In a previous article we shared some of our favourite playing cards that depict novels. But how about novels that depict playing cards? Already for centuries playing cards have embedded themselves into our lives and culture, and crawled their way into language, paintings, and music. But what about literature?It’s not hard to think of examples of books where playing cards are part of the wider background of a novel. Perhaps we find them in the hands of characters who are having a social game of bridge, or in the hands of gamblers trying their luck at Blackjack at a casino or playing Poker in the back room of a saloon. But are there other examples besides Jostein Gaarder’s The Solitaire Mystery (see our previous article) where playing cards become central characters, and key figures in the story?The example that will spring to mind for most people is Lewis Carroll’s classic work, Alice in Wonderland.
The Book
This story is one that almost everyone has come across in their life. But if you’re like most people, then you’ve only been exposed to Alice via Disney films, or perhaps through an abridged version for young children. You really owe it to yourself to read the original book by Lewis Carroll, first published in 1865. Lewis Carroll was the pen name of Charles Dodgson, who excelled in playing with words, and delighted in logic and fantasy. In Alice in Wonderland we see all these skills and interests on display, and come together in a wonderful and charming story.If you don’t have a copy of the book, you can easily find it online, because the copyright has long lapsed. I suggest you head here, where you’ll find a downloadable PDF of a virtual edition created by Peter Zelchenko in 1998 for BookVirtual. This project is a true typographically accurate replica of the original Macmillan edition and this free digital edition was produced by VolumeOne.
The Story
For those unfamiliar with the story, what can you expect? Alice in Wonderland is a story of childlike innocence and curiosity, as we journey into a world of the surreal, the fantastic, and the whimsical.Together with the seven-year-old Alice, we follow a talking white rabbit, and fall into a rabbit-hole, by which we enter an imaginary and wacky world where nothing is at it seems.
If you were the kind of child who always asked the “why?” question, and who liked to challenge what everyone else regarded as normal, you’ll love this book. In this story, Lewis Carroll gives us a picture of a world where everything that we accept as normal is turned upside down. We find ourselves in a land which is populated by an arrange of fantastic characters that entertain us with their wit and whimsy. Consider this excerpt from an absurd conversation Alice has with the Cheshire Cat:“By-the-bye, what became of the baby?” said the Cat. “I’d nearly forgotten to ask.”
“It turned into a pig,’ Alice answered very quietly, just as if the Cat had come back in a natural way.
“I thought it would,” said the Cat, and vanished again.In one of the book’s more famous scenes, Alice finds herself at a mad tea-party together with the March Hare, a Hatter, and a Dormouse., where she is bombarded with paradoxical riddles, and astonished with absurd logic.“…they drew all manner of things – everything that begins with an M –”
“Why with an M?” said Alice.
“Why not?” said the March Hare.
The Playing Cards: Croquet with Queen of Hearts
But it is in the next chapter, entitled “The Queen’s Croquet Ground”, that we meet our playing cards for the first time. After leaving the tea party, Alice enters a garden, where she sees a procession of living playing card characters, which all have human heads, arms, and legs. Chief among them are the King and the Queen.The suits of these playing card characters all correspond to different roles in the royal court, with the Spades serving as gardeners, Clubs as soldiers, Diamonds as courtiers, and Hearts as members of the royal family.
Click on the images below to read the first few pages of this chapter:
It’s here that we read about the antics the execution-minded Queen of Hearts with her constant refrain “Off with his head.”.After this Alice commences what has to be one of the most bizarre games of croquet ever witnessed.
The Playing Cards: The Trial of the Knave of Hearts
The final two chapters of the book put the spotlight once again on our playing card friends, as Alice witnesses a trial overseen by the King of Hearts as judge, to settle a case where the Knave of Hearts has been accused of stealing the Queen’s tarts. At this point Lewis quotes the old and well-known English nursery rhyme “The Queen of Hearts”, which cleverly forms the basis of his plot:”The Queen of Hearts / She made some tarts, / All on a summer’s day;
The Knave of Hearts / He stole those tarts, / And took them clean away.
The King of Hearts / Called for the tarts, / And beat the knave full sore;
The Knave of Hearts / Brought back the tarts, / And vowed he’d steal no more.“
Alice herself is called upon to give testimony against the Knave, and a measure of chaos ensues when Alice first knocks over the jury box filled with animals. She then challenges the King and Queen of Hearts about the absurdity of the proceedings.
I won’t spoil what happens in the final scenes as the pack of cards starts to gang up against Alice. You can read the final pages of the book for yourself here:
The Message
Is Alice in Wonderland all nonsense? I don’t think so, because there’s much more to this story than first meets the eye. Behind the outer layer of apparent `nonsense’ Carroll conveys a great deal of sense. There’s a wonderful version of the book entitled The Annotated Alice, that was produced by famous mathematician and logician Martin Gardner. In this annotated version, Gardner explores a lot of the imagery and ideas of the Alice in Wonderland story, and explains some of the references and influences behind the characters and more. As a mathematician, he especially points out many of the clever logical and mathematical concepts found in the story. There’s also a lot of political commentary and parody of the popular culture of the day which he identifies and explains. For example the farcical trial at the end is generally understood to be a lampooning of the British legal system.What Lewis Carroll really wants us to do is return to reality along with Alice with a renewed appreciation for everything that is normal and accepted. But because this whimsical tale and its fantasy world is so nonsensical and enjoyable, you’ll want to return there many a time, and enjoy its sheer madcap humour. Alice in Wonderland is full to the brim with wild humour, farcical fantasy, witty wisecracks, and even slapstick comedy. You’ll be amazed by the cat-less grin of the Cheshire-Cat, amused by the absurd logic of the mad Hatter, and in hysterics over the antics of Queen of Hearts. I especially enjoyed the abundance of delightful puns, paradoxes, and parodies. While much of the deeper significance will escape young children, they will certainly enjoy it as a fantastic story, and rediscover it with even greater pleasure as adults. A classic is a book that appeals to people of all times and ages, and that’s certainly the case with Alice in Wonderland; this is truly a classic for the child in all of us!Special mention should also be made of the illustrations accompanying the first published versions of the book. The original pictures were wood engraved by John Tenniel, and his artwork has become forever connected with the story of Alice, and has influenced a great deal of subsequent imaginings of it.
The Tribute Deck
So the book is about playing cards, but are there playing cards about the book? Of course! With the glut of custom decks on today’s market, surely it is inevitable that the circle would become complete, and someone would make a deck of playing cards based on this novels about playing cards.And sure enough, there are several such decks that are marvellous tributes to Alice in Wonderland. The White Rabbit deck features a simple black and colour scheme with line art that was inspired by the classic John Tenniel woodcut illustrations from the original Alice in Wonderland books. The Wonderland Tarot deck has more playful and colourful artwork by Morgana Abbey, but is also a homage to the style of John Tenniel.But perhaps my favourite Alice in Wonderland themed deck is the Alice in Wonderland deck created by graphic designer and illustrator Sasha Dounaevski, who has been a fan of the Lewis Carroll stories since her childhood.
The simple blue and white colour scheme is a recurring feature of the deck, and Sasha has used linear drawings with a minimalist style and with a childish and playful feel, believing that this best suits the absurdity and logic of the story. Just like the book itself, there are many imaginative details that the artist has provided, but there’s also plenty of scope for you as reader to imagine details of your own.The card backs represent the garden that Alice gets into, with a distinctive symmetrical pattern. The Aces each recount part of Alice’s adventures and companions, e.g. Pigeon (Spades), the child that turned into a pig (Clubs), the mad tea-party (Diamonds), and a mallet-flamingo (Hearts).
