Stack the deck or Have the cards stacked against you What it means: Arrange things to create an unfair situation; or to have things unfairly arranged against you so that you are disadvantaged. How it originated: “Stacking” a deck of cards means that it has been prearranged in a particular order, which could be done deliberately to disadvantage a player when they are dealt out. ● Strong suit What it means: Your strong suit is something you are good at or know a lot about. How it originated: In a game of cards, a strong suit is the one that you have the most cards of in your hand. ● Trump card What it means: A decisive factor or final resource, often held back, and used to attempt to win if nothing else works. How it originated: Trump cards beat all other suits in a typical card game, and are often deployed strategically and held in reserve. ● Up the ante or Raise the stakes What it means: Increase what is at stake in a discussion or dispute; this can be by increasing your commitment or involvement, or by increasing the importance or danger. How it originated: The ante is the money you put on the table as your stakes at the start of a card game. ● Wild card What it means: Someone or something with unpredictable or uncertain qualities, which could yet have a big impact. How it originated: Similar to a Joker, in a card game a Wild Card is a playing card that can have any value or suit chosen by the player.
So now you’re ready to return to real life, armed with some new vocabulary. Some decks of cards will even include clever one-liners that make reference to idiomatic expressions like these, or have clever quotes on the tuck box, like: “Trust everybody, but always cut the cards.” But even if you don’t have some playing cards in your pocket, you can certainly bring them into your language! Just remember that if life deals you a bad hand, or you find the cards stacked against you, it’s good to keep your cards close to your chest. Don’t immediately lay all your cards on the table, don’t get lost in the shuffle, and don’t make people think you’re not playing with a full deck – otherwise the situation might become a house of cards. Instead, keep an Ace up your sleeve, rely on your strong suit, and play your cards right. You never know what might happen – especially if you have a wild card, or when you play your trump card! As the 17th century philosopher Voltaire is often quoted as saying: “Each player must accept the cards life deals him or her: but once they are in hand, he or she alone must decide how to play the cards in order to win the game.

Did we miss your favorite playing card expression?  Comment below.

About the writer: EndersGame is a well-known reviewer of board games and playing cards. He loves card games, card magic, and card collecting. You can see a complete list of his playing card reviews here. ● Official Shuffled Ink website: ShuffledInk ● Make Your Own Custom Playing Cards at: ShuffledInk ● Make Your Own Custom Card Games at: ShuffledInk



Texas Hold ‘em, 5 Card Draw, 7 Card Stud, Oxford Stud – these are just a few of the different variants of poker you might encounter today. And, when it comes to playing cards, poker is just one of many card games people enjoy. Tracing back the origins of playing cards, it’s safe to say that no one could have predicted how much these games would have evolved and changed. Now, the different variants of poker alone accounts for more games than existed when cards were first conceived.

Of course, the introduction of new games is just one of the changes that have occurred over the years. In fact, playing cards themselves have evolved quite a bit since their inception. Today, let’s take a look at how things have developed.


Some trace the origins of playing cards back to ancient China, where citizens would take slips of paper and draw domino markings on them. Having these on paper made them more affordable than traditional stone tiles and allowed more people to enjoy the game. In the grand scheme of card design, these might be considered the grandparents of playing cards.

It wasn’t until considerably later, about the 14th century to be precise, that playing cards reached Europe. And, this is where all modern card games made their start. Originally hand-painted and often gilded, each deck was uniquely designed and featured elaborate drawings. In the grand scheme, it was still a long way from modern designs. Fast forward to the Renaissance, and the suit system really started to take hold – but there was still a long way to go.


In the 1800s, the modern playing card really began to flourish. From Hunt’s first redrawing in 1820, to Charles Goodall in 1860, the card went through variation redrawings and modernizations that closely resembled today’s modern deck designs. With standardized suits and recognizable artwork, these playing cards now had a consistent design that anyone could recognize.


During the early 1900s, playing cards grew in popularity. After World War II came to a close, the trend of playing cards started to grow significantly in popularity here in the United States. And, with the rise of Las Vegas and the introduction of casinos, these games continued to enjoy more widespread acceptance each decade.

Today, the standard 52 card deck has become familiar to all and the four suits are easily recognized. So much so in fact, that now things have gone another direction, with many brands designing their own unique playing cards to stand out. Whether it’s a popular TV show having a deck based on their characters or a company building a custom deck to stand out, the once standard artwork of playing cards has become more colorful once again.


Everyone today has their own idea of what makes for the most effective marketing campaign. In reality, the most effective networking strategy is the one that really makes you stand out from the crowd. Having your own playing card designs is an affordable and effective way to make an impression on your prospects and really cement your brand in the minds of your prospects.

Standing out from the crowd can be tough, but distinguishing yourself with a unique playing card deck may be just what you need. To make your playing cards give us a call at 407-298-3579. When it comes to creating custom orders, we never fold.

● Official Shuffled Ink website: ShuffledInk

● Make Your Own Custom Playing Cards at: ShuffledInk

● Make Your Own Custom Card Games at: ShuffledInk