We had the honor of collaborating with Jessie Barber this spring! Jessie is a wonderful artist and mother who runs the Etsy store AWoodlandFairyTale . Being a full-time artist with little ones and a farm can be challenging, but Jessie still shines through and shares her journey! Jessie opens up with her viewers to inspire future mothers who love to be creative, but may feel that they struggle with finding their identity while balancing the role of motherhood. After recently giving birth to a girl almost two years ago, she mentions how 2022 “has been filled with the highest highs and the lowest lows as I adjusted and settled into the role of motherhood, while also finding a way to keep my identity as a creative and artist.”
If you would like to learn more you can follow her on Instagram here. There you can find her brilliant creations along with sneak peeks of the family!
We were excited to take this beautiful piece that Jessie created for spring and record the process of turning her artwork into playing cards! Click here to watch the process: Spring card process
After the sudden loss of her grandmother, grief fueled 37-year-old Latoya Marquez’s tarot passion project.
In this exclusive Shuffled Ink Card Story, Latoya Marquez, Government Mortgage Specialist by day and tarot designer by night, shares how writing self-affirmations to cope with grief sparked a fresh approach to tarot design and healing.
Complete with a blend of modern-day imagery and traditional Rider-Waite tarot elements, this personalized deck belongs to the beholder.
During the first week of August 2021, Latoya launched her brand Shuffled World Tarot and first tarot deck, Shuffle Up!. The idea for this project stemmed from the passing of her grandmother, Petra Torres Marquez in November 2020.
This traumatic and unexpected experience filled the artist with grief and heartache, which eventually led to sleepless nights. As a Communications Graduate from the University of South Florida, Latoya has always loved to write and often used it as a therapeutic release. But what was originally a curative method, soon resulted in an incredible and inspiring year-long passion project.
Latoya Marquez, Shuffle Up! creator, posing at a studio shoot.
Creativity is the Wanderlust of Satisfaction
Latoya’s design journey began when she requested a complimentary sample pack in order to see and feel the quality of our cards, various card stocks and size options.
“(Shuffled Ink is) all of what I wanted to experience in dealing with a local USA company,” she said. “I’ve already recommended Shuffled Ink to other creators wanting to do the same type of project.”
The Design Process:
Step 1
Latoya spent several weeks writing down ideas to illustrate on each card.
Step 2
It took a total of 60 days to sketch more than 80 cards by hand. In the early stages of the drawing process, she saw her Taurean grandmother alive and vibrant in the Hierophant card.
“She loved the color purple, lit candles, blessing her altars. A very spiritual Widow,” Latoya said.
Step 3
Thirty days to color in each sketch with a thick watercolor sketch pad, drawing utensils and quality markers.
Designing your own tarot deck means applying creative liberties as you see fit. Most tarot decks follow a standard formula: 78 cards with 22 Major and 56 Minor Arcana.
Shuffle Up! holds 78 hand-drawn, unlabeled cards as well as one dedication, which reads:
For every day we blink and breathe, the sun will always set. And when the sun rises, we have a new day to reset and be better than we were yesterday.
“One of the biggest obstacles in choosing a tarot deck is finding a great set of cards to identify with,” she said. “My format for the reader of any skill level is to identify the image and develop their own perceptions. This way, each Intuitive Reader can bond with my deck card after card.”
A Glimpse into Latoya’s 3 Favorite Cards in the Deck
She waits for the next contract to arrive. In the background, a shadowed arm lingers, eager to let new souls inside.
Exhaustion from a hard day’s work is symbolized by the removed horns which now rest on the bar beside the Devil. But the day is not over; there is still ink left in her pen.
Queen of Swords
Also known as the Hardcore Nun, she takes down names for the next man to behead as blood drips from her sword.
High Priestess
Drawn to the card’s beauty, particularly the 7-day color candle in the right-hand corner and the blended scroll of parchment at the foreground.
Connect with Latoya Marquez
The first 30 decks sold on Etsy come with a soft release bridge-sized 2″ x 2″ deck called, Shadow Affirmations. This Mini Deck is an all-in-one combined oracle, affirmation & angel number divination in a 30 count card set.
Shuffled Ink is a multigenerational family business that specializes in printing custom playing cards, tarot & flash cards, packaging and more for businesses and individuals worldwide.
To receive complimentary samples of our card products, include your delivery address and phone number on your custom quote request form.
If we manufactured your card project and you would like us to share your Card Story on our blog, feel free to connect with our Marketing Team here.
The Nintendo Company is a dominating force in consumer electronics, but what you may not know is it started out selling handpainted playing cards. Fusajiro Yamauchi founded Nintendo Koppai in the late 1800s, manufacturing Hanafuda, also known as flower cards.
The column on the far right represents the first month. Analyze from the bottom-up; the months are in order from right to left.
Used for gambling purposes and to play the Japanese Flower Game.
