Those of us who love customized playing cards can at times succumb to the temptation to be dismissive and cool towards an uncustomized, namely a standard, deck of playing cards. You know what I mean: your typical Bicycle rider-back deck, a set of “plain” courts and face cards. The kind of deck we’ve all seen a gazillion times, so that we consider it entirely traditional and perhaps even bland.With that perspective, it came as somewhat of a surprise for me to discover that playing cards in the 1800s looked nothing like this. Let me place an imaginary deck of playing cards from that era in your hand, and tell you what you’d see. First of all, you’ll immediately notice that the card-backs are all white. Yes really: a plain white, with no back design at all. Then you look at the court cards and notice that they are all full-sized one way designs. And as you fan the cards in your hand, you notice that there are no indices on the corners of the cards. When you finally discover the Ace of Spades, you notice that it looks rather plain and ordinary, with the ornate and over-sized design typical of modern decks being altogether absent.So how did we get from this to the “standard” deck that we know today? Let’s visit some of the historical curiosities that have played a role in shaping our modern playing cards as we know them today.
Red and Black Suits
Today were expect a deck of playing cards to have red and black suits, but that’s certainly not how playing cards first looked. In fact the original suits used in Italian playing cards in the 1400s were Swords, Clubs, Cups, and Coins, and each of these had unique artwork, which wasn’t in any way strictly red and black. These suits were changed to Acorns, Leaves, Hearts, and Bells when playing cards were imported to Germany, which became a dominant producer of playing cards on the European market.But all that changed when French manufacturers developed new techniques for printing playing cards. Already in the early 15th century, France had developed its own suits as we know them today: Hearts, Spades, Diamonds, and Clubs. But the real genius came when the French producers of playing cards divided these four suits into two red and two black, and simplified the shape of pips so that they could be cheaply produced by stencil while remaining easy for card players to recognize them. Suddenly it became possible to use stencils to manufacture large amounts of cards quickly and easily by using a single image of a king, a queen, and a knave, in combination with stencils for the suit icons.Within a short time, the French had taken over the playing card industry, simply by sheer volume of production, since this method was far more efficient and simple than using wood cuts or engraving. As a result of this important commercial advantage, the French suits in red and black became familiar throughout Europe, with only pockets continuing with the German suits. And that’s how we got the red and black suits that we still use today!
Suit Pips and Names
It is hard to imagine playing cards with suits other than how we know them today: Hearts, Diamonds, Clubs, and Spades. But the four suits have actually undergone a significant evolution of artwork and of names. These changes owe much to the history of playing cards, and is closely connected with the different countries that were world leaders in playing card production in different times.Playing cards likely arrived in Europe via Egypt. The 14th century playing cards from the Mamluk period in Egypt used suits in four colours, using Cups, Coins, Swords, and Polo-sticks. These corresponded to the major pastimes and activities of the upper class, which was known to have a fondness for polo, for example. Italian and Spanish playing cards from that period also used Cups, Coins, Swords and Clubs as their suits, and are apparently indebted to the Mamluk suits that likely made their way across the Mediterranean with the help of traders. Even to the present day, these are the suits found on modern playing cards used in Italy and Spain, and are referred to as the Latin suits.When Germany became the world’s leading playing card producer, these suits changed to Acorns, Leaves, Hearts, and Bells, reflecting something of German culture and interests. Playing cards from nearby Switzerland are a variation of this, with Shields and Flowers being used in place of Leaves and Hearts.
But eventually France took over Germany’s dominance of the playing card industry, with new methods of production made possible by simplifying the deck into red and black suits, and the help of the printing press. When the capital of playing card production thus returned to Western Europe, these red and black suits then became the standard suits, using the familiar pips as we know them today, although at the time they were called Coeurs, Piques, Carreaux, and Trefles.Even though the pips that were introduced and popularized in France around 1480 are the ones we recognize today, they had not yet been assigned the names that are in common current usage. While the French word Coeurs indeed means Hearts and Piques (pikes) can be translated Spades, the word Carreaux (tiles) would best have been translated by the word Lozenge, which was the word used at the time to describe a rhombus or diamond shape. And while Trefles can be translated as Clover, the use of the term Clubs actually has a closer connection to the matching Italian suit of Bastoni, and hails back to the polo sticks of the Mamluk era. We simply can’t be sure why some of the French card names were abandoned. But what we do know is that it is the English card names that gained traction, and that’s what we still use today.