But as with most custom decks, it’s the court cards that are the real highlight, depicting characters like The Cheshire Cat, Mad Hare, Hatter, White Rabbit, and more – including of course The Queen of Hearts and The King of Hearts.To distinguish the suits clearly, the black suited court cards have a blue background, while the red suited court cards have a beige background.
The number cards are also customized with uniquely shaped pips in a non-standard arrangement. An extra feature of these is a unique symbol for each different suit, each of which has been derived from the story, e.g. the pocket watch, the pepper pot.The Jokers feature the magical food/drink from the story which made Alice small and big respectively: the “Drink Me” mixture and the “Eat Me” cake. Also of note are two bonus cards, one of which pictures the book’s final court scene – which appropriately features lots of playing cards!
This deck is a wonderful tribute to the famous book, given the extensive customization and how the Alice in Wonderland theme has been incorporated in every aspect of the playing cards, making it a charming deck for the child in all of us!
Final Thoughts
In many ways playing cards have become a microcosm of life. Art mirrors life, and when playing cards find a place in our art, then they are giving us reason to reflect on ourselves and on our lives. But art can also be enjoyed for its own sake, and those of us who are playing card enthusiasts will appreciate the clever way that playing cards have found a place in novels like the ones discussed above, and will enjoy reading these stories and appreciate the clever ways they incorporate playing cards.Not only have playing cards become an integral part of our lives, but as a form of art themselves, they also reflect something about life. With today’s myriad of custom decks, we are now in a position where playing cards have become works of art, and reveal something about what we like, and they are indications of what is important to us. And in cases of decks about Alice in Wonderland, they have even become tributes to works of art that themselves honour playing cards. So why not head down a rabbit hole, and join me in enjoying some of these great books which honour our 52 paper friends!
About the writer: EndersGame is a well-known reviewer of board games and playing cards. He loves card games, card magic, and collecting playing cards.
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● Make Your Own Custom Playing Cards at: ShuffledInk
● Make Your Own Custom Card Games at: ShuffledInk
At Shuffled Ink, we can help you design the perfect playing cards for any occasion. Due to COVID-19, our big life moments are either put on hold or experienced virtually. In-person celebrations are out of the question, but we can always let our loved ones know that we are thinking about them.
For additional special gift options, explore our clients’ playing card products, which are available for purchase. Now, here are some ideas to make your gift ideas a reality!
1. Birthday Gift Decks
The pandemic has created a birthday trend where you drive-by your friend’s house with balloons while honking the car horn and waving. This is a sweet idea but is limited to people who live in the same state as the birthday girl/boy. This is where creating and sending decks of cards that detail personalized messages and designs come into play.
At Shuffled Ink’s design shop, you can personalize the background, images and text. Whatever you decide, we will be readily available to assist with any special customizations.
“A Few of My Favorite Things” Cards: Use images to cater to their favorite sports teams, novels, shows, movies and more.
Photo Album Cards: Include 52 photos that reminisce on a favorite trip you two took together.
Demonstration Cards: If they are starting a new hobby like yoga, use playing cards to depict various poses and breathing exercises.
2. Wedding Playing Cards
There is often at least one thing that goes awry when planning a wedding. 2020 weddings were hit especially hard this year. It is likely that you know someone who postponed or canceled their wedding – perhaps, it was your wedding directly impacted, in which case we are deeply sorry. Nevertheless, this special occasion should not be cast aside, especially if the couple decided to have a virtual ceremony. Sending a customized playing card deck that exemplifies the couple’s love is an essential and effective gift.
Picture Perfect Cards: Thanks to social media platforms, it is likely that either one of the couples has uploaded a plethora of photos highlighting special moments during their relationship. Consider printing playing card decks with their engagement photos or some throwback pictures from the start of their love story.
Guidance Cards: If you are a veteran in the marriage department, pass on your own wise words of commitment wisdom by including tips and advice on each playing card.
REBEL Deck – Couples Edition: We have alternative options if you do not have time to design a deck of your own. These customized Oracle cards were previously featured on E! Online’s Necessary Realness with Morgan Stewart. The “Couples Edition” Rebel Deck provides couples with rebellious and authentic messages that focus on their love life. The cards answer this question: “What does life want me, my partner, or us to know right now?”
3. Graduation Playing Cards
In the grand scheme of COVID-19, missing your high school or college graduation may seem low scale, but for seniors, graduation means closure and a time for festivities. Many schools have either rescheduled and/or conducted a virtual ceremony, but it is not nearly the same as walking across the stage while wearing the classic cap and gown regalia and being handed your diploma.
Provide that senior with a deck of playing cards or a card game that celebrates his/her accomplishments. There are many options to choose from when creating a graduation deck. Print his/her school logo, mascot, campus or colors on the card backs.
Depending on their favorite subject or what they got a degree in, you can work that into the theme as well. For example, if the graduate was in the school band, personalize playing cards with his/her preferred musicians, instruments, composers, songs, etc.
To help generate ideas and bring it all to life, think of a deck of cards like a painter’s canvas. Our graphic artist team will help you design your artwork in any fashion. Whether you would like to feature the graduate as a cartoon-like illustration or a real-life photo, we will assist you!
4. Arrival of a New Baby Decks
Our lives have continued even with the unprecedented virus outbreak. People are still delivering babies, which means family and friends must meet the child either virtually or from afar.
For both new parents and experienced ones, having a child during a pandemic heightens stress levels. Consider creating a deck of cards for both the child and the parents to bring light and happiness in a rather ambiguous time.
Linguacious Flashcards: Our clients have created some incredible flashcard products. So, if you don’t have time to create a deck, explore the learning card options that Linguacious Language offers. The implementation of QR codes allows for an interactive language-learning experience for children.
Infant Stimulation Flashcards: Studies show that newborn babies can only see black, white and grey colors during the first few months that they are born. Sensory cards stimulate the baby’s vision while their eyes are developing. Create your own infant stimulation flashcards by selecting any design for the card backs and faces. Enhance this gift by adding a booklet to write a personal message for the baby and parents.
We Are Open and Ready to Work with You!
This year, we are not able to spend important life moments with every single person that we would like to. But we must continue to show our friends and family that we are proud of their accomplishments.
Visit our website for more playing card gift options – stay safe! ● Make Your Own Custom Playing Cards at: ShuffledInk ● Make Your Own Custom Card Games at: ShuffledInk ● Make Your Own Custom Flash Cards at: ShuffledInk
With Father’s Day around the corner, ordinary gifts will not do. Give dad a custom game that is specific to his interests and hobbies. After all, it makes sense to create something just as one-of-a-kind as your dad. Not to mention, these personally designed card games are perfect for family game nights! Now, here is our list of ideas to help you ace this year’s gift!
1. Go (Family)!
Drawing from the classic game Go Fish, create a custom card game that replaces suits and numbers with pictures of family members and friends. Regardless of how many people are in your family, you will have a blast trying to collect four of a kind of your brother and sister (and do not forget to include all the housepets as well)! When customizing your own card game, it opens doors for all sorts of decision-making including designing an exclusive set of rules. Feel free to stray as far away from the original Go Fish format or follow it to a tee!
2. Trading Card Game
Unlock old memories for dad by printing a new set of Trading Card Games. Combine the idea of athlete trading cards and Pokemon battles to design the all-time Fantasy Sports League. To make it simple, narrow down the game to just one sport. It would not be fair to play football players against baseball players since they are not in the same league. For this example, let’s go with baseball. Each player receives 9 cards.
The Breakdown: 3 Card Types
The Athlete: These cards include players who hold any position. Even though you are dealt 9 cards to account for each player on the field, it is not guaranteed that your hand will include a player for every single position. But there is also a possibility of receiving a Utility player, which means they can play any position on the field. That is where the trading comes into play. But remember, it is important to check their card for details like strength, agility, power and speed.