The 131-Year History
The Japanese government was against any Western influence, so in the early 17th century, they banned all playing cards and games that symbolized the culture. Yamauchi ended up successfully manufacturing the Japanese-inspired playing cards featured above. He worked around the restrictions by replacing the traditional Western-style suits, court figures and numbers with scenic nature landscapes. But the ban did not last forever. Once repealed on the cusp of the 1900s, Yamauchi established the Nintendo Playing Card Company. He continued to manufacture Hanafuda cards but added European-designed card products to the mix.On top of the tech consoles like the Nintendo Switch and Mario video games, Nintendo still creates playing cards to pay tribute to its roots.
Our Story
No matter what industry you’re in, redefining your products to keep up with the times is perfectly practical. In 1999, Shuffled Ink’s first product was the Super Deck, which came with a map and a deck of cards that included discounts and coupons for attractions, dinner shows, restaurants, shopping and golf & recreation. We marketed this product to Orlando hotels until 2006 when we reconstructed the company’s vision and became a custom game manufacturer. Today, we produce top-quality custom printed playing cards, customized card and board games, personalized tarot and flash cards and more! While Nintendo’s reach is on a larger scale than our family-owned company, the principle remains. Innovation is key.
Create Your Own
The playing card decks we all know and love are custom products, so who’s to say that you can’t create an iconic deck that’s similar to the Hanafuda cards? At Shuffled Ink, we have a vast amount of resources available. Not only is our graphics team by your side throughout the entire design process, but your artwork and colors will remain in its original form when printed onto our well-crafted card stock. Feeling inspired yet? Request a quote and get started on your special card project today!
● Official Shuffled Ink website: ShuffledInk
● Make Your Own Custom Playing Cards at: ShuffledInk
● Make Your Own Custom Card Games at: ShuffledInk
There are all kinds of reasons why people collect playing cards, and it can even be a hobby in itself. And why not? People collect all kinds of things, so why not playing cards! Especially given the wonderful and creative designs of the high quality custom decks that are being produced in recent years, they do make the perfect collector’s item.But maybe you’ve got a growing collection of custom playing cards, and you’re wondering what else you can do with all those playing cards. Or perhaps you’ve worn out a deck, and it no longer handles well enough for performing with, so it’s ready for retirement – what do you do with it now?It turns out that there’s a whole lot more you can do with a deck of cards than you might think. Here are a baker’s dozen great ways to get some real mileage out of your playing cards. Some are silly, some are creative, and still others are just mundane – but perhaps you’ll find something here that inspires you!
1. Magic
If you have an interest or background in magic, then you already know this, and it may even be the main reason you own a deck of playing cards in the first place! Every kid growing up should learn at least a few good card tricks, and all you need for that is a decent quality deck of cards, and the help of your public library, or of course the internet and youtube. Any set of playing cards will work, but ideally you want cards that handle well.
2. Cardistry
Cardistry has been defined as “the performance art of card flourishing”, although “juggling with playing cards” is an equally apt description. Many readers have probably heard of cardistry before, but for the doubters, I can assure you that it is a real thing, and it even has a Wikipedia page on the subject here! Cardistry is about doing things like fanning and cutting cards in a creative way and with a high level of skill, thereby turning it into a performance art. Instead of doing ordinary cuts and shuffles, expert cardists are able to do one-handed cuts, complicated shuffles, turnovers, tosses, and catches, in a way that is a beauty to watch. You can even buy decks of playing cards that particularly lend themselves well to cardistry. A good example is the Virtoso deck, which was specifically designed for cardistry, and has a real visual appeal when fanned and flourished. Search for “cardistry” on youtube and you’ll find lots of tutorials to get you going with any deck.
3. Card games
There are many wonderful card games that can be played with a deck of cards, including popular traditional favourites like Bridge, Hearts, Spades, Euchre, Rummy, and Cribbage. And if you like the excitement of gambling style games, there’s Poker, Blackjack, and many more. Besides the traditional favourites you might already know, there are many excellent card games, and in most cases you can learn the rules for free online. The best website on games with playing cards is easily Pagat.com here. Some easy games that I highly recommend trying include Knock Out Whist, Blitz, Scopa, and President, while games like Oh Hell give room for more skill. If you need more suggestions for great card games, check out this list of my personal favourites here. There are some great books on the subject too, with David Parlett’s Penguin Book of Card Games being the most comprehensive – it’s a great resource, and will help put those arguments about rules to rest once and for all!
4. Solitaire games
There’s some terrific solitaire games that you can play on your own with a deck of cards, and it can be a good way to pass the time, or even to enjoy your favourite custom deck of cards. Personal computers have popularized solitaire games like Canfield, Klondike, Freecell, and Spider, but there are many other excellent solitaire games out there. A good place to get started is the Wikipedia page on the subject here. If you’re new to this kind of thing and want to begin with something fairly easy, I’d suggest Golf, Pyramid, or Monte Carlo. For something more challenging, try a fan game like La Belle Lucie, or one of its easier variants (e.g. The Fan, Bristol).
