Category: Card Designers



If there’s a deck you wish to possess, but it doesn’t exist yet, then you must create it.

Tarot beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Not every single deck or card you choose will resonate, so it may take some time to find your tarot/oracle niche. And that’s where we come in!

At Shuffled Ink, our clients create by design and without limits. They are artists who channel creativity and develop their own guidelines. Having worked alongside a tremendous amount of these talented creators and illustrators, we’ve gathered an extensive collection of mystic cards that we’re excited to share with you!

Hopefully, one of these decks will speak to you, or perhaps inspiration will strike and you’ll customize a set of your own!

Lexa Luna Studio

“Be a good ancestor. Stand for something bigger than yourself. Add value to the Earth during your sojourn.” — Marian Wright Edelman, Activist

The Future Ancestor Tarot Deck

Our client, Alexa Villanueva, created this sacred tarot deck during quarantine. She used sumi ink, water color paper, scissors & fallen leaves and flowers from her surrounding home in Seattle, Washington. A love letter of hope, gratitude and commitment live and breathe in the card’s illustrations and translations.

The Future Ancestor Tarot deck pays tribute to those who came before us by honoring the land beneath our toes. When we are actively responsible for our own actions, we pave the way for future generations who will live on this Earth long after we are gone.

  • Goal: To connect you with your intuition & dreams; to provide one with a sense of comfort, grounding and guidance
  • Level: Beginner or seasoned reader
  • Number of cards: 78, including Major and Minor Arcana & a custom tuck-box
  • Guide Pamphlet
The Future Ancestor Tarot Deck
The Future Ancestor Tarot Deck

All Things Intuitive TM

“Take each message as it resonates.” — Kris, Founder of ATI

All Things Intuitive founder, Kris, is an oracle creator and reader. Established in 2019, her mission is to provide independently created oracle cards and products to those looking to exercise divination tools, regardless of experience. All of the Oracle decks listed below are available in our Client Shop.

The Hidden Truth

Through your looking glass, seek knowledge about and answers from your Divine Masculine, Divine Feminine, a former love, your own higher self, their higher self, and/or a lost love? Simply ask to receive The Hidden Truth.

The Hidden Truth v2

Messages of Love

This candid romance oracle deck, the Messages of Love, answers questions about love, sex, twin flames, soulmates, past-life connections, and more. This deck is designed for any type of relationship.

Messages of Closure

Messages of Closure is a 54-card oracle deck created for those who have unfinished business with someone who has passed away.

The person you’re trying to connect with may have been a spouse or significant other, a parent or grandparent, a friend, or nearly anyone. This oracle card deck can help to provide the answers you seek, especially if the relationship was difficult.


In the Shadows

The In the Shadows deck holds energy for healing, cleansing and universal love.

What do you need to know about your person? What do you need to understand about your person? These shadow messages can give you insight into your connection. If you prefer straightforward messages, then this may work for you.



Everyday Magic

 “After much trial and tribulation the deck named itself the Wayhome Tarot.” — Bakara Wintner & Autumn Whitehurst, Wayhome Creators

Wayhome Tarot

Everyday Magic is an online shop that sells tarot and oracle cards, crystals, home goods and bath products. We’ve manufactured a handful of decks for this wonderful company, including the two featured below.

May we all find our way home through Wayhome Tarot. Filled with 78 images that cast a familiar feeling to the receiver. This deck is for any person who is willing to allow magic to seep into their daily human lives.



This Durham-based company is among my personal favorites. Another one of their decks, the Postcards from the Liminal Space (which unfortunately is sold out), sits on my own desk. I find myself flipping through the cards to admire its detailed illustrations and, at times, even use its insight to channel sense in mundane things.


“They have the messages you may not want to hear, but you need to hear.” –Shannon Gomez, Creator of REBEL Deck

Rebel Deck (the original) If you’re looking for a light, funny and raw oracle experience, then Shannon Gomez’ REBEL Deck is best suited for you. Introducing divination with a modern twist and cards that do not hold back.

Rebel Deck (Couples Edition)

Connecting with others is just as important as connecting with yourself. The REBEL Deck Couples Edition is authentic, rebellious and foul-mouthed. Simply ask the cards what you and your partner need to know right now. These messages will tell it like it is with no interpretation necessary.

Both decks include:

  • 60 cards
  • 58 message cards, 1 cover card and 1 instruction card
  • For the “Here and Now”
  • Premium Card Stock 330gsm Black Core
  • Each card measures approx. 2.75″ x 4.75″
  • Shrink-Wrapped Matte Custom Tuck Box
  • Makes for a unique gift
  • Unicorns NOT INCLUDED

Indie Deck Hub

In August, Gomez launched Indie Deck Hub, a digital marketplace that specializes in independently created card decks. This is a space for creators to sell their products and for indie supporters to buy decks directly from the creator.