Boosted Energy: When an athlete card is played during the battle, or the stand-off, it is important to utilize the Boosted Energy card. Match the action symbol to the Boosted Energy to enhance the designated characteristic.
Training Gear: The equipment style and brand that you decide to use also plays an important factor during a stand-off game. Whichever bat, glove or cleats you decide to use must fit well with the athlete and their strengths/weaknesses.
We understand there are a lot of factors that go into creating a Trading Card Game. We have simply provided a brief foundation for what it can look like. While the rest is up to you, our graphics team will assist you with the creative process, so get started! For further assistance with creating a battle card game, follow this Trading Rule Book.
3. To Drink or Not to Drink
Last Father’s Day, we put together a list of custom playing cards to give dad. One suggestion was printing a deck with his favorite alcoholic beverage. As a side note, we added that a customized drinking game could also be a good choice in the gift-giving department. To expand on that idea here is a ‘Drinking Edition’ card game to consider creating!
A Spotlight on Dad
Even though it is Father’s Day, that does not give dad a complete pass. Yes, this is a game to put dad on the spot, but the whole family (if at least 21+) can get involved.
How to Play: Come up with questions for each card that varies from ‘ridiculously easy’ to ‘momentary thinkers’ and, finally, to ‘most challenging’. Think of it as a trivia game, where dad must answer a series of questions about your family and friends. Now, here is where the ‘to drink or not to drink’ aspect comes into play. If dad answers the question wrong, then he drinks, but if he answers the question correctly, then everyone else drinks. Of course, you can implement as many game accessories as you see fit like dice, timers and spinners.
4. A Custom Deck for Any Card Game
Every dad should have their own personal deck of cards. Whether he is playing a single-player or multi-player game, there is something special about using cards made just for you. When it comes to designing a deck, the possibilities are truly endless. Every detail of your playing card deck is completely customizable including the artwork, written content, card stock, packaging, etc. Here are a few recommendations to kick off the creative process!
Family Custom Backs: One of our clients created an adorable Father’s Day deck with a photograph of their child. Naturally, this is the perfect deck to break out for both a solo and family/friends game night.
Animal Custom Faces: Your pet is an equal member of the family, so why not include them in a gift to dad. After all, the phrase “Man’s Best Friend” could not be any more true. So, if your dad is absolutely in love with the family dog (or whichever animal you have), then visit our Design Shop to print their wagging tails and smiling faces on a deck of cards.
5. Buy A Deck
If you would rather purchase a deck of cards rather than build your own, we have some options for you on our Shopify site.
Quarantine 2020 Playing Card Deck: This Quarantine deck is particularly relevant at the moment and would make for a perfect gift! It is also a great way to remember what was going on in the world during Father’s Day 2020. Besides, who would not be intrigued by dealing a deck of cards with custom masked face cards!
COVID-19 Awareness Decks: Following a similar route, we also have a handful of Coronavirus playing cards. There are 12 design options to choose from including 52 Helpful Coronavirus Tips to keep you informed and safe as well as card backs with trending social distancing hashtags. All net proceeds will be equally donated to the Solidarity Response Fund for W.H.O., the American Red Cross and Feed the Children.
I work with a lot of youth, so I have many opportunities to share some of my passions with children and teenagers. As part of that, I’ve enjoyed volunteering and teaching kids some simple card tricks and card flourishes. Many of them have never had any exposure to these things, besides seeing some magic on television. For the majority of them it was even their first experience with a custom deck and with quality USPCC printed playing cards.What especially amazed me was the positive response I had from these kids to cardistry. Most of them had only ever used playing cards for social card games like President. Some had toyed with some card magic, but typically nothing beyond the 21 Card Trick or another simple (and usually boring) mathematical self-worker. Seeing the possibilities of card magic made them super-keen to learn more, and they made rapid progress over several months, quickly mastering intermediate sleights and performing some solid card tricks for me.But their excitement for card magic paled besides their enthusiasm for cardistry. Card flourishing proved to be a massive hit with these kids, and it was incredible how keen they were to learn and practice different card flourishes. They would happily spend hours watching video tutorials at home, practicing different moves, and learning new flourishes. I even started getting positive feedback from their parents, who were thrilled that their children were developing new interests and hobbies!Today cardistry is still very much a niche performing art, but slowly more people around the world are being exposed to this phenomenon, and the ranks of cardists are growing rapidly. I’m thrilled about this, because I’ve seen first hand the joy that cardistry can bring to the lives of children and teenagers. There are some terrific reasons why kids should try cardistry, and here are some reasons why you should consider introducing the children in your life to this exciting art-form:
1. Cardistry gets them interested instantly!
There’s something about cardistry that immediately inspires. Like few other hobbies or art-forms, it has the ability to energize and generate instant enthusiasm and excitement. I can’t tell you how often I’ve seen kids and teenagers watch some cardistry videos online, and very quickly get passionate about trying cardistry for themselves. Before you know it, a complete beginner that had previously never even heard of cardistry, is a new convert, spending hours with his playing cards. One of the great things about cardistry is that you will rarely need to twist kids arms to get them to try it, because they’ll usually be keen to give it a go, simply after seeing some videos.
2. Cardistry gets them excited about a new hobby!
One of the challenges of being a parent is to keep coming up with interesting things for your children to do. Some kids naturally find things to do all the time, but others constantly need a helping hand to keep them busy, and get bored very easily. It’s all to easy to use movies, TV, or the internet as a babysitter, but what about finding something constructive to do? That’s where cardistry can really help. Very few teenagers have ever come across it before, so when they first see card flourishing in action, it quickly captures their enthusiasm and excitement. With a brand new deck in hand, it won’t take much for them to get hooked, and before you know it they have a whole new hobby that they are passionate about and spending time with. Often they’ll be so keen, they’ll drag their friends into it too!
3. Cardistry gets them unplugged from their phones!
Most parents will readily admit that kids today get too much screen time, and don’t spend enough time in the outdoors or doing things creatively. In today’s era of technology, too many teenagers are glued to their phones, and seem wired permanently to their favourite social media platform and to the internet. Anything that helps them get away from their screens is a good thing, because it will assist them develop a healthier balance to life. Cardistry will do exactly that, and I’ve seen many parents thrilled that their children and teenagers were developing new interests outside of their phones and computers. Admittedly they will also spend time watching video tutorials online. But cardistry is especially about having a deck of cards in your hand, and doing a physical activity with those cards. Manual dexterity and skill is required, and it’s refreshing to see kids spending hours practicing tossing around playing cards instead of being on their phones.
4. Cardistry gets them exploring their creative side!
There are no limits to what can be done in cardistry, because it has no fixed rules or boundaries. That’s why we’re seeing constant innovations, as creative individuals try new things that haven’t been tried before. Untapping this element of creativity is just what many children need. Rather than being forced into learning a fixed system, cardistry gives kids the opportunity to explore all kinds of unfamiliar territory, including creating routines of their own. It’s an art-form that encourages creativity and experimentation, and treading the path less travelled. As such it means that you’re engaging in a creative activity where the new and unusual is seen as a good thing, and where there are ample opportunities to develop new skills and routines.
5. Cardistry can be enjoyed by anyone!
Unlike many other hobbies and activities, there’s not only a low cost to enter the world of cardistry, but the bar is also very low in terms of the abilities required. You can begin with next to no knowledge of playing cards, and yet be having fun flicking and tossing cards very quickly. Granted, those who have experience with shuffling and handling cards, and who have a good sense of manual dexterity, will progress more quickly. But there’s no barrier to entry, and you can be a genuine novice and have fun learning card flourishes. This draws many people to give cardistry a whirl, because it is quite simple for anyone to get started with it.