5. Artwork
Many crowdfunding projects for playing cards offer an add-on option to purchase an “uncut sheet”. This is a complete printed sheet showing all the cards in a deck prior to them being cut into playing cards. I never really saw the value of this, but a family member recently bought one of these uncut sheets and put it into a glass frame, and it looks absolutely amazing! Or try making your own with your favourite custom deck. Especially with a creative and artistic deck, putting playing cards on display in this way can turn them into beautiful works of art. These works of art make great decorations to hang on the wall, while also giving a tribute to your passion for playing cards and magic.
A deck of playing cards can make a great supply of bookmarks! Especially if it’s a special custom deck with nice artwork, but is a little too worn for continued official use, why not re-purpose the cards and use them as bookmarks? I’ve often done this, and my playing cards have often found themselves doing wonderful service to keep track of which effect I’m working on in my magic books, or even as a handy marker in a fiction novel I’m reading at the beach or beside the pool. Any custom deck will work, but cards with metallic ink or foil backs make especially classy looking bookmarks!
7. House of Cards
Building a house of cards, or a “card tower”, is not as easy as it looks! Also called “card-stacking”, there’s a Wikipedia page here devoted to this subject too. Bryan Berg (USA) created a world record 72 stories in 1992, and since then has kept and broken this and numerous other related records, including the tallest house of cards, and largest house of cards. In 2010 he built a replica of a hotel, which took 44 days and 218,792 cards (more than 4,000 decks) – it weighed over 250kg, and was 3 metres tall and 10.5 metres long. See a video profile about Bryan here. Some googling will help you find some techniques to improve your card stacking abilities.
8. Polyhedrals
George Hart has some great ideas for using playing cards to create complex polyhedral shapes. You can find out more at his website here, which includes full instructions. A great idea for math class perhaps?
9. Impossible Bottles
Put a deck of cards into a bottle! Wait a moment, you say, that’s impossible! Well, isn’t that why they call it an impossible bottle?! But there are ways to do this, although you may have to dig a little to find the secret. Some Kickstarters offer these as add-on options for purchase with a new deck of cards. Jamie Grant is a well known creator of these, and his impossible bottles typically cost $100-200. So unless you’re really keen, perhaps this is something to the experts. I’m certain there’s only one way to get something into a glass bottle, and that’s through the neck, and it’s a very time-consuming, difficult, and near-impossible job. I know someone who makes these as a hobby, and they are impressive and mystifying to see firsthand, but they do require a lot of effort to create.
10. Card Throwing
Have you ever tried throwing a card? It’s much harder than it sounds, but there are techniques you can learn to throw playing cards long distances and at high speeds. It’s not that difficult to learn the proper grip and method for throwing a card. To get some idea of the basics, head to Wikipedia again here. If you get real good, maybe you can start competing with Rick Smith Jr, who is the world record holder for throwing a playing card 216 feet and 4 inches at a top speed of 92 miles per hour. Seriously! When you’re as good as him, you actually can slice fruit with a playing card! There are several instructional DVDs available that will teach you how to do this kind of thing, but for now you can check out Rick Smith Jr’s tutorial on youtube here. But even if you aren’t ready to start destroying fruit, it’s a lot of fun to try, so I definitely recommend giving card throwing a shot! You can even buy special cards designed for the purpose, like the Banshees deck, which add a “sonic scream” when the cards whip through the air.
11. Fortune telling
One of the oldest forms of fortune-telling is called cartomancy, and uses playing cards. Personally I don’t give it any more credibility than reading palms, tea-leaves, stomach rumbles, or cloud shapes, but it certainly uses playing cards. Many specialty Tarot and Oracle decks exist. But cartomancy can also be done with a standard deck of 52 cards and Jokers as well. While any deck will work, some decks like the KADAR Fortune Playing Cards are especially geared to this purpose, and they work great for magic too.
12. Bicycle Noisemaker
How do you make a bicycle sound like a motorbike? By affixing a playing card to your bike frame with a peg, and having the card flap loudly on the spokes as the wheel turns. Using playing cards to soup up bikes and make them sound like an engine is something that kids have been doing for years – certainly I did it many times in my childhood! Nowadays you can even buy an official product (Turbospoke Classic) to do this. But using a playing card works just as great for kids today as it always has! If you need help figuring out how to do this, head to Instructables here for directions.
13. Emergency Kit
When you’re really stuck, you never know how a playing card might come in handy. Do you have a wobbly table that needs levelling out due to an uneven table leg? Playing cards are perfect to use when you need just a few layers underneath that one table leg to get things straight. Has that steak dinner left something between your teeth at a fancy restaurant? In a pinch, you could even use a playing card as a toothpick, and while it wouldn’t be my first choice for re-purposing a deck of cards, in an emergency it might work! Playing cards to the rescue!
Finally, let’s conclude on another magical note. Some tricks and moves can be brutal on playing cards, and even destroy them. And yet as always, you need to be able to practice these tricks before you’re ready to perform them in public. An old deck of cards is perfect to use for this purpose. Many magicians will put their old decks to good use by “destroying” them as part of their magic practice. The “Mercury Card Fold” and routines involving a “Torn and Restored Card” are just waiting for your old playing cards!Isn’t it great to know that playing cards have such a variety of uses?! So next time someone challenges you about the amount of decks of cards you own, point them to this list. Meanwhile, happy playing with your playing cards!About the writer: EndersGame is a well-known reviewer of board games and playing cards. He loves card games, card magic, and collecting playing cards. This article first appeared on PlayingCardDecks.com here.
● Official Shuffled Ink website: ShuffledInk
● Make Your Own Custom Playing Cards at: ShuffledInk
● Make Your Own Custom Card Games at: ShuffledInk
Not sure how to start promoting your art? Consider printing 54 of your original designs on a deck of playing cards! With our text, image and card size options, every component of your product is completely customizable.Here are some tips on how to optimize marketing your artwork with our custom cards.
Playing Card Art
1. Personal Branding Your Art
Every creator must establish his/her brand. A personal brand is how an individual’s business is perceived based on actions taken to market product(s) within an industry or a community.This means that your artwork should exemplify what you stand for as an artist. Luckily, the possibilities to create are endless. Your 54-card poker-sized deck comes with two jokers, all of which are customizable.Your card project can feature 54 different art designs, 4 consistent artwork sets for each suit, one illustration set to the card backs and faces, etc. With any idea that comes to mind, we will ensure that your vision comes to fruition.Now, there are more card options to choose from when promoting your artwork. If your art fits well in the spiritual realm, market using tarot or oracle cards. These decks include 78 cards, which allows for an endless supply of art concepts to dabble in.
Tarot Card Art
2. Custom Packaging
Presentation is equally as important as the art you choose to showcase. After all, the card packaging will catch the consumer’s eye first. Just like the card backs and faces, the packaging is completely customizable. Here are our specialty box options:
Custom Two-Part Box
Custom Tuck Box
Post-Consumer Custom Tuck Box
Hard Clear Plastic Case Classic
White Window Tuck Box
Plastic Banding
3. Social Media Exposure
Nowadays, social media is among the main tools used in business and personal marketing. If you don’t have a Facebook, Instagram or Twitter account, we highly suggest that you create at least one. These platforms are perfect for publicizing your exclusive illustrations and products.We recommend that you include your social media handle(s) or website(s) on the deck of cards. This directs future and current consumers to your supplementary art pieces and collections. Gaining followers on these media sites will only increase website traffic and engagement.
4. E-Commerce Site
Once your art is printed on any of our custom cards, consider establishing an online store to support your product(s). Setting up an e-commerce site makes it easier for clients to purchase your designs, whether they are featured on a deck of cards or canvas.If you aren’t interested in creating your own online platform, Shuffled Ink will lessen the load by selling your card products in our Client Product Shop on Shopify. Even if we didn’t manufacture your product, you’re still able to sell in our shop!Alternative online marketplaces charge significant referral and percent of the sale fees, but this is not our approach. We achieve our greatest success by directly partnering and investing in your success. After all, our motto since 1999 has always been “Your success is our success”.
How It Works?
Our Client Product Shop works in two easy ways:
Purchase bulk inventory for Shuffled Ink to store and sell
On-demand production arrangements that allow you to sell your product without having to purchase bulk inventory
When you opt into our Client Shop program, there are NO:
% of sale or referral fees
setup or service charges
monthly minimums or inventory storage costs
Market Your Art
The sky is the limit when it comes to creativity and customization, which is why we don’t charge fees for extra colors. Whether you prefer a matte, smooth or linen finish, your art will remain in its truest, original form when printed onto our well-crafted card stock.The principles of marketing are constantly changing. So, take advantage of your opportunities and get your art out into the world with our playing card products.
● Official Shuffled Ink website: ShuffledInk
● Make Your Own Custom Playing Cards at: ShuffledInk
● Make Your Own Custom Card Games at: ShuffledInk
Stories are told in many ways. Writers use poems and novels; artists put paint on canvases. The history between tarot and literature is prominent and continues to inspire both art forms.
Francesco Petrarca’s series of poems called Trionfi, or Triumphs (1351), mirrors the oldest tarot deck, Visconti di Modrone (15th century). The poem’s title is featured in the deck with 11 Triumph cards. Whether inspiration stemmed from Petrarca’s anthology is up to interpretation. Nevertheless, there are additional notions that lead many to believe his poetry inspired the earliest tarot designs because of his descriptions on Love, Chastity, Death, Fame, Time and Divinity.The Visconti Tarot collection, available at Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University can be found here.
The Fool & Shakespeare
William Shakespeare’s various ‘fools’ characters are suspected to have influenced the tarot card that shares the same name: the Fool. In Shakespeare’s plays, the fool’s role is to entertain while cleverly commenting on the drama. In other words, this sensible character acknowledges nonsensical life events. With tarot, this card emulates the journey through life. The number 0 on the card reveals the unlimited potential to travel either to the beginning or end of the Major Arcana. The Fool’s spontaneous life experiences create a wise and free soul.
Allegorical tarot figures often appear in literary pieces and vice versa. There are quite a few poets and writers who assemble their story’s theme(s) and characters based on tarot card meanings.William Butler Yeats, an Irish poet and avid tarot reader, was a member of an occult society called Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. Yeats deliberately tied tarot imagery into his poems like Blood and the Moon and The Fool by the Roadside.
Blood and the Moon:
The Moon tarot revolves around illusion. The card’s artwork depicts a moon that sits in between two towers. This describes a misunderstanding or the inability to accept the truth.Yeat’s poem references the moon’s innocence and how it cannot be stained by blood:The purity of the unclouded moonHas hung its arrowy shaft upon the floor.Seven centuries have passed and it is pure,The blood of innocence has left no stainThe Tower tarot often symbolizes danger, crisis, unanticipated change and liberation. It is believed that in this poem, the tower symbolizes Yeats himself:I declare this tower is my symbol; I declareThis winding, gyring, siring treadmill of a star is my ancestral stair
The Fool by the Roadside:
Fool by the Riverside is brief and follows the rhyme scheme AABCCB, which is categorized as simple, juvenile, and in a way, foolish.In this poem, the Fool believes that life can spool backward and forward. This strongly relates to the Fool tarot card, which can appear either at the beginning or end of a deck. It is clear that both Yeat’s character and the tarot symbol are similar in the sense that they can exist in any direction or environment.When all works that haveFrom cradle run to graveFrom grave to cradle run instead;When thoughts that a foolHas wound upon a spoolAre but loose thread, are but loose thread;When cradle and spool are pastAnd I mere shade at lastCoagulate of stuff Transparent like the wind,I think that I may findA faithful love, a faithful love.W.B. Yeats is one of the most influential tarot poetry writers. He sought to implement allegorical imagery in a subtle way. This is because his involvement in Golden Dawn was a secret and exposing the organization and its members were strictly not in the cards.
The Waste Land by T.S. Eliot
While a poet may intentionally create specific themes, concepts and imagery, most of the time the poem’s deeper meaning and overall analysis fall on the reader to interpret. That is the beauty of literature; we speculate and dissect a piece until it makes sense to us.For example, in the poem “The Waste Land,” some believe that the drowned Phoenician Sailor is a reference to the Ten of Swords card and the Lady of the Rocks is the Queen of Cups. But the more obvious tarot indications by Eliot are the mention of The Hanged Man and the Wheel (The Wheel of Fortune).
The Connection
There are various ways to read poetry, but the basics include identifying the narrator and the tone as well as interpreting the deeper picture and overall theme.While reading poetry, you discover themes, understand the basic text and find a deeper meaning. Tarot cards have visuals, symbols and meanings presented to you. Both tarot and literature require you to interpret beyond what you are given. You are urged to find connections amid the metaphors, images, text, archetypes and more.Their similarities allow you to use one art form, like poetry to better understand the other: tarot.
Caos del Triperiuno
Among the first writers to feature tarot in poetry was Teofilo Folengo. In 1527, he wrote a poem called Caos del Triperiuno. The poem itself revolves around a poet who accompanies four people into a room where they each choose a fate-related tarot card. The poet then writes a poem that connects the person to the tarot card drawn.Tarot Cards Featured in Folengo’s Poem:
The 22 Major Arcana, or trump cards: The Fool (0), The Magician (I), The High Priestess (II), The Empress (III), The Emperor (IV), The Hierophant (V), The Lovers (VI), The Chariot (VII), Strength (VIII), The Hermit (IX), Wheel of Fortune (X), Justice (XI), The Hanged Man (XII), Death (XIII), Temperance (XIV), The Devil (XV), The Tower (XVI), The Star (XVII), The Moon (XVIII), The Sun (XIX), Judgement (XX), The World (XXI)
Major Arcana Meaning: A tarot reading with these cards use one’s soul to explore their long-lasting life changes.
The Breakdown:
Mary K. Greer, writer and professional tarot consultant, labeled each tarot card mentioned in Folengo’s poem:Love, under whose Empire many deeds (VI; IV)go without Time and without Fortune, (IX; X)saw Death, ugly and dark, on a Chariot, (XIII; VII)going among the people it took away from the World. (XXI)She asked: “No Pope nor Papesse was ever won (V; II)by you. Do you call this Justice?” (XI)He answered: “He who made the Sun and the Moon (XIX; XVIII)defended them from my Strength. (VIII)“What a Fool I am,” said love, “my Fire, (O; XVI)That can appear as an Angel or as a Devil (XX; XV)can be Tempered by some others who live under my Star. (XIV; XVII)You are the Empress of bodies. But you cannot kill hearts, (III)you only Suspend them. You have a name of high Fame, (XII)but you are nothing but a Trickster.” (I)
Judgment & Devil
Now, here is my insight into a couple of the tarot card meanings that are included in the poem above:That can appear as an Angel or as a Devil (XX; XV)The Judgement tarot card’s keyword is crossroads has always reminded me of Robert Frost’s poem, The Road Not Taken. Here’s an excerpt from the 1915 piece:Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—I took the one less traveled by,And that has made all the difference.At the end of Frost’s poem, the speaker has realized that both paths cannot be taken. The Judgement tarot card advises that a decision must be made. The message encourages you to not allow anything to hold you back; you should release the parts of you that are unnecessary and untrue. In Folengo’s poem, the speaker is struggling with good and evil, where he/she transitions between both expressions transparently. Eventually, the speaker must decide if they will follow a light path or the dark one. This is a difficult choice being that the Devil card embodies entrapment and illusion. The only way to break free is to remember who your true self is, which brings us full circle in seeking guidance from the Judgement card.