Three Trees Tarot

“Beautiful tarot cards with roots in the enchanting, natural world.” — Stephanie Burrows, Creator of Three Trees

Oak, Ash & Thorn Deck

For nature lovers. In folklore, the site of oak, ash and thorn trees entwined on a hillside mark the dwelling of spirits or the entrance to the other world. These trees come together with a collection of woodland animals to create a stunning and unique tarot art deck.

  • Eco-friendly
  • 83 cards total, equipped with the standard 78 (22 Major Arcana, 56 Minor Arcana) + two companion reference cards, a secret bonus card and two additional art cards
  • Custom Tuck Box
  • Eco-friendly
  • 400 gsm card stock, matte finish with anti-scuff laminate

They will be restocking on Nov. 25, 2020. Follow their media platforms for more updates.

Oak, Ash & Thorn Tarot Deck

The Oak, Ash & Thorn Deck was created by Stephanie Burrows and illustrated by Adam Oehlers.

Finding Your Tarot Deck

Hopefully this list has shown you that there’s undoubtedly a tarot and/or oracle deck out there for you. But if nothing piqued your interest, then here’s my advice to you. Playing off a quote about books by the late American Novelist Toni Morrison, if there’s a deck you wish to possess, but it doesn’t exist yet, then you must create it.


TAROT SPREADS FOR HALLOWEEN A tarot spread is designed for nearly anything: guiding one’s love life, career path and uncertainties… there are even ones that align nicely with Halloween. So, while the world has been undeniably spooky since March 2020, let’s not press the snooze button on such a thrilling time of year!With Halloween in mind, we designed three spreads for you to incorporate into this Fall’s tarot card reading routine!

1. The 6s

This spread revolves around the number six. 6 cards, questions and rows (1 column). A number, title and open-ended question is assigned to each card.

The Tarot Spread:

(1) Monster Mash: How do you interact with others during social settings?(2) The Seer: What magic (passions) do you tap into daily?(3) Pumpkin Patch: How do you feel about the choices you have made?(4) Costume: When do you resort to putting on a façade?(5) To the Bone: Are you in-touch with your mind, body and soul?(6) Kindled Spirit: What is your relationship with love like (whether romantic or platonic)?

2. Hallow v. Hollow

In this spread, determine whether the presented statement is hallow or hollow to you. The Major Arcana, which consists of 22 cards, is suggested.

Hallow: to respect greatly

Hollow: without significance

It’s up to you whether to use these exact statements or pose your own. Remember, there is no right or wrong answer, as the Hallow v. Hollow spread is designed to discover who you are.

The Tarot Spread:

(0) The Fool: Explore new paths.(1) The Magician: If the opportunity is presented, strive toward the aspiration(s).(2) The High Priestess: Listen to your instincts.(3) The Empress: Build a family of your own (if you do not have children). Fulfill your nurturing side (if you do have children).(4) The Emperor: Cut yourself slack when in pain mentally or physically.(5) The Hierophant: Commitment to your partner.(6) The Lovers: Use integrity to follow-through with decisions, regardless of difficulty.(7) The Chariot: Positive relationships with work colleagues and employer(s).(8) Strength: Prevail during dark moments and return stronger.(9) The Hermit: Ensure time alone without completely withdrawing.(10) Wheel of Fortune: Respect and kindness toward those around you (strangers, employees, employer, peers, family, friends, etc.).(11) Justice: Learn from your trials and tribulations.(12) The Hanged Man: Seek change when unhappy.(13) Death: Allow yourself to mourn the loss of a loved one, a dream, a friendship/relationship(14) Temperance: Pursue tranquility through breathing exercises, yoga, sleep, etc.(15) The Devil: Weigh all options even when overwhelmed with making decisions.(16) The Tower: Help others around you when an unprecedented event occurs.(17) The Star: Allow past negativity to follow once you’ve turned over a new leaf.(18) The Moon: Once you wake up, write down the dreams you just had.(19) The Sun: Read or learn about enlightenment so it can be fully sought.(20) Judgement: How others perceive you, whether accurate or not.(21) The World: Share your experiences and hardships with others to raise awareness.Arrange the cards to your liking.

3. Full Moon Scorpio

If you research the Full Moon Scorpio, you’ll find that many interpret the spread differently. But this isn’t to say that one spread is more accurate than the other. Ultimately, with any spread, it is up to you to decide how many cards to use and what questions will be prompted.We’ve chosen this spread for a couple of reasons. First, on Oct. 31, 2020, it is predicted that a full moon will illuminate the night sky…and second, the astrological sign, Scorpio (Oct. 23 to Nov. 21) coincides with Halloween.You can use this spread directly, as a guide or disregard it completely.According to astrologers, the Earth’s gravitational pull, which influences many components in our world, is responsible for your personality, or zodiac sign. So, it is unsurprising that many people believe that a Full Moon can alter your behavior, mood and disposition. To provide some Scorpio-sign insight, the attributes include being curious without limits, trustworthy, devoted, persistent and strategic.

The Tarot Spread:

  • 8 Cards to recognize Scorpio as the eighth astrological sign
  • 5 Questions / Reflections to represent the number of attributes listed
    1. How are you balancing various parts of your life?
    2. What are your career goals?
    3. Do you feel a difference in your mood as the full moon approaches this year?
    4. Where do you stand with family members?
    5. Reflect on your openness toward others.
  • Layout: 2 rows, 4 columns

Design the Cards and Spread

Whether the spread you use is original or taken from our suggestions, consider sharing your insight and knowledge with a custom-designed tarot deck. The options are unlimited: Choose and create your own personal designs, card size, number of cards, instructions, booklets or any custom-printed accessories and packaging.Print artwork that caters to the spooky holiday or any style. To spark some creativity, here are some tarot and oracle cards created by our awesome clients.

Oracle Cards by Everyday Magic

Featured deck: Clipart Tarot. Custom-designed packaging and cards.

The Fever Tarot Deck

This deck illustrates a collection of individuals including The Nurturer, The Scientist & The Maker

Shuffled Ink specializes in printing customized playing cards and games as well as tarot & flash cards for business, personal, promotional, advertising, and/or marketing purposes. ● Official Shuffled Ink website: ShuffledInk ● Make Your Own Custom Tarot Cards at: ShuffledInk


POLITICAL PLAYING CARDS OVER THE YEARS Political playing cards were created during the 17th century by artists who wanted to convey specific messages through art. They put well-known figures in the hot seat, bringing attention to presidential candidates, members of congress, war generals, parliament and more.These cards are fairly similar to political cartoons. Both use satire to illustrate politicians, public figures and worldly happenings. The portraits, which are still produced today, address newsworthy topics in an artistic and entertaining way.So, since 2020 is a presidential election year, now is the perfect time for a playing card history lesson. Let’s explore how these illustrations and messages have changed over the years.

Knavery of the Rump (1679)

In 1679, artist Francis Barlow designed playing cards to characterize Oliver Cromwell’s Government. As the head of state in the Commonwealth of England, Cromwell fought to remove the monarch from power.The 10 of clubs reveals Cromwell’s imbalance between his faith and morals. The card reads, Oliver seeking God while the K. (Don Hafelrigg K) is murdered by his order.

The Head

This infamous fact shows some perspective on the people’s perception of Cromwell — a couple of years after his death, those who supported the monarch dug up his grave, detached his head from his body and displayed it outside of Westminster Hall on top of a pole. It remained there for 28 years.

French Republic Playing Cards (1793-1794)

For obvious reasons, Liberal Republicans from France completely revamped their playing card deck in 1793. The rule of law, which suggests that no one is above the law, and the French Revolution, inspired the Revolutionnaire playing cards above.Since the French Revolution ultimately ended the monarchy, traditional court cards didn’t seem appropriate anymore. The Kings, Queens and Jacks were replaced by Liberty, Equality and Fraternity. This holy trinity continues to act as an important part of their national heritage. The “Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité” motto was even written into the constitution in 1958.

Army & Navy Deck (1865)

Including text is not a necessity on political playing cards. Most of the time, when done properly, an illustration can successfully deliver the message on its own.In 1865, artist Andrew Dougherty commemorated the switch from wooden to ironclad warships through playing cards. The King, Queen and Jack court cards display caricature-like drawings of civil war naval members. These cards show the new iron ships in action as well as soldiers yielding rifle-muskets during the Battle of the Monitor and the Merrimack in 1862.

Anti-Religions Propaganda Deck (1931)

In 1931, Russian authorities created these playing cards to push their anti-religion agenda. The Joker card directly above quickly sums up the USSR’s motives. The winged man symbolizes capitalism and the kneeling figures are the four religions. The suits depict each religion as well: Clubs for Eastern Orthodox; Hearts for Roman Catholicism; Spades for Buddhism; Diamonds for Judaism.These drawings suggest that the Russians wanted their citizens to see religion as skewed and untrustworthy. This radiates propaganda, instilling the message that all respected religious figures are not as moral as they appear.The King of Diamonds features a rabbi reading the Torah while also engrossed by money. The Queen of Clubs shows an Eastern Orthodox nun with a man in the background. This insinuates that the woman finds him desirable despite her loyalty to God. The Jack of Hearts illustrates a Roman Catholic priest wrongfully thinking lustful thoughts amid a prayer.

Atouts de la Vie Card Game (1940)

During WWII, Madame Lucien Willemetz designed various card games. She is well-known for creating the educational board game Le Jeu de l’histoire de la France as well as the wartime card game Atouts de la Vie.This card game emphasizes work ethic, honor, discipline, etc. Ironically, the French government did not adhere to the principles they so desperately sought to instill in their citizens. Nevertheless, the object of the game is to collect all ten virtues.