Interestingly, the English-French suits and court cards have a distinctly courtly flavour, while the Latin ones are military, and the Germanic ones are rustic. Some historians have suggested the possibility that the four suits are symbolic and represent the four classes of medieval society, which varied according to geographic and cultural origin where the decks were produced. For example, it is speculated that the Latin suits correspond to the church (Cups = chalices), merchants (Coins), peasantry (Batons = clubs), and military (Swords). Similarly it is suggested that the German suits correspond to the church (Hearts), nobility (Hawk Bells), peasantry (Acorns), and middle class (Leaves); while the French suits correspond to the church (Hearts), citizenry (Diamonds = tiled paving stones used in churches), peasantry (Clover = pig food and husbandry), and aristocracy (Spades = pikes or spearheads).At any rate, the major suits that we use today were firmly established in France by the end of the 15th century, and haven’t undergone any real change since then.
Card Backs
Prior to the the start of the 19th century, playing cards typically all had white backs. These convenient sources of paper could easily be conscripted for other uses, and were often written on and used for letters, notes, or drawing; and even used as credit notes. One extraordinary usage dates back to the 18th century in the Netherlands, where impoverished mothers left their babies at orphanages along with a message on the back of a playing card – the cheapest paper available – which would function as a form of ID, and had a message from the mother along with the baby’s name. Mothers that planned to return some day would leave just half a card, keeping the matching half as future proof of their parental connection.However the white backs also created practical problems: cards could easily become marked, and this presented an obvious issue when playing card games. Options were limited, especially if money was tight – it was costly to purchase a new deck, and returning the cards to the workshop for cleaning wasn’t an ideal or permanent solution either. Manufacturing techniques did improve in time, but the use of intricate patterns or small pictures on the back initially began as a commercially smart move to hide faults in the paper, thereby enabling producers to use cheaper grades of paper, or to minimize the issue of marked backs. There was a need to hide any signs of wear and tear, and that is what led manufacturers to print designs and pictures on the reverse of playing cards, by printing repeating geometric patterns of stars or dots.The first card backs with an actual original design were created in 1831, to commemorate the coronation of King William and Queen Adelaide. With the development of full colour lithiography, it became possible to produce card backs that were richly decorated, and these began to be produced from 1844 onwards. It didn’t take long before card backs were used for advertising and marketing, as well as artistic designs that helped make the cards more attractive or highlighted the ability of the artist and designer.
Poker and Bridge Size
Poker-sized cards may seem “large” in comparison to bridge sized cards, but originally playing cards were even larger in size than the ones we use today. The reduction in size from these larger cards to the “poker-sized” ones as we know them today is a later development in playing card history.Bridge-sized cards were first developed as a result of the growing popularity of card games like Bridge, which required players to hold large numbers of cards in their hand, and yet be able to easily determine their values. Whereas a standard poker-sized card is 2.5 inches wide by 3.5 inches high (64 × 89 mm), the narrow bridge-sized card is 2.25 inches wide by 3.5 inches high (57 × 89 mm), making them about 10% narrower, and more ideal for larger hand sizes.The designations poker-size and bridge-size simply refer to the size and don’t limit their usage to particular types of card games. Bridge-size cards can equally be used for poker, and poker-size cards can be used for other games like BlackJack, and in fact are typically used as such in many casinos. But these two sizes are now more or less standard, and date as far back as 1880s in playing cards printed by USPCC. Magicians and cardists tend to have a strong preference for poker-sized cards, due to the fact that their increased width makes them more suitable for manipulation, card sleights, and flourishing.
Tarot Cards
Tarot cards appear to have had a separate origin from regular playing cards, and were not a predecessor to the standard 52 card deck, despite claims of some that Tarot cards existed first. In fact the earliest surviving Tarot cards date from a period much later than regular playing cards, and they appear to have had an early use as additional trump cards. They consisted of 22 separate designs with allegorical illustrations, and were added to a standard deck in order to create a larger overall deck which was used first of all for gaming. While this larger deck possibly also functioned as a means of instruction and education, these extra cards were not first of all added as a result of an interest in the occult or for fortune-telling.As part of a 78 card tarot deck that could be used for more elaborate and complex games, tarot cards were only used for occultic cartomancy for the very first time around 1750. The symbolism and significance of the original illustrations that do date back to Renaissance Italy has been lost over time, and it is most likely that the original artwork of these additional cards simply reflects the 15th century cultural fashions of the day. The Tarot deck may have gained a life of its own in occult circles today, but this usage doesn’t pre-date the standard deck.