Temperance & Star
can be Tempered by some others who live under my Star (XIV; XVII)The following sentence uses the Temperance card to reassure that although the choice between acting as an angel or a devil is difficult, you will find peace and balance through the people who love and care about your soul. This reveals that you need assistance from the people who you trust. Your life will transform as well as those who follow close to you. After all, our life decisions impact every single person in our circle or Star.
The Empress, The Hanging Man & The Magician
You are the Empress of bodies. But you cannot kill hearts, (III)you only Suspend them. You have a name of high Fame, (XII)but you are nothing but a Trickster.” (I)The Empress tarot card connects you to the natural world. Our soul consists of the Empress’ teachings and strength, but our self-expression is not always filled with positivity. The connecting theme throughout this poem is Love and Death, where Death has control over suspending the physical body (The Hanging Man card), but Love can never die. The speaker refers to Death as a Trickster or a fraud. This embodies the Magician tarot card, which manifests dreams and magic into one’s reality.
Tarot Poetry
Poetry and tarot have leaned on one another to further develop their respective craft. Without poetry, the modern tarot cards we use today may look completely different, or perhaps not exist at all. And without tarot, literary storylines, themes and characters would lack allegorical symbols and meanings. After all, when we allow art to inspire art, we gain access to groundbreaking work.Here are some of our clients’ custom tarot card designs, equipped with personalized designs, number of cards, instructions and more.
The Spiritful Tarot deck is complete with 78 custom-designed cards, an instructions booklet and a two-part box.
This nature-themed deck follows the conventional Tarot layout. Featured above are the King of Pentacles and the Page of Pentacles.
The Dark Exact Tarot deck — Illustrated and designed by Coleman Stevenson. The cards above are the Fool, the Magician and The High Priestess.
Referring to affirmation cards as the modern-day tarot or oracle may be a stretch. While these cards do share similar qualities to oracle decks, they ultimately fall under their own realm.Affirmation cards use short sentences or phrases to cast positive thoughts and energy. The idea is to empower and enlighten the card reader as well as urge them to release any negativity. These cards have a powerful impact on one’s soul and will relieve the heaviness that comes with past mistakes.
Reading Affirmation Cards
Unless you are actively negating each card that you read, it is nearly impossible to use affirmations incorrectly. Let’s say you pick up a card with the affirmation “I Am Motivated”. How do you approach this message? To get the most out of your affirmation cards, here are three exercises to try.
Ask Questions: Upon reading the card “I Am Motivated,” the first thought that comes to mind may help indicate where your motivation should be directed. Perhaps explore the parts of you that need improvement in the motivation department or recognize the ways that you are motivated. No matter the route you choose, it is important to ask questions: Why did this thought enter my mind? Where else do I need to seek motivation? How can I get to a point where I proudly and truthfully say, “I am Motivated”?
Use Your Imagination: Close your eyes. Imagine what motivation looks like. You may see the physical energy, yourself as you are or a new version of you that embodies motivation. This meditative exercise allows your thoughts to meet reality, awakening any trapped potential.
Take Action: It is important to actively seek motivation in a healthy way. If you are able to and in the right frame of mind, channel your energy into this newfound drive and run with it. For example, try saying the phrase aloud while looking at yourself in a mirror.
Oracle & Affirmation
Unlike tarot cards, oracle and affirmations do not follow a standard set of rules. Affirmation card creators have complete creative liberties with phrases and artwork. Tarot cards divide into Major and Minor Arcana and feature the same set of characters like The Magician, The High Priestess, etc.Affirmation decks have unique influential phrases and card designs, but if you’re looking for card empowerment, tarot and oracle are also viable options. It all depends on the type of readings you are looking to pursue.
Modern History
Affirmation cards are relatively new, which means we are in the midst of compiling notes and determining the terminology that will go into its history.In Monte Farber’s book Quantum Affirmations: The New Energy Science of Conscious Manifestation, he supports the claim through scientific research that affirmations work. Monte describes Quantum Affirmations as a method for transforming the affirmations that you believe to be true and relating them to the experiences that are actually possible to endure.For example, he asks the reader to compare quantum affirmations to a “virtual pack of breath mints” (p. 189) that you take whenever a negative thought enters your mind. As I’m sure you’ve realized, there is no right or wrong way to approach affirmations, but the depth in which you are willing to soul search will influence an affirmation card’s success.According to psychologist Catherine Moore, there is science behind affirmation cards. Self-affirmation is a psychological theory that focuses on validating yourself through positive words to gain self-integrity. Moore acknowledges that it may feel silly to sit down and tell yourself how special you are, but it goes beyond just that. Your words must reflect your actions.
Take Action with Affirmations
When creating your own deck of affirmation cards, we are with you every step of the way. Regardless of the order size, we will personally discuss design options with you. And when you request a quote, you will receive instant pricing.Shuffled Ink encourages creativity, which is why we offer complimentary graphic support and do not charge extra color fees. To spark inventiveness, here’s a couple of our clients’ custom affirmation card designs.
The “I Am Power Deck” honors who you are. These daily affirmations provide a sense of personal pride, power and presence. One by one, turn each card over to use as daily affirmations, divination and a unique spin on traditional mala meditation.
Featuring stunning nature photos, these custom View-Changer Cards provoke questions that inspire reflection, conversation, team-building and relaxation.
The “I Am” Everything Affirmation deck is stacked with 30 powerful messages that reaffirm your amazing qualities & define who you are in the moment.
Shuffled Ink is a multigenerational family business specializing in printing custom playing cards, tarot & flash cards, packaging, and more for businesses and individuals worldwide.To receive complimentary samples of our card products, include your delivery address and phone number on your custom quote request form.
● Official Shuffled Ink website: ShuffledInk
● Make Your Own Custom Tarot Cards at: ShuffledInk
● Make Your Own Custom Flash Cards at: ShuffledInk
With Father’s Day around the corner, ordinary gifts will not do. Give dad a custom game that is specific to his interests and hobbies. After all, it makes sense to create something just as one-of-a-kind as your dad. Not to mention, these personally designed card games are perfect for family game nights! Now, here is our list of ideas to help you ace this year’s gift!
1. Go (Family)!
Drawing from the classic game Go Fish, create a custom card game that replaces suits and numbers with pictures of family members and friends. Regardless of how many people are in your family, you will have a blast trying to collect four of a kind of your brother and sister (and do not forget to include all the housepets as well)! When customizing your own card game, it opens doors for all sorts of decision-making including designing an exclusive set of rules. Feel free to stray as far away from the original Go Fish format or follow it to a tee!
2. Trading Card Game
Unlock old memories for dad by printing a new set of Trading Card Games. Combine the idea of athlete trading cards and Pokemon battles to design the all-time Fantasy Sports League. To make it simple, narrow down the game to just one sport. It would not be fair to play football players against baseball players since they are not in the same league. For this example, let’s go with baseball. Each player receives 9 cards.
The Breakdown: 3 Card Types
The Athlete: These cards include players who hold any position. Even though you are dealt 9 cards to account for each player on the field, it is not guaranteed that your hand will include a player for every single position. But there is also a possibility of receiving a Utility player, which means they can play any position on the field. That is where the trading comes into play. But remember, it is important to check their card for details like strength, agility, power and speed.
Boosted Energy: When an athlete card is played during the battle, or the stand-off, it is important to utilize the Boosted Energy card. Match the action symbol to the Boosted Energy to enhance the designated characteristic.
Training Gear: The equipment style and brand that you decide to use also plays an important factor during a stand-off game. Whichever bat, glove or cleats you decide to use must fit well with the athlete and their strengths/weaknesses.
We understand there are a lot of factors that go into creating a Trading Card Game. We have simply provided a brief foundation for what it can look like. While the rest is up to you, our graphics team will assist you with the creative process, so get started! For further assistance with creating a battle card game, follow this Trading Rule Book.
3. To Drink or Not to Drink
Last Father’s Day, we put together a list of custom playing cards to give dad. One suggestion was printing a deck with his favorite alcoholic beverage. As a side note, we added that a customized drinking game could also be a good choice in the gift-giving department. To expand on that idea here is a ‘Drinking Edition’ card game to consider creating!
A Spotlight on Dad
Even though it is Father’s Day, that does not give dad a complete pass. Yes, this is a game to put dad on the spot, but the whole family (if at least 21+) can get involved.
How to Play: Come up with questions for each card that varies from ‘ridiculously easy’ to ‘momentary thinkers’ and, finally, to ‘most challenging’. Think of it as a trivia game, where dad must answer a series of questions about your family and friends. Now, here is where the ‘to drink or not to drink’ aspect comes into play. If dad answers the question wrong, then he drinks, but if he answers the question correctly, then everyone else drinks. Of course, you can implement as many game accessories as you see fit like dice, timers and spinners.
4. A Custom Deck for Any Card Game
Every dad should have their own personal deck of cards. Whether he is playing a single-player or multi-player game, there is something special about using cards made just for you. When it comes to designing a deck, the possibilities are truly endless. Every detail of your playing card deck is completely customizable including the artwork, written content, card stock, packaging, etc. Here are a few recommendations to kick off the creative process!
Family Custom Backs: One of our clients created an adorable Father’s Day deck with a photograph of their child. Naturally, this is the perfect deck to break out for both a solo and family/friends game night.
Animal Custom Faces: Your pet is an equal member of the family, so why not include them in a gift to dad. After all, the phrase “Man’s Best Friend” could not be any more true. So, if your dad is absolutely in love with the family dog (or whichever animal you have), then visit our Design Shop to print their wagging tails and smiling faces on a deck of cards.