Connecting news and art through playing cards is such an innovative way to tell a story. 2020 has certainly been jam-packed with activity. So, if you’re looking to create custom cards similar to the ones above, then find a person who or an idea that is important to you and illustrate it onto any playing card product.Some of our clients, including our own company, created COVID-19 decks at the start of quarantine. These decks are informative and capture the pandemic in all its uncertainties. You think it, we print it.To receive complimentary samples of our card products, include your delivery address and phone number on the custom request a quote form. ● Official Shuffled Ink website: ShuffledInk ● Make Your Own Custom Playing Cards at: ShuffledInk ● Make Your Own Custom Card Games at: ShuffledInk


DRAWTOBER: FALL-INSPIRED ART This October, all artists are welcome to share their passion for art in Drawtober. This community-driven Instagram competition promotes originality within every creative medium. While there are very few (if any) strict rules, participants must incorporate the theme, Harvest Festival, into each design.Hosted by Timothy Von Rueden, the inclusive art challenge starts on Oct. 1 and naturally closes after Halloween night. Below is the Drawtober 2020 calendar, which presents this year’s 6 prompts: Carvings, Wicked Apothecary, Midnight Feast, Folklore, Ancient Rituals and Harvest Festival.We encourage our incredible client creators at Shuffled Ink to submit your talented artwork to the contest with the hashtag #DRAWTOBER2020. Perhaps the fall-inspired designs will spark several concepts for your next custom card projects!


Submit ANY design (whether you created it for Drawtober or not) by using the hashtag #ShuffledInkArt or tag us @ShuffledInk on Instagram. The winner will receive 10 FREE decks with that artwork on a standard 54-card deck of poker-sized cards with custom card backs and standard faces. We are excited to see your awesome art!
● Official Shuffled Ink website: ShuffledInk ● Make Your Own Custom Playing Cards at: ShuffledInk ● Make Your Own Custom Tarot Cards at: ShuffledInk ● Make Your Own Custom Card Games at: ShuffledInk ● Make Your Own Custom Flash Cards at: ShuffledInk


bubble playing cards Thomas Bowles established his printing shop in the late 17th century. He not only dominated the London market well into the next century but also bred four generations of printmakers. The Bowles family specialized in maps, guidebooks and topographical prints as well as produced some playing cards and games.In 1714, shortly before Thomas’ demise, he passed the business to his oldest son, Thomas II. He followed in his father’s footsteps as a successful printseller and publisher, opening a shop in St. Paul’s Churchyard. His younger brother, John, managed his own shop as well, creating original map designs for clients.John’s son, Carington, worked alongside him for ten years as John Bowles & Son. Thomas II’s son, Thomas III, was destined to follow in the same path but, unfortunately, died the same year he joined the partnership. In 1767, Carington’s son, Henry Carington Bowles, took over the family business.In this article, we will look at playing card decks and illustrations as well as games printed, published and sold by the Bowles family.

South Sea Bubble & Mississippi Scheme Decks (1721)

In our previous article, Card Games Created During Pandemics, we mentioned the South Sea Bubble playing cards, which were printed by Thomas II. Illustrated on the cards are individuals and companies partaking in phony joint-stock investment trades. This get-rich-quick eagerness backfired, leaving many in economic despair.During the Mississippi Scheme, the stock market boomed across Europe when John Law, an economic theorist, sold his company shares to the public to try to retire their debt. The French government succumbed to the momentary frenzy and began printing an excessive supply of paper money. Once inflation increased, the money was invaluable. The cards depict the various schemes that led to these stock market crashes.A set of playing cards satirizing speculation schemes © CHRISTIE’S 2020.

The Beggar’s Opera Playing Cards (1728)

Printing satirical pieces were the Bowles’ niche. The Beggar’s Opera, written by poet John Gay, parodies various Italian work. It also implements comedy and political satire in songs set to contemporary and traditional English, Irish, Scottish, and French tunes. These cards, published by John Bowles, mirror the music and lyrics from Gay’s opera. The sheet music shares the same space as the court figures. The faces are in the upper left-hand corner of the playing cards.

The Spendthrift (1760-1767)

This is not playing card art, but it does portray a young man’s experience with gambling and gaming. The illustration shows a deck of sprawled out playing cards and an empty glass sitting on the table. It is assumed that he lost a great sum of money during a poker-related game. Carington Bowles published this print.

Bowles’ Geographical Game of the World

Henry Carington Bowles created a game for players to gain knowledge about various parts of the world. Published in the late 1700s, the board game embodies Western Christian views on the world. The period speaks volumes. One of the game’s punishments is to move backward if you land on Mecca. Players spin a teetotum (spinning dice) to move their markers around the map game.

Bowles’ Geographical Game of the World Game Board

Bowles’s Geographical Game of the World, case front

Bowles’ Geographical Game of the World, case back

[Bowles’s Geographical Game of the World], map, [1803..1821]; London, England. ( accessed April 8, 2021), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting UNT Libraries Special Collections.

Custom Cards with Shuffled Ink

Shuffled Ink resembles the Bowles’ business in some ways. We are also a family-owned printing company. Founder Charles Levin started the custom playing card business in 1999, and today, three of his children work alongside him. Matthew is the Vice President, Lisa is a Project Manager and Jonathan is an Operations Manager. Shuffled Ink specializes in producing decks of custom playing cards, card games and tarot & flash cards for individuals and companies around the world.To receive complimentary samples of our card products, include your delivery address and phone number on your custom request a quote form.


Hanafuda playing cards The Nintendo Company is a dominating force in consumer electronics, but what you may not know is it started out selling handpainted playing cards. Fusajiro Yamauchi founded Nintendo Koppai in the late 1800s, manufacturing Hanafuda, also known as flower cards.

Flower Cards

  • The cards represent the calendar of Old Japan.
  • 12 suits dedicated to each month.
  • Four cards per suit.
  • The column on the far right represents the first month. Analyze from the bottom-up; the months are in order from right to left.
  • Used for gambling purposes and to play the Japanese Flower Game.

The 131-Year History

The Japanese government was against any Western influence, so in the early 17th century, they banned all playing cards and games that symbolized the culture. Yamauchi ended up successfully manufacturing the Japanese-inspired playing cards featured above. He worked around the restrictions by replacing the traditional Western-style suits, court figures and numbers with scenic nature landscapes. But the ban did not last forever. Once repealed on the cusp of the 1900s, Yamauchi established the Nintendo Playing Card Company. He continued to manufacture Hanafuda cards but added European-designed card products to the mix.On top of the tech consoles like the Nintendo Switch and Mario video games, Nintendo still creates playing cards to pay tribute to its roots.

Our Story

No matter what industry you’re in, redefining your products to keep up with the times is perfectly practical. In 1999, Shuffled Ink’s first product was the Super Deck, which came with a map and a deck of cards that included discounts and coupons for attractions, dinner shows, restaurants, shopping and golf & recreation. We marketed this product to Orlando hotels until 2006 when we reconstructed the company’s vision and became a custom game manufacturer. Today, we produce top-quality custom printed playing cards, customized card and board games, personalized tarot and flash cards and more! While Nintendo’s reach is on a larger scale than our family-owned company, the principle remains. Innovation is key.

Create Your Own

The playing card decks we all know and love are custom products, so who’s to say that you can’t create an iconic deck that’s similar to the Hanafuda cards? At Shuffled Ink, we have a vast amount of resources available. Not only is our graphics team by your side throughout the entire design process, but your artwork and colors will remain in its original form when printed onto our well-crafted card stock. Feeling inspired yet? Request a quote and get started on your special card project today! ● Official Shuffled Ink website: ShuffledInk ● Make Your Own Custom Playing Cards at: ShuffledInk ● Make Your Own Custom Card Games at: ShuffledInk


PROMOTE YOUR ART USING CUSTOM CARDS Not sure how to start promoting your art? Consider printing 54 of your original designs on a deck of playing cards! With our text, image and card size options, every component of your product is completely customizable.Here are some tips on how to optimize marketing your artwork with our custom cards.

Playing Card Art

1. Personal Branding Your Art

Every creator must establish his/her brand. A personal brand is how an individual’s business is perceived based on actions taken to market product(s) within an industry or a community.This means that your artwork should exemplify what you stand for as an artist. Luckily, the possibilities to create are endless. Your 54-card poker-sized deck comes with two jokers, all of which are customizable.Your card project can feature 54 different art designs, 4 consistent artwork sets for each suit, one illustration set to the card backs and faces, etc. With any idea that comes to mind, we will ensure that your vision comes to fruition.Now, there are more card options to choose from when promoting your artwork. If your art fits well in the spiritual realm, market using tarot or oracle cards. These decks include 78 cards, which allows for an endless supply of art concepts to dabble in.

Tarot Card Art

2. Custom Packaging

Presentation is equally as important as the art you choose to showcase. After all, the card packaging will catch the consumer’s eye first. Just like the card backs and faces, the packaging is completely customizable. Here are our specialty box options:

Custom Two-Part Box

Custom Tuck Box

Post-Consumer Custom Tuck Box

Hard Clear Plastic Case Classic

White Window Tuck Box


Plastic Banding


3. Social Media Exposure

Nowadays, social media is among the main tools used in business and personal marketing. If you don’t have a Facebook, Instagram or Twitter account, we highly suggest that you create at least one. These platforms are perfect for publicizing your exclusive illustrations and products.We recommend that you include your social media handle(s) or website(s) on the deck of cards. This directs future and current consumers to your supplementary art pieces and collections. Gaining followers on these media sites will only increase website traffic and engagement.

4. E-Commerce Site

Once your art is printed on any of our custom cards, consider establishing an online store to support your product(s). Setting up an e-commerce site makes it easier for clients to purchase your designs, whether they are featured on a deck of cards or canvas.If you aren’t interested in creating your own online platform, Shuffled Ink will lessen the load by selling your card products in our Client Product Shop on Shopify. Even if we didn’t manufacture your product, you’re still able to sell in our shop!Alternative online marketplaces charge significant referral and percent of the sale fees, but this is not our approach. We achieve our greatest success by directly partnering and investing in your success. After all, our motto since 1999 has always been “Your success is our success”.

How It Works?

Our Client Product Shop works in two easy ways:
  • Purchase bulk inventory for Shuffled Ink to store and sell
  • On-demand production arrangements that allow you to sell your product without having to purchase bulk inventory
When you opt into our Client Shop program, there are NO:
  • % of sale or referral fees
  • setup or service charges
  • monthly minimums or inventory storage costs

Market Your Art

The sky is the limit when it comes to creativity and customization, which is why we don’t charge fees for extra colors. Whether you prefer a matte, smooth or linen finish, your art will remain in its truest, original form when printed onto our well-crafted card stock.The principles of marketing are constantly changing. So, take advantage of your opportunities and get your art out into the world with our playing card products. ● Official Shuffled Ink website: ShuffledInk ● Make Your Own Custom Playing Cards at: ShuffledInk ● Make Your Own Custom Card Games at: ShuffledInk


HOW TO USE AFFIRMATION CARDS Referring to affirmation cards as the modern-day tarot or oracle may be a stretch. While these cards do share similar qualities to oracle decks, they ultimately fall under their own realm.Affirmation cards use short sentences or phrases to cast positive thoughts and energy. The idea is to empower and enlighten the card reader as well as urge them to release any negativity. These cards have a powerful impact on one’s soul and will relieve the heaviness that comes with past mistakes.

Reading Affirmation Cards

Unless you are actively negating each card that you read, it is nearly impossible to use affirmations incorrectly. Let’s say you pick up a card with the affirmation “I Am Motivated”. How do you approach this message? To get the most out of your affirmation cards, here are three exercises to try.
  1. Ask Questions: Upon reading the card “I Am Motivated,” the first thought that comes to mind may help indicate where your motivation should be directed. Perhaps explore the parts of you that need improvement in the motivation department or recognize the ways that you are motivated. No matter the route you choose, it is important to ask questions: Why did this thought enter my mind? Where else do I need to seek motivation? How can I get to a point where I proudly and truthfully say, “I am Motivated”?
  2. Use Your Imagination: Close your eyes. Imagine what motivation looks like. You may see the physical energy, yourself as you are or a new version of you that embodies motivation. This meditative exercise allows your thoughts to meet reality, awakening any trapped potential.
  3. Take Action: It is important to actively seek motivation in a healthy way. If you are able to and in the right frame of mind, channel your energy into this newfound drive and run with it. For example, try saying the phrase aloud while looking at yourself in a mirror.

Oracle & Affirmation

Unlike tarot cards, oracle and affirmations do not follow a standard set of rules. Affirmation card creators have complete creative liberties with phrases and artwork. Tarot cards divide into Major and Minor Arcana and feature the same set of characters like The Magician, The High Priestess, etc.Affirmation decks have unique influential phrases and card designs, but if you’re looking for card empowerment, tarot and oracle are also viable options. It all depends on the type of readings you are looking to pursue.

Modern History

Affirmation cards are relatively new, which means we are in the midst of compiling notes and determining the terminology that will go into its history.In Monte Farber’s book Quantum Affirmations: The New Energy Science of Conscious Manifestation, he supports the claim through scientific research that affirmations work. Monte describes Quantum Affirmations as a method for transforming the affirmations that you believe to be true and relating them to the experiences that are actually possible to endure.For example, he asks the reader to compare quantum affirmations to a “virtual pack of breath mints” (p. 189) that you take whenever a negative thought enters your mind. As I’m sure you’ve realized, there is no right or wrong way to approach affirmations, but the depth in which you are willing to soul search will influence an affirmation card’s success.According to psychologist Catherine Moore, there is science behind affirmation cards. Self-affirmation is a psychological theory that focuses on validating yourself through positive words to gain self-integrity. Moore acknowledges that it may feel silly to sit down and tell yourself how special you are, but it goes beyond just that. Your words must reflect your actions.

Take Action with Affirmations

When creating your own deck of affirmation cards, we are with you every step of the way. Regardless of the order size, we will personally discuss design options with you. And when you request a quote, you will receive instant pricing.Shuffled Ink encourages creativity, which is why we offer complimentary graphic support and do not charge extra color fees. To spark inventiveness, here’s a couple of our clients’ custom affirmation card designs.
The “I Am Power Deck” honors who you are. These daily affirmations provide a sense of personal pride, power and presence. One by one, turn each card over to use as daily affirmations, divination and a unique spin on traditional mala meditation.
Featuring stunning nature photos, these custom View-Changer Cards provoke questions that inspire reflection, conversation, team-building and relaxation.
The “I Am” Everything Affirmation deck is stacked with 30 powerful messages that reaffirm your amazing qualities & define who you are in the moment. Shuffled Ink is a multigenerational family business specializing in printing custom playing cards, tarot & flash cards, packaging, and more for businesses and individuals worldwide.To receive complimentary samples of our card products, include your delivery address and phone number on your custom quote request form. ● Official Shuffled Ink website: ShuffledInk ● Make Your Own Custom Tarot Cards at: ShuffledInk ● Make Your Own Custom Flash Cards at: ShuffledInk


PLAYING CARDS THAT PORTRAY HISTORY For thousands of years, we have linked playing cards to card tricks, games, gambling and art, but there are also card decks that reflect history.All cultures and societies have their respective innovations, conflicts and hierarchical structures.  And during experiences of greatness and despair, some artists depicted historic moments in time and legendary figures onto playing cards.

South Sea Bubble Playing Cards

In 1720, Thomas Carington Bowles created the satirical South Sea Bubble playing cards.  Unlike the smooth card stock that we use today, these cards were printed on copper plates.  The cards below depict the South Sea stock market’s fleeting boom and ultimate destructive collapse, which led France into an economic crisis.  Click on the image to see close-ups of each card.
The Jack of Hearts in this card collection indicates one of many unfortunate financial situations; this one is based on a distraught South Sea woman who has now lost a large quantity of her riches.The caption reads: A South Sea Lady having much improv’d, Her Fortune proudly slighted him the Lov’d, But South Sea falling, sunk her Fortune low, She would have had him then, but he cry’d no.

Playing Card Casino

The first legal casino house surfaced in 1638 Venice: The Ridotto. This enabled others to follow suit. During the 17th century, Louis XIV’s finance minister, Cardinal Mazarin, sought to provide revenue for the royal family, so he transformed the Palace of Versailles into a card-playing casino. The cards below feature French soldiers holding detailed playing card flags toward the sky, most likely to praise and glorify this newfound entertainment source.
Both government-controlled and underground casinos created a vast production of card materials. Soon after the introduction of gaming houses, Great Britain began charging a tax on card manufacturing. This led to the infamous Stamp Act of 1765. The tax implementation created strict rules on any forged printed materials like stamps and cards, resulting in felony charges, and in many cases, death.Stamp Act Excerpts, Playing Card Provisions:And for and upon every pack of playing cards, and all dice, which shall be sold or used within the said colonies and plantations, the several stamp duties following (that is to say)For every pack of such cards, the sum of one shilling.And for every pair of such dice, the sum of ten shillings.

WWII Map Decks

During World War II, prisoners of war used playing card decks to escape from German prison camps.  The United States Playing Card Company created card decks that helped at least 32 individuals escape and prompted more than 300 attempts.  Once applied with water, the POW would peel back each card to find escape routes.  The Escape Map cards will forever illustrate hope and perseverance during a time where danger and uncertainty were prevalent.

The Ace of Spades: Death Cards

Card suits and symbols were printed on more than just decks.  During the mid-20th century, the 101st Airborne Division painted the Ace of Spades emblem on their combat helmets for good luck.  But in Vietnamese culture, this card symbolizes death, humiliation and suffering.Two U.S. lieutenants decided to take advantage of this superstition by shipping only Ace of Spades decks to Southeast Asia where they scattered them across villages and the jungle.  This caused many Viet Cong fighters to flee at the sight of the Death Cards.  Even today, the Ace of Spades depicts psychological warfare used during the Vietnam War.

Legendary Figures on the Court Cards


Recognizing court cards (King, Queen and Jack) as prominent figures developed long after the establishment of the modern deck. So, in a way, while this “fact” has been debunked, the association is still true.For a period of time, and depending on the country, particular famous figures were assigned to a court card. For example, French and British decks identified their court cards with these four monarchs: Charles VII of France, the Biblical figure David, Alexander the Great and Julius Caesar.You may have noticed slight variations on face cards: Positioning of swords and hands, medieval attire and crown designs.  This is no coincidence.The Suicide King: The King of Hearts features an oddly positioned sword that is piercing the side of his head.  Never noticed?  Pull out your own deck of cards and look.  This is the only King who appears to be stabbing himself in the head with a sword. While the King of Hearts has varied in design throughout the years, there is always one consistency: The act of suicide or harm.