6. Cardistry can be enjoyed anywhere!
If you enjoy playing soccer, then aside from your backyard perhaps, you’re really only going to be happy when you’re chasing around a soccer ball along with 21 other people on a soccer field. Let’s be honest, the amount of time you’ll find yourself in that ideal setting won’t be that often, perhaps once or twice a week at most. But with cardistry, there is no such limitation. You can be sitting on your bed, standing by the road waiting for a bus, or killing time at school, and these are equally ideal moments for doing cardistry. Aside perhaps from being outdoors on a windy or rainy day, or a sober moment like being at a funeral or in the middle of an exam, there’s no bad time to be doing cardistry. As long as you have a deck of playing cards in your pocket, you are ready to go, no matter where you are.
7. Cardistry can be enjoyed independently!
What about if you don’t have friends or family to do something with? Many activities require the active involvement of other people. And without another willing party, you’re stuck, because there’s nobody to catch the football you kick, or to hit the baseball you’re throwing. Cardistry has the real advantage that it doesn’t need other people. While you certainly can perform it for others, it can be enjoyed for the sheer pleasure of learning and performing the moves on your own. It’s very much a solitaire activity, and this frees it of many of the restrictions that make it difficult at times to get into other hobbies or activities. Some people have even found cardistry a great way to keep their hands busy instead of doing less constructive things like biting their nails or smoking.
8. Cardistry can be enjoyed cheaply!
Cardistry is very inexpensive to get into, and you don’t have to break the bank to enjoy it. I know that some people reading this will look at their growing collection of cardistry decks, and say: “You’ve got to be kidding, right?” Sure, you can spend money on expensive cardistry decks, but you certainly don’t have to. In fact, to enjoy cardistry what’s of foremost importance is a deck that handles well. A standard Bicycle rider-back deck or similar branded deck from USPCC like Tally Ho is generally very inexpensive and easily available. Compare that for a moment with other hobbies and activities, like horse riding, ice hockey, or piano lessons. All of those tend to involve specialized equipment, and the costs will quickly become very expensive. In contrast, you can get a lot of mileage out of a few decks of playing cards, and that’s really the only expense there is. All the learning happens via online videos and tutorials, the majority of which are free. In the final analysis, cardistry is a very cheap hobby, compared to most others.
9. Cardistry is as fun to watch as it is to do!
The greatest thrill in cardistry is mastering a move and doing it yourself. But it’s also a real thrill to watch other cardists at the top of their game. Not only will you get ideas of flourishes to try yourself, but it can be tremendously exciting to watch experts in cardistry who have put together an outstanding video, that leaves you completely gob-smacked as to how they could possibly accomplish what you’re seeing. When seeing other cardists in action performing difficult maneuvers, you are well aware of the significant time they’ve invested to achieve what you’re seeing. Some of the videos of the best cardists in the world doing their thing are just amazing to watch, and kids won’t quickly grow tired of it. What other activity lets you produce beauty out of small rectangular pieces of paper?
10. Cardistry is flexible and varied!
One of the wonderful things about cardistry is that it doesn’t have any fixed rules. There is no right or wrong way to go about learning it, and you can simply learn whatever you want to. If there are certain moves that you don’t enjoy, then there’s no need to learn them. Admittedly, there are certain foundational skills that can become important to master in order to do more complicated flourishes. But for the most part, there’s a lot of different directions that you can go in, and it’s totally up to you which way you want to go. This free-thinking and free-flowing approach is ideal for children, because they can learn at their own pace, and just go along the path that interests them, rather than being constrained or forced into a particular direction which might not appeal to them.
11. Cardistry helps them become good at something!
There’s no doubt that once you start with cardistry, you can become genuinely good at it. It’s definitely possible to learn new techniques and moves, and progress from simple card flourishes to more advanced ones. Once you’ve learned a particular card flourish, it tends to stick with you, and you won’t quickly lose the ability to do it. Some moves are knacky, and require persistence and practice to master. But once you’ve mastered something like the faro shuffle and cascade, you won’t easily forget how to perform it. Instead, you’ll build on the moves you already know, adding new flourishes to your repertoire, and developing techniques that rely on more basic moves as prerequisites. This makes it a rewarding hobby that teenagers can become genuinely skilled at, the more time they spend with it. They will quickly learn to impress people with simple flourishes when they start out, but over time they will be able to perform some truly eye-popping moves that will amaze.
12. Cardistry helps them develop other life-skills!
I can already hear some people saying: “You’ve got to be kidding, right? Do you really believe that cardistry helps develop life-skills?” Absolutely! This may come as a surprise to some, but I believe it’s true. Granted, this may not be the biggest outcome from a hobby in card flourishing, but it certainly is one outcome. Because to become successful at cardistry, you need to practice – and practice some more. When learning moves from video tutorials, you have to process what you’re being taught, follow instructions, and remember the moves that are shown, in the right order. And then you have to practice some more. All this requires real self-discipline and commitment, and those are important character traits and life-skills that all children need to develop! Seeing yourself progress is very rewarding, and will teach kids the value of applying yourself to something, and what you can achieve in this way.
13. Cardistry is a trendy art-form!
Kids love things that are trendy and “current”. There’s no doubt that cardistry meets that requirement. Even though card flourishing has a long history as something closely related to card magic, its emergence as a separate art-form with the sheer popularity it enjoys today is only a recent phenomenon. One only has to consider the rapid growth of online cardistry communities and online forums, which are increasing in size and numbers all the time, and the increasing presence of cardistry videos on social media. The very first international Cardistry Convention only date back a few years, and yet it’s quickly become an annual event, with increased participation every year. There are many factors that account for this, among them the ability to share ideas quickly and easily via online videos and communities, another being the advent of crowd-funding which has helped fuel a growing custom playing card market where cardistry decks play a big role. But one thing is for sure: cardistry is an exciting new kid on the block, and is definitely the cool kid that everyone wants as their friend right now, and that’s not likely to change any time soon.
14. Cardistry is an evolving art-form!
Because cardistry is a quickly growing field, we are constantly seeing new ideas being explored, and frequent innovations, as cardists stretch beyond the boundaries of what has been done previously. This makes it a very exciting hobby to be part of, because there are regular new developments. Part of this includes the commercial side of new cardistry decks, but let’s just ignore that for a moment. More importantly, we are seeing people building on each other’s ideas, and coming up with new things all the time. Children and teenagers love this, because there are constantly new things to learn and discover. There’s no single website where you can go, to learn there is to know about cardistry, and now you know it all. Instead, there’s new things coming out all the time, and this constant sense of evolution and innovation gives it a feel of freshness and excitement that helps keep the passion for it alive.
15. Cardistry is a unique art-form!
Even though cardistry is a growing art-form, it is still not something that is so main-stream, that everyone has seen it or given it a shot. When a teenager is good at cardistry, they will immediately attract attention and interest. Most people watching them do some simple card flourishes have never seen anything remotely like this before. A simple card spring can often generate more oohs and aahs than some magic tricks. So it’s something that is attention-getting and novel. For kids, it’s important to have something about themselves that helps them stand out from others, and makes them feel unique and respected. Cardistry can help them do that. It produces something that is visually beautiful, and this accounts for much of its appeal.