5. Buy A Deck
If you would rather purchase a deck of cards rather than build your own, we have some options for you on our Shopify site.
Quarantine 2020 Playing Card Deck: This Quarantine deck is particularly relevant at the moment and would make for a perfect gift! It is also a great way to remember what was going on in the world during Father’s Day 2020. Besides, who would not be intrigued by dealing a deck of cards with custom masked face cards!
COVID-19 Awareness Decks: Following a similar route, we also have a handful of Coronavirus playing cards. There are 12 design options to choose from including 52 Helpful Coronavirus Tips to keep you informed and safe as well as card backs with trending social distancing hashtags. All net proceeds will be equally donated to the Solidarity Response Fund for W.H.O., the American Red Cross and Feed the Children.
Playing Cards Crafted by Jews at Camp Vught
(January 1943 – Sept. 1944)
During World War II in the early to mid-1940s, these handcrafted playing cards were made at an SS (Schutzstaffel, or Protection Squads) camp known as Konzentrationslager Herzogenbus or Camp Vught. During the Holocaust, Nazi Germany built the camp in the Netherlands. Active for nearly 20 months, it reached a max of 9,000 Jews during May 1943.The Holocaust was the mass genocide of European Jews, where nearly two-thirds of Europe’s Jewish population were murdered. Adolf Hitler, the Anti-Semitic Nazi leader, believed that Jews were an inferior race. Nazi Germany built nearly 44,000 concentration camps for the purpose of ethnic cleansing. Today, we remember the Holocaust survivors and victims through Memorial Museums. Now, handcrafting playing cards did not start in a concentration camp. The process dates back to ancient China, where domino markings would be drawn onto slips of paper. The cards were then brought to Europe during the 14th century, where they sported more hand-painted designs. The origin and invention of playing cards can be attributed to a variety of cultures all around the world, which is why discovering new card designs that reflect the times during the Holocaust is fascinating to find.Throughout these points in
history, playing cards struck an appeal with a variety of people and cultures for
one reason or another. But it’s undeniable that the cards created at Camp Vught
symbolized a time when people were seeking a source of amusement, as well as a
means to accentuate their artwork.
The Card’s Designs
KINGS / QUEENS / JACKS: These cards represent the SS camp’s authority figures, as they are shown clothed in the British army’s uniform.
ACES: Buildings are illustrated on these cards, including the Protestant church shown on the ace of spades.
JOKERS: It is daunting, yet, unsurprising that these cards portray the prisoners themselves. They are shown pinned with the unlucky number 13 on their chest amid barbed wire and dust.
The handcrafted
playing cards created by the Jews at Camp Vught were preserved by the camp,
which has been turned into a national monument (Nation
Monument Camp Vught).Despite being created under such devastating and brutal circumstances, the
cards seemed to have played an amusing role during an unamusing time. Nevertheless,
the cards can be added to the long history of playing cards that we continue to
● Official Shuffled Ink website: ShuffledInk
● Make Your Own Custom Playing Cards at: ShuffledInk
At Shuffled Ink, we manufacture both Tarot and Oracle cards. The designs and creative interpretations of these allegorical cards stem from our client’s profound vision.And as Halloween creeps just around the corner, “spooky” season begins to settle in. Naturally, personalized tarot and oracle cards go hand-in-hand during October.Whether you visit a fortuneteller for a card reading or read the cards yourself, have you ever wondered the difference between Tarot and Oracle cards?
When you create a Tarot card deck, you are following a standard structure: a set of 78 cards that follow the Major and Minor Arcana. The deck consists of 22 cards following the Major Arcana and 56 cards represent the Minor Arcana.The Major Arcana portrays picture cards, numbered 0-21. These cards depict the realm of the material world, intuitive mind and change. Some of the titles given to each picture card include ‘The Fool (0),’ ‘The Magician (1),’ ‘The High Priestess (2)’, etc.
The Minor Arcana are issued into four groups with 14 cards in each: Wands, Cups, Swords and Pentacles. Unlike the Major Arcana, the Minor represents your daily-life happenings.
Oracle cards differ from Tarot cards because they do not follow a straight and narrow arrangement. Someone who customizes their own oracle deck of cards can create their own rules: how many cards go in the deck, the shape of the deck, the card’s images and meanings, the purpose of the deck. While you customize your oracle deck, you are also customizing your own theme.Oracle decks typically come with an interpretation booklet. This allows the reader to understand the images and words that you have created. When it comes to choosing whether you want to create a Tarot or Oracle deck, it’s all about preference. If you enjoy a preset structure to meet your creative needs, then Tarot Cards are the way to go. But if you would rather start from scratch and draw on your own rules and images, then the Oracle deck is a better route to pursue.
Shuffled Ink is a multigenerational family business specializing in printing custom playing cards, tarot & flash cards, packaging, and more for businesses and individuals worldwide.To receive complimentary samples of our tarot-card products, include your delivery address and phone number on your custom quote request form.
● Official Shuffled Ink website: ShuffledInk
● Make Your Own Custom Tarot Cards at: ShuffledInk
● Make Your Own Custom Flash Cards at: ShuffledInk