Queen playing cards have many face versions but the most common four figures are Pallas, Judith, Rachel and Argine.The Breakdown:
  • Queen of Spades: Pallas or Athena; the goddess of strategic war, courage and inspiration in Greek mythology.
  • Queen of Hearts: Judith; a Biblical figure and heroine
  • Queen of Diamonds: Rachel; the wife of Biblical figure Jacob
  • Queen of Clubs: Argine; anagram of Latin name Regina, which means Queen


The Jack face card was previously called a Knave, which means male servant.  Eventually, they realized that it did not make sense to have two Ks (with the King and Knave) or even a Kn since the first initial is present on the face cards.  But even the new term Jack had its flaws.  It was originally used in a demeaning manner, aimed toward lower-class people.
  • Jack of Spades: Hector, a Trojan Prince
  • Jack of Hearts: La Hire; member of Charles VII’s court and comrade to Joan of Arc)
  • Jack of Diamonds: Ogier, one of Charlemagne’s Knights
  • Jack of Clubs: Judah Maccabee, or Lancelot

COVID-19 Pandemic Depicted on Playing Cards

One day, people will be curious about the historic moments we once experienced – both the good and bad.  For example, the Coronavirus pandemic has created an entirely new world for us, where we social distance, wear masks and work from home.  Undoubtedly there will be recollections and statistics written in history books but playing cards will also be used to tell stories about the past.  We created a collection of COVID-19 Playing Cards with the intention of providing helpful virus tips, suggestions, statistics and more.  Like the South Sea Bubble cards, these decks will be great for future generations to discover and interpret historical events.
● Official Shuffled Ink website: ShuffledInk ● Make Your Own Custom Playing Cards at: ShuffledInk ● Make Your Own Custom Card Games at: ShuffledInk


CARD GAMES CREATED DURING PANDEMICS Pandemic outbreaks are constant threads in human history.  These worldwide infectious diseases date back to as early as 165 CE when the Antonine Plague struck the Roman Empire.  A curious observation that has recently circulated the internet is the roughly 100-year disease pattern: 1720 Plague; 1817 Cholera; 1918 Spanish Influenza; 2019 Coronavirus.It’s difficult to call these repetitions a simple coincidence, but we won’t go into deep conspiracy theories today.  Instead, here’s a list of the various card games, playing card designs and board games created during such unprecedented times.

1720: Bubble Playing Cards

The Great Plague of Marseille hit Western Europe in 1720, taking the lives of nearly 100,000 people in France.  While England feared the disease would spread to their own country due to the constant use of Marseille’s ports, they were also dealing with the repercussions of the South Sea Bubble.  The South Sea stock market collapsed less than a year after it started to boom.The playing cards featured below satirize the devastating financial crash, detailing both counterfeit and authentic investment trades that ultimately led to the demise of many fortunes.  Created and designed by Thomas Carington Bowles, the cards placed both a comical tone on a devastating financial time and helped to subside worries about the disease’s spread.

1817: Durak Card Game

Reports of Cholera can date back to 5th century B.C., but it wasn’t until 1817 that the first Cholera pandemic occurred.  Over the course of six years, this disease hit India, Sri Lanka, Thailand, China, Japan and parts of European territories like Russia.The card game Durak became popular in Russia during the 19th century.  Its exact origin is unclear, but it can be assumed that this game allowed for a decent distraction while Cholera spread throughout Russia.  There are numerous sources that label it as the most popular and well-known card game in Russia.  Durak’s objective is to avoid being the last player holding cards and requires a 36-card deck.Durak consists of two types of players: attackers and defenders.  A player who leads with the lowest trump card is the first attacker.  The player who sits to the left of the attacker is referred to as the first defender.  Once a player places a playing card into the middle, an attack is put into place.  Defenders will counter this attack by placing a higher-ranking card of the same suit into the middle.  Now, if the attacker placed a non-trump suited card into the middle, then a defender simply must play any trump card to beat the card played.If the defender succeeds, then the attacker can try again by playing a card that shares the rank of the previous card played.  Once the first attack/defend ends, the player to the left of the attacker makes their move.

1918: Uncle Wiggily Board Game

Spanish Influenza caused a global pandemic that killed nearly 50 million people.  Some of the authoritative measures taken during this 20th-century pandemic mirror our own methods against the Coronavirus.  This included quarantining those who were ill, closing schools and enforcing the value of handwashing and wearing masks.Playing card games and board games with one’s family increased in popularity during the 20th century.  Two years prior to the outbreak, Milton Bradley Co., an American board game manufacturer, transformed the famous novel, “Uncle Wiggily’s Adventures” by Howard Garis, into a board game.  The game’s popularity matched that of the novels’, allowing for the series to come to life in a visually appealing manner.  While the game has undergone many changes since its publication, it has reigned in popularity for over a century while also having survived the deadliest pandemic in history.

2019: Our Clients’ Card Designs

For the past seven weeks or so, we have been living in an unfamiliar world.  Reality hit home when the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) named COVID-19 a pandemic.We encourage both our clients and prospective clients to continue working on their customized game designs.  This is the perfect opportunity to take your mind off of the current situation. Consider creating a playing card project that brings enjoyment and entertainment.  Here are some incredible products that we have printed for our clients during COVID-19:
We at Shuffled Ink hope that you are staying safe during this pandemic.  Our manufacturing facility is fully operational and ready to assist you!  Stay safe, and we will get through this together! ● Official Shuffled Ink website: ShuffledInk ● Make Your Own Custom Playing Cards at: ShuffledInk ● Make Your Own Custom Card Games at: ShuffledInk