16. Cardistry is a positive art-form!
The online communities for some hobbies and interests are very toxic, full of trolls and constant arguments, and parents would rightly be concerned about their kids being immersed in a poisonous environment like that. My experience with the cardistry community has been very different. These are often filled with teenagers and young people who are super enthusiastic about their art, and just love to share videos of their performances with others, and to encourage fellow enthusiasts and even beginners in what they are doing. They also tend to be very respectful of the fact that there is no “one path” to doing cardistry, so it’s totally fine to enjoy one type of cardistry and not another, and be at different levels. And if you’re stuck learning a move, someone will usually be happy to jump in and give you tips to help you progress. They’ve likely walked this road themselves and had someone help them, and they know the feeling of satisfaction that comes with mastering a move, and want others to enjoy that too. You are certain to make many great friends with others around the world who share your passion.
17. Cardistry makes the most of their custom decks!
Today’s market of custom playing cards has grown enormously over the last decade, largely with the help of crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter. But cardistry has become an explosive catalyst that has really caused the market to boom, because many decks are being designed especially for card flourishing. A custom deck can already be something special to use for playing card games, or for card magic, but such decks still have to be somewhat familiar and functional. But cardistry focuses on aesthetics rather than function, and this means that a whole new set of criteria becomes important for designing playing cards. Many decks have been made purely to show-off the beautiful visuals that can be created with fans, spreads, twirls, cuts, and other cardistry moves. Fiddling with my playing cards has always been enjoyable, but that’s taken to a whole new level with card flourishing. It’s hard to think of a better way to enjoy the gorgeous artwork and visuals of a lovely custom deck, especially if its design has been optimized for cardistry. There are so many stunning decks appearing on the market today, that this injects a whole new element of excitement to the cardistry hobby.
18. Cardistry makes the most of their technology!
This may seem to contradict another point on this list, namely that cardistry can help kids get unplugged from their mobile devices and get busy doing something active in the real world. That’s still true. But the fact is that kids will still use technology, and we can’t expect them to throw away their phones and computers completely. As far as that goes, cardistry is a hobby that makes very good use of all the technology that they are already using and will keep using. There is a lot of garbage on the internet and on social media, but in comparison cardistry videos and online forums are refreshingly positive for the most part. This community thrives on making good use of the possibilities afforded by sharing videos and ideas online, maximizing the positive potential of sharing good things with fellow enthusiasts.
19. Cardistry makes the most of their free time!
Young people have a lot of free time which they won’t have later in life. When you’re an adult, life will usually keep you busy with the responsibilities of looking after a family and a home, alongside completing your daily job at the office or factory. Quite frankly, once you reach this stage of life, you won’t usually have a whole lot of free time. Starting a new hobby like cardistry isn’t impossible by any means, but the ideal time to begin is when you’re young. Kids and teenagers often have a ton of free time, something that will often be at a premium later on in life. So what better thing to do with all that free time that something positive, like cardistry? Some flourishes can require a lot of practice in order to master, and that makes the time of youth the perfect time to learn them, because often you have all the time in the world, and just don’t know what to do with it. Kids won’t have quite that amount of free time later in life, so why not put it to good use when you can – when you’re older and learning cardistry, you’ll just wish that you had the amount of time that most children have for it!
20. Cardistry is enormously enjoyable!
Like card magic, card flourishing is genuinely fun, and can be enjoyed as a rewarding activity for its own sake. It’s very rewarding to finally master a new flourish that you’ve been working on, and especially if it is visually appealing, it will remain satisfying to do, even if you’ve done it hundreds and hundreds of times before. There’s simply something about doing cardistry that captures the imagination. Almost every child that I’ve taught some elementary cardistry moves has found it exciting and entertaining, and found it captivating and thrilling. As a hobby, it quickly becomes self-motivating for them. You don’t have to force them to practice, like you might need to do with a youngster learning how to play the violin or piano. Because it’s something that most kids love, they’ll find it incredibly enjoyable, and just want to experience the fun of playing with their cards in this way, because it’s so much fun. To me, that says it all – case closed!
About the writer: EndersGame is a well-known reviewer of board games and playing cards. He loves card games, card magic, and collecting playing cards.
● Official Shuffled Ink website: ShuffledInk
● Make Your Own Custom Playing Cards at: ShuffledInk
● Make Your Own Custom Card Games at: ShuffledInk
In light of the current pandemic, we want to remind our clients that we are in this together. We urge you to listen to the CDC Guidelines to ensure safety for yourself as well as others who may be more receptive to this virus. Our message mirrors that of the CDC: Stay home and please take social distancing seriously.
COVID-19 has created a new normal for our society, where we are advised to social distance and self-quarantine. This means that we are spending more time at home than usual. For many, your work, home and social life are now under one roof. Consider this an opportunity to connect with your family members through games! For these recommendations, all you need is a standard 52-card deck.
Round up your family members and choose your partner wisely for this trick-taking card game. The rules are relatively simple, where the goal is to have the highest-ranking card among all players during each trick. The highest rank is Ace, while the lowest is a two. With that said, please note that any spades card will outrank ALL clubs, hearts and diamonds cards, even an Ace.
1. Assign a dealer to give each player 13 cards. Keep your cards hidden from all other players.
2. Assign a designated scorekeeper to record the bids made by each player.
3. Every player will analyze their cards and bid how many tricks he/she believes they will make during each trick played. (Note: if you bet 0 tricks will be won, or nil and you are correct then you will receive 100 points BUT for each additional trick won, you will receive -100 points).
4. The player to the left of the dealer will play his/her card first. The following players must put the same suit down if possible. Whoever wins that trick will start off the next one by putting down the first card.
5. If you do not have the same suit as the person who put down the first card, then you are free to choose any card and suit you’d like.
6. Once the entire round is complete, the players will count how many tricks they won.
7. If a team matches the bid with the actual amount of tricks won, they will receive 10 points. If a team exceeds the bid with the actual amount, they will receive one point for each additional trick that they won.
8. The bag score is calculated by counting up the total score for each team (Player 1, 2; Player 2,3). Add the bid from player 1 and 2, then add the actual score from player 1 and 2. This creates the bag score, so if a team reaches 10 bags, then they will receive -100 points.
9. The first team to 500 wins.
You most likely learned this game when you were younger, so here’s a refresher on how to play this family-friendly card game. The goal is to obtain four cards of the same face to create a book. This game is played with at least two players (in this case 7 cards will be dealt).
1. Assign a dealer to give each player 5 cards (if played with 3 or more players). Do not show any players your cards.
2. Typically, the player who is to the left of the dealer will start off, but you can start with any player you’d like.
3. Players will ask any opponent if they have a certain card. You can only ask for that card IF you hold in your hand at least one card of the rank that you’re asking for.
4. If you are asked “Do you have any Queens?” then you MUST give that player ALL of your Queens. Then, the player will continue to ask various players if they have any Queens. If the player asked doesn’t have any Queens, then you say “Go Fish”.
4. If you are asked to “Go Fish” then you pick up a card from the stacked collection at the center of the table, and it is the next player’s turn.
5. Once a player obtains four of a kind, they will make it known to their opponents by placing the four cards face up next to them.
6. At the end of the game, each player will count up how many books they have. Whoever has the most books wins the game.
Full of bluffing and deceit, this game will keep your family members on their toes. The objective is to be left with no cards and to also ensure that when/if you lie about a card you play that you won’t get caught in the act.
1. Assign a dealer to evenly distribute playing cards to each player until the deck runs out.
2. The order in which the cards are placed face down is from the highest-ranked card to the lowest-ranked card. This means the player who starts must put down any/all of their Aces in the center pile.
3. Now, it’s the next player’s turn to go. If you don’t have the same value as the person before, you can put down one card above or one below the previous player’s card. (Note: You have to put down AT LEAST one card).
4. If you believe that someone is lying either about how many cards they are putting down or if they are even putting down the appropriate card, then you call out CHEAT.
5. If you are CORRECT that the player is being deceitful, then that player must pick up all of the cards in the center pile.
6. If you are INCORRECT that the player is lying, then you have to pick up all of the cards in the center pile.
7. The first player to be left empty-handed wins the game.
This card game’s rules are simple and the game itself is engaging for children in particular. The idea is similar to that of Cheat, but there is no bluffing involved. The goal is to run out of cards!
1. The dealer must shuffle and give 8 cards to each player.
2. The player to the left of the dealer starts off the game by placing any card of any suit at the center of the table.
3. Going clockwise, the next player(s) must put down a card that follows the same suit as the first card played. Once all players have followed suit and contributed to the pile, that’s the end of the trick.
4. All of the cards played during the previous trick will be discarded. To determine who won the trick, find which player put down the highest-ranking card. The winner of the trick will lead the next one and place any card in the new pile.
5. If during a trick, a player does not have the selected suit in their hand, then they must collect all of the cards in the center pile, adding it to their current hand. This player will end up starting the next trick.
6. The player who has no cards left in their hand will win.
For nearly two decades, we have assisted in making your customized projects come to life! And we will continue to do so, as our manufacturing facility and office are fully operational. While this is a unique time, it is also a great opportunity to start working on a customized game that you may have put on the back burner. So, stay at home and get started — we can’t wait to see your creative ideas! ● Official Shuffled Ink website: ShuffledInk ● Make Your Own Custom Playing Cards at: ShuffledInk ● Make Your Own Custom Tarot Cards at: ShuffledInk ● Make Your Own Custom Card Game at: ShuffledInk
Playing Cards Crafted by Jews at Camp Vught
(January 1943 – Sept. 1944)
During World War II in the early to mid-1940s, these handcrafted playing cards were made at an SS (Schutzstaffel, or Protection Squads) camp known as Konzentrationslager Herzogenbus or Camp Vught. During the Holocaust, Nazi Germany built the camp in the Netherlands. Active for nearly 20 months, it reached a max of 9,000 Jews during May 1943.The Holocaust was the mass genocide of European Jews, where nearly two-thirds of Europe’s Jewish population were murdered. Adolf Hitler, the Anti-Semitic Nazi leader, believed that Jews were an inferior race. Nazi Germany built nearly 44,000 concentration camps for the purpose of ethnic cleansing. Today, we remember the Holocaust survivors and victims through Memorial Museums. Now, handcrafting playing cards did not start in a concentration camp. The process dates back to ancient China, where domino markings would be drawn onto slips of paper. The cards were then brought to Europe during the 14th century, where they sported more hand-painted designs. The origin and invention of playing cards can be attributed to a variety of cultures all around the world, which is why discovering new card designs that reflect the times during the Holocaust is fascinating to find.Throughout these points in
history, playing cards struck an appeal with a variety of people and cultures for
one reason or another. But it’s undeniable that the cards created at Camp Vught
symbolized a time when people were seeking a source of amusement, as well as a
means to accentuate their artwork.
The Card’s Designs
KINGS / QUEENS / JACKS: These cards represent the SS camp’s authority figures, as they are shown clothed in the British army’s uniform.
ACES: Buildings are illustrated on these cards, including the Protestant church shown on the ace of spades.
JOKERS: It is daunting, yet, unsurprising that these cards portray the prisoners themselves. They are shown pinned with the unlucky number 13 on their chest amid barbed wire and dust.
The handcrafted
playing cards created by the Jews at Camp Vught were preserved by the camp,
which has been turned into a national monument (Nation
Monument Camp Vught).Despite being created under such devastating and brutal circumstances, the
cards seemed to have played an amusing role during an unamusing time. Nevertheless,
the cards can be added to the long history of playing cards that we continue to
● Official Shuffled Ink website: ShuffledInk
● Make Your Own Custom Playing Cards at: ShuffledInk
“The services (Shuffled Ink) provide(s) and the process for printing decks is by far the most pleasant I’ve had the opportunity to use! That paired with the high-quality printing makes for a great experience!” —Jared Hall, OxT Cards Creator
Shuffling playing cards may seem like a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. Whether your shuffling skills need polishing or you’re not quite sure how to handle a deck of cards, these simple techniques will help you further develop your signature style in the art of cardistry.
So, What is Cardistry?
is a well-known term specifically among those in the playing card universe. It
is typically defined as “the performance art of card flourishing”. This
non-magic shuffling technique allows for cardists to manipulate their deck of
playing cards in a visually appealing manner.Cardistry
got its name by combining the words “card” and “artistry”. And while the name
may be simple, this craftsmanship can be difficult to execute.One of Shuffled Ink’s clients, Jared Hall, creates decks for cardistry. His love for the technique actually stemmed from magic, which resulted in him watching various tutorial videos on the art form. Soon enough, inspiration struck and he wanted to create and execute cardistry on his own, so he did. And you can too!
The number
one tip that Hall emphasizes is practice. While the phrase, “practice makes
perfect” may seem cliché, it couldn’t be more relevant and true when it comes
to cardistry. Hall says, “Cardistry is not easy, but the payoff of learning a
move is worth all the time you spend learning it.”Now, the more help you get the better. Watching videos on ‘Cardistry for Beginners’ or from channels like Fontaine Cards and Dealersgrip will get you out of your own bubble. The sooner you submerge yourself into the world of cardistry, the quicker the cards will fall into place…or at least for the time being, fall on the floor.
2. Steady Hands
the art of cardistry doesn’t happen overnight. In reality, you are going to
fail more times than you succeed. So, don’t be surprised if you spend more time
dropping cards than shuffling them. Similar to professional baseball players
striking out or dropping a routine catch, even pro cardists drop cards.If you shuffle playing cards too quickly, it leaves room for more mistakes than intended. A common misconception about shuffling cards is if you shuffle the cards quickly, it will make your performance look better. There’s a clear difference between shuffling cards quickly and creating the illusion that you are shuffling them at a rapid pace. The latter is a better technique, especially for beginners. This is where your personally crafted hand mechanics come into play.
3. You’re In Control: The Mechanic’s Grip
There isn’t necessarily one way to hold a deck of cards. But one of the most important tips to note is to find a style that is comfortable, practical and efficient. And each of your fingers has a designated section on the card that it is responsible for.
Practicing your mechanics will only get you so far, but having the right cards will allow you to perform your cardistry smoothly. It’s understandable that when you’re starting out, you’ll use any dusted deck around the house. But you’re only as confident and solid as the deck you use. Cardistry is all about comfort and finding your stylistic art form, so why not create your signature, quality deck of playing cards to match that? Shuffled Ink’s custom print playing cards are created in 3 easy steps, explore your options today!For more
information on Jared Hall’s Cardistry brand, explore OxT Cards.For updates
on Hall’s social media, follow @occupiedcards.
● Official Shuffled Ink website: ShuffledInk
● Make Your Own Custom Playing Cards at: ShuffledInk
● Make Your Own Custom Card Games at: ShuffledInk
A deck of cards isn’t just a box filled with 52 pieces of cardboard. These playing cards can become your friends in a card game, your accomplices in a magic trick, and your companions in a deck collection. They can even represent something much bigger than the contents of a small box.To some, a deck of cards can represent a prayer book and a Bible. There’s an old story – sometimes circulated by email – where a soldier explains how his playing cards help him talk to God. When hauled before a superior to explain why he uses the devil’s picture book in church, he starts going through his entire well-worn deck, explaining as follows: “Your Honor, to me this deck of cards is my prayer book and Bible. When I look into these cards and see an Ace, it reminds me that there is only one God. When I see the Deuce, it reminds me that the Bible is divided into two parts, the Old and the New Testaments. When I see the Trey, it represents the three persons of the Blessed Trinity – the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost.” He also explains how it represents the 52 weeks of a year, four seasons, and more. You can find many versions of this great story online – read one here.But playing cards can also be a source of wisdom. These 52 paste-boards have inspired witty thinkers, philosophers, and comedians alike, to come up with clever one-liners and sayings about playing cards. The fact that playing cards have served as chosen symbols and metaphors to impart wisdom says something about how popular and influential playing cards have been in our culture. I’ve scoured far and wide, and what you see here represents the best quotes and one-liners about playing cards that I could find. I haven’t been able to verify each and every source, although I’ve done the best I can to attribute these correctly. But in the end, the most important thing is the genius of the quotes themselves. So enjoy these pithy sayings, and put them to work for you!
“Life is like a game of cards. The hand you are dealt is determinism; the way you play it is free will.” – Jawaharlal Nehru”We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the game.” – Randy Pausch”Life is not a matter of holding good cards, but sometimes, playing a poor hand well.” – Jack London”Just because Fate doesn’t deal you the right cards, it doesn’t mean you should give up. It just means you have to play the cards you get to their maximum potential.” – Les Brown”Each player must accept the cards life deals him or her; but once they are in hand, he or she alone must decide how to play the cards in order to win the game.” – Voltaire”Destiny plays its cards in a way that no one can comprehend.” – Anurag Shourie”Just when you think you’re playing your cards right, God shuffles the deck.” – Mark Sheppard
“One should always play fairly when one has the winning cards.” – Oscar Wilde”In order to win you must be prepared to lose sometime. And leave one or two cards showing.” – Van Morrison”A good lawyer, just like a good poker player, must always keep his cards close to his chest.” – Mallika Nawal”The cards always look different when it’s your turn to play them; loaded with subtly different possibilities.” – Alastair Reynolds
“If you are going to build something in the air it is always better to build castles than houses of cards.” – Georg C. Lichtenberg”No one knows what is on the other side of a playing card.” – Jose Hernandez”Everyone should be able to do one card trick, tell two jokes, and recite three poems, in case they are ever trapped in an elevator.” – Daniel Handler
“A pack of cards is a pile of 52 pieces of cardboard that can be bent, stacked, and stuck together in a seemingly endless array of variations.” – Jay Sankey”When I look at playing cards, I see limitless potential. When these simple symbols are shuffled, fortunes are won, the future is foretold, or magic is unleashed.” – Joshua Jay”Playing cards have the ability to cloud men’s minds, or to dominate them.” – Ricky Jay”Cards are power; learn to harness that power, and you will be forever rewarded.” – James Swain”Cards are like living, breathing beings and should be treated as such.” – Dai Vernon
“Cards are one means of bridging differences in age and habits, drawing children and parents, old and new friends together in fair and friendly competition.” – Florence Osborn”Rummy is deservedly popular because it is easy to learn, fast to play, suitable for all ages, playable by any number, and as suitable for gamblers as for missionaries – though perhaps not both at once.” – David Parlett”Cards are war, in disguise of a sport.” – Charles Lamb”There are no friends at cards or world politics.” – Finley Peter Dunne”Trust everybody, but always cut the cards.” – Finley Peter Dunne”Playing cards is addictive. So are the playing cards themselves. My habit has me up to two packs a day.” – Joshua Jay
“For a professional magician, a stack of playing cards is as good as a stack of money.” – Amit Kalantri”A magician may step out without a purse, but he should never step out without a pack of playing cards.” – Amit Kalantri”All the magicians have 52 mutual friends.” – Amit Kalantri
“I stayed up one night playing poker with tarot cards. I got a full house and four people died.” – Steven Wright”Those bellhops in Miami are tip-happy. I ordered a deck of playing cards and the bellboy made fifty-two trips to my room.” – Henny Youngman”Men are like a deck of cards. You’ll find the occasional king, but most are jacks.” – Laura Swenson”Love is like a card trick. After you know how it works, it’s no fun any more.” – Fanny Brice”Marriage is a lot like playing cards. In the beginning, all you need is two hearts and a diamond. By the end, you’ll wish you had a club and a spade.” – Unknown
So next time someone challenges you that playing cards are just for kids, speaks condescendingly about your deck collection, or frowns at your love for playing card games or performing card magic, whip out some of these verbal gems, and silence their criticism with some philosophy, wit, or humor!
Did we miss your favorite playing card expression? Comment below.
About the writer: EndersGame is a well-known reviewer of board games and playing cards.
He loves card games, card magic, and card collecting. You can see a complete list of his playing card reviews here.
● Official Shuffled Ink website: ShuffledInk
● Make Your Own Custom Playing Cards at: ShuffledInk
● Make Your Own Custom Card Games at: ShuffledInk
Playing cards originated during the 10th century in China. Back then, the card’s design carried a considerably different look and shape than what we know today. Instead of suits and faces, citizens would draw domino dots on slips of paper. Once playing cards reached Europe during the 14th century, its appearance transformed to hand-painted drawings. But while the artwork evolved as time progressed, one steady tradition was always present: playing card games.Flash forward to the 21st century, where many card games with varying designs and purposes are created and played daily. Generally, families have at least one playing card game in their home. According to The Board Game Family, 96 percent of families who play these games feel closer to one another. Family gatherings often involve playing both classic and new games that every family member can take part in and enjoy. This is why card game family traditions will never go out of style.So, shuffle the playing field during your next family event with a classic or new game of your choice. Here’s our list of commonly played family card games that you can try!
Popular Family Card Games
This family card game is played with a traditional 52-card deck and basic household silverware: spoons. To play an efficient game of Spoons, you must shuffle the playing cards before dealing to ensure an even playing field. This is a quick-paced game with a fair amount of bluffing for all players involved. Now, this is not a relaxed game in the slightest; your attention and focus will be torn in many directions.Your goal is to obtain four of a kind, meaning the faces must be the same but the suit doesn’t matter. In addition, you should also be looking out for missing spoons. If there’s a missing spoon, this means someone has already secured four of a kind. Now, here’s the fun, competitive part. If you do notice a missing spoon, then any of the remaining spoons are up for grabs even if you do not have four of a kind. Unfortunately, in every game, there has to be a loser. So, the player who does not pick up a spoon in time loses.
Since Spoons is played with a traditional deck of playing cards, try your hand at designing your own custom card back. At Shuffled Ink’s Design Shop, everything revolves around your unique style. You decide the template, image, colors, font, and more! The possibilities are endless, and the Design Shop will help bring your vision to life.
2. WAR
The card game War is played with a standard 52-card deck and requires two players. But don’t worry, War can still be played during your family game night. Rather than each round played by all family members, War can be played in a tournament-style fashion, where the winner of each round plays whoever is up next until someone finally wins.Now, how do you play? It’s important to thoroughly shuffle the deck in a way that will randomize the playing cards. Cut the deck in half, and deal each player 26 cards, one at a time, face down. Then, once all cards are dealt, both players reveal one of their cards. Whichever player has the highest card of the two will win that hand and collect both cards. Once there are no more cards to reveal, each player will count how many cards they have, and whoever has the most is the winner.
What does it mean to have ‘War’?
If both players reveal two cards of the same rank, then you have WAR.
When this happens, each player will put one card face down and one card face up.
Once revealed, the player who has the highest card takes both piles. If the cards happen to be the same rank again, then each player places one of their cards face down and flips one card face up.
And, naturally, the player who has the highest card will collect all of the playing cards that were dealt during that round of War.
3. UNO
This shedding-type card game is one of the most well-known and commonly played games. Playing UNO reminds me of summer vacations spent with my grandma, where it became a family tradition to play the card game every night after dinner. There’s something truly special about a card game that can successfully entertain people of all ages, connecting both an 80-year-old and a 7-year-old (in my case).Invented in 1971, the first people to play Merle Robbins’ newfound game was his family. And with their stamp of approval, it soon turned into the classic family-friendly game we all know and love. But the game’s success and efficiency require proper dealing and shuffling in order to keep each game fresh and competitive. The shuffling procedure provides each player with an equal element of chance, creating a fun game that packs together the holy trinity: luck, surprise and betrayal.
UNO: Common Family Card Game
Hedbanz is the perfect card game to include during your next family game night. This is a guessing game, where each player has a card on their forehead with a cartooned image of an animal, object or food. The goal is to guess “What Am I?”. A big rule is to only ask ‘yes’ or ‘no’ questions during your timed guessing turn. This kid-friendly card game can easily become your newfound family tradition.
Whether you’re using casino chips or crunchy, edible ones, you need to “walk the walk” and “talk the talk” during poker night. Seems simple, right? Just show up on your A game and you’re good to go. But wait…there’s one issue. Having watched too many quick-paced tutorials and downloaded countless poker game apps, you’re starting to wonder if understanding poker is even in the cards for you.
You’re in luck! Here’s our master poker cheat sheet and guide to Texas Hold’em for beginners. It’s all you need to join the game!
Basic Poker Lingo
Get out your flash cards because it’s definition time!
Texas Hold’em: A common variation of poker, played with a standard deck of 52 playing cards (no Jokers).
The Pot: Sum of money waged by all the types of card players throughout the game. Whichever player has the best 5-card combination wins the pot.
Act: A player decides what to do with their hand when it’s their turn to play.
Bet: How much money you want to wage/contribute in(to) the pot.
Check: Knock on the table or say “check” if you decide to not act in a specific round.
Community cards: Five cards dealt face up in the center of the board. These cards are available for all players to complete their five-card hands. Players mentally configure their 5-card hand as each community card is dealt.
Fold: If you don’t have a strong hand, or you think someone else’s is stronger, forfeit your hand and all the chips you’ve put into the pot. This means you are not allowed to act during the rest of the hand.
Call: When you match the amount bet by the player who acted before you.
Raise: When you increase the betting stakes for the participating poker players (only if your bet, or someone else’s, was previously matched). The original bettor will have the option to match your raise if he/she wants to continue participating in the hand.
No-Limit Poker: No limit is placed on how much you can bet.
Limit Poker: A limit is placed on how much you can bet.
Poker Basic Positions
Players rotate clockwise and will represent each of these positions over the course of the game.
Button/Dealer: Player who is dealing the cards and chips. If you’re playing at a casino, he/she does not play during the game. If you’re playing at home, the dealer usually plays and is the last person to place their bet.
Small Blind (SB): Player who goes first in every round and is seated directly to the left of the dealer.
Big Blind (BB): Player seated directly to the left of the SB. He/she goes second after the flop (flop, step 4)
The SB and BB are required to contribute a certain amount depending on the type of game being played.
If you are playing a 2-5 no-limit poker game, then the SB wages $2 and the BB wages $5 before any action commences(during the pre-flop, step 4)
The Cut Off (CO): The position just before the button. If the button is not playing, then this player is the last person to bet. If the button is playing, then this player is the second to last to act. Whoever is the last player to act has the best betting advantage because he/she gets to see everyone else’s actions.
Rank: Card value. For example, a King has more value than a Queen.
1. Royal Flush: An unbeatable hand, consisting of these cards in identical suits.
2. Straight Flush: Five cards in numerical order with all identical suits. The highest possible flush is a Royal Flush. (See image above)
3. Four of a Kind: Four cards of the same rank and one kicker card, which is used to break ties if your opponent has the same hand. Whichever kicker card is higher, wins the hand. In this case, Jack is the kicker card.
Another player cannot have Four of a Kind unless all four cards being used come from the community cards.
4. Full House: Three cards match in rank, with two additional cards matching in another rank. To create the strongest Full House hand, the three matched cards should be higher in rank than the other two matched cards (suit doesn’t matter).
5. Flush: These five cards must all belong to the same suit. If there’s a tiebreaker, the player with the highest card will determine the winner.
The highest possible Flush hand is an Ace.
6. Straight: Five consecutive cards of different suits. For this hand, Aces can act simultaneously as the highest and lowest card.
7. Three of a Kind: Three cards of the same rank and two kicker cards.
8. Two Pair: Two pairs of the same rank. The higher the pairs are ranked, the better chance you’ll have to win.
9. One Pair: One pair of the same rank. The best possible scenario would be a pair of Aces, as shown below.
10. High Card: While this is the lowest-ranked hand, it is not completely useless to play. The five cards are not consecutive and do not belong to the same suit or rank. If your opponent has a High Card, too, and your highest card beats their highest card, then you win the hand.
A Guide on How to Play Texas Hold’em (For Beginners)
Five community cards are dealt during the four rounds of play, and bets are waged.
Round 1
Pre-Flop: Two hole cards are dealt to each player face down, sculpting your 5-card hand foundation. These two cards should be viewed privately before the betting begins.
Pre-Flop Betting: The BB and SB place their bets. The amount bet depends on the type of game played (2-4 no limit, 2-5 no limit, etc.). The action starts with the player seated to the left of the BB.
Round 2
One card is burned, or discarded, before the playable community cards are dealt.
Flop: The dealer places three cards face up for all players to use in their hand. The rotation from player to player moves clockwise from the dealer position.
Flop Betting/Checking: Unlike Round 1, the SB acts first and has the option to either bet or check; both cannot be done at once. If the SB decides to bet, then all other players are not allowed to check. These other players must either call the bet, raise or fold. If the SB decides to check, then the option to bet or check falls in the hands of the next player.
Round 3
Turn: The dealer burns another card and then places a fourth card face up (next to the three community cards already on the board) for any player to use.
Turn Betting/Checking: This is the same as betting on the flop. The SB will decide whether to bet or check. When all bets are equalized through calling, then the round ends. The player who initiated the last bet or raise wins the pot if all remaining players decide to fold.
Round 4
River: The dealer burns another card and then places the fifth (and final) card face up for anyone to use.
River Betting/Checking/Winning: This is the same as betting on the flop and turn. The difference is when the round ends, either with everyone checking or all players having bet or raised, the remaining players must reveal their two hole cards and the pot is awarded to the player with the highest possible 5-card hand. If one player makes a bet or a raise that is not called by anyone else and all other players fold, the pot is awarded to the last remaining player in the hand.
If there are at least two players who have not folded after the River, then those players must reveal their cards to determine who has the best hand. This player will ultimately win the pot.
Win the Pot.
If you have the best 5-card combination hand after all community cards are dealt, then you win the entire pot. If you and another player have the exact same hand, then you traditionally split the pot.
Poker is a mind game, and your deceptive persona can be used to convince your opponents to abandon their hand (even if theirs is stronger). Remember, if you overuse the bluffing technique it may hurt your game more than it helps. Strategizing when and how often you should use this game of trickery depends on who you’re playing with, your level of skilled deceitfulness and your hand.
Playing each hand is not advised. It’s important to know when to check and fold if you’re not confident in your hand. For players who constantly itch for action and continue waging regardless of their hand, remember the money you already have is just as valuable as the money you can possibly earn.
Have fun.
Yes, this may sound cliché, but what’s the point if you’re not having fun during a game? Poker can be extremely competitive, so it’s important to kindly accept the outcome, win or lose.
Even if you’re not the best player at the table, at least now you have a better understanding on how to “walk the walk” and “talk the talk” poker style, and you’ll have a one-of-a-kind playing card deck, too.