About the writer: EndersGame is a well-known reviewer of board games and playing cards. He loves card games, card magic, and collecting playing cards. This article first appeared on here.
● Official Shuffled Ink website: ShuffledInk
● Make Your Own Custom Playing Cards at: ShuffledInk
● Make Your Own Custom Tarot Cards at: ShuffledInk
● Make Your Own Custom Card Games at: ShuffledInk
● Make Your Own Custom Flash Cards at: ShuffledInk
Tarot is used to explore your past, present and future. The Major and Minor Arcana, which consist of 78 mystic cards, can tap into nearly any life situation, including love and romance. So, regardless if you’re single, in a relationship, married or somewhere in-between, allow these 3 suggested tarot spreads to provide you with meaningful insight this Valentine’s Day.
1. For Past Love
This spread dives into your previous connections. No matter the relationship’s duration or level of romanticism, it acts as a guide, particularly when unresolved feelings exist.The Spread: Thoroughly shuffle the deck, then arrange 8 cards into a heart shape. The questions and statements listed are assigned to each numbered card.
Demise: The factor(s) that contributed to the relationship’s end.
Lingering: What are you/or they holding onto from the relationship?
Evolve: How do you overcome #2?
Details: Describe the relationship.
Feelings: How did you feel about your previous partner before/during/after the relationship.
Self: Your feelings toward yourself before/during/after the relationship.
Gains/Losses: Things learned from the relationship.
The Future: How this experience could impact your future relationship(s).
2. For Present Love
For this spread, focus on a current relationship (official, on a break, in the talking stage or longing from afar). While conducting any of these readings, it’s important to be transparent about your thoughts on love as well as where you’re at in the relationship. This will help you to accurately understand both yourself and the other person involved.The Spread: The Goddess of Love symbolizes the number 6, so place 6 cards side-by-side on the table. The Present Love spread revolves around ideals, sentiments and connections.
Your feelings toward your partner.
Your partner’s feelings toward you.
The type of connection you have (physical, mental, spiritual, etc.).
Any past relationships that directly impact this one? Elaborate.
If yes to #4, how do you overcome them?
Your expectations for the relationship?
3. For Future Love
This spread channels your past and present relationship(s) to prep you for future ones. You will be using the Major Arcana (22 cards). Arrange each one to your liking.(0) The Fool: The path you wish to venture.(1) The Magician: Readiness toward the opportunities of love.(2) The High Priestess: Understanding your instincts.(3) The Empress: Readiness toward having a family (if you do not have children). Balancing partner and children (if you do have children).(4) The Emperor: Past relationship pain (mental, physical, etc.).(5) The Hierophant: Commitment to your future partner.(6) The Lovers: Most important/least important type of connection.(7) The Chariot: Balancing work with a future relationship.(8) Strength: Obstacles in a previous relationship and how it made you stronger for what awaits.(9) The Hermit: Ensure time alone without completely withdrawing from your partner.(10) Wheel of Fortune: Respect and kindness toward your partner, their family, friends, co-workers, etc.(11) Justice: What holds you back?(12) The Hanged Man: Do not fester or hold onto negativity.(13) Death: Release toxicity from previous relationships to make room for a clean slate with a new partner.(14) Temperance: How to overcome future arguments, disagreements, obstacles, etc.(15) The Devil: Weigh all options about your expectations for a partner and vice versa.(16) The Tower: Your reaction to an unprecedented event.(17) The Star: Thoughts about romance.(18) The Moon: How your dreams showcase love.(19) The Sun: Taking love for granted.(20) Judgement: How your partner perceives you.(21) The World: Openness toward conversing about past relationships with your future partner.
Design the Cards & Tar♡t Spreads
The path is far from narrow when designing tarot spreads and cards. Similar to how tarot can guide any situation, our card products can serve any purpose.Consider pairing the spread with personalized card art that pertains to your Valentine’s Day theme. As a Shuffled Ink client creator, you determine every single component: the design and style, card size and the number of cards. You can even go above and beyond by implementing custom instructions, booklets and packaging.Highlighted below are a few tarot and oracle cards created by our talented clients that may be perfect to use for Valentine’s Day reading. Click on each image to visit their website.
Twin Flame & Love Messages Oracle Card Deck by Covetalchemy
This Oracle deck was created with the classical themes of unrequited love, twin flame and soulmate energy. These novels and themes are quite relevant today, as they are loved around the world.Each card has a theme followed by a quote from famous Classic Victorian Gothic Novels. The deck is a blending of quotes from Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë and Jane Austen (Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice, Mansfield Park, Emma, Northanger Abbey and Persuasion).
The Twin Flames in Separation Oracle Deck by Liv Tarot
Separation Messages Oracle gives you 77 messages from your twin flame or soulmate’s higher self. This deck is for those who find themselves separated from their twin flames, soulmates or partners, withstanding little to no contact.These messages reveal what may be too difficult for your love to express: their thoughts and feelings toward your connection. The duration of separation, whether it has been a short amount of time or many years, does not matter.
Gratitude Grams get you out of your head and into your heart. These cards are beneficial for when you’re feeling stuck, trapped inside your own head, or feeling alone.It is a great tool to support where you are now and where you are going. Designed to remind you what a divine, beautiful being you are and how the world is a better place with you in it. These cards will help you build your gratitude practice.
This 54-card, candid romance oracle deck answers questions about love, sex, twin flames, soulmates, past-life connections and more. These cards are designed for any type of relationship.Take each message as it resonates. The deck can be used alone, as clarifies for tarot or alongside other oracle decks.
Shuffled Ink is a multigenerational family business that specializes in printing custom playing cards, tarot & flash cards, packaging and more for businesses and individuals worldwide.
● Official Shuffled Ink website: ShuffledInk
● Make Your Own Custom Playing Cards at: ShuffledInk
● Make Your Own Custom Tarot Cards at: ShuffledInk
Countless artists in the social media community have submitted their talented holiday/winter-themed designs to our December Card Art competition (closes Dec. 31). Each piece has already made this holiday season feel merry and bright. You can find entry examples at the end of this article.For now, let’s take a look at some holiday artwork that certainly goes down in history… just like good old Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.
Holiday Book Art
Clement Clarke Moore’s “The Night Before Christmas,” also known as “A Visit from St. Nicholas,” is a Christmas poem classic filled with colorful imagery to describe one Christmas Eve night.Through both imagery and text, a face is famously put to the icon that is Santa Claus: A jolly old elf with deep rosy cheeks and a round tummy.Moore also pushes the concept of Santa’s reindeer, which was first mentioned in A New Year’s Present, to the Little Ones from Five to Twelve Number III: The Children’s Friend, an anonymous 16-page booklet published in 1821 by a New York publisher named William Gilley.Excerpt from The Children’s Friend:
Old Santeclaus with much delight
His reindeer drives this frosty night.
O’er chimneytops, and tracks of snow,
To bring his yearly gifts to you.
Moore’s holiday story and the art that goes along with it, is widely known in households across America. Since its publication in 1823, hundreds of artists have tried their talented hands at illustrating this timeless story. Here are a few examples of artist’s cover art as well as a Coca-Cola advertisement based on the book.
Since the 1920s, Coca-Cola has included Santa Claus in ads
Publishers often incorporate every major holiday into their children’s books, especially under big brand names like Curious George and Corduroy. This not only allows children from all backgrounds to feel included but also opens a plethora of doorways for artists to showcase their talent in a family-friendly and educational way.
Picture books help children grasp the holiday, and while the text is undeniably important but for young kids, it is the artwork that first draws them into the story.
There’s a lot going on in this 1566 Pieter Bruegel the Elder oil painting. At first glance, you’ll notice a few things that may remind you of the holiday season: snow sticking to the ground; hustling to run errands; walking shoulder-to-shoulder with family and friends. But let’s dig a little deeper.Bruegel takes words and transforms them into visual art, displaying a visual scene from the Gospel of Luke, chapter 2, verses 1 to 5:”In those days a decree went out from Emperor Augustus that all the world should be registered in their own towns. Joseph also went from the town of Nazareth to the city of David called Bethlehem … with Mary with whom he was engaged and who was expecting a child.“Chaos fills the canvas as children throw snowballs, adults congregate to pay taxes and villagers fulfill daily tasks. Amid such contemporary normalcy, Bruegel weaves in the biblical excerpt above.To explore this piece further, click here.
Winter Art
Our manufacturing facility is located in Orlando, Florida, so it’s nearly impossible for us to experience a winter wonderland holiday. But for those of you who have to shovel snow while waiting for your car to warm up, here are a few stunning, and probably familiar, holiday pieces that we believe capture the essence of Winter.
This provides a lovely transition into today’s artists who have submitted original holiday art to our competition. The winner, which will be voted on and announced during the first week of January, will receive 10 poker-sized playing card decks with their submitted artwork on the card backs. Here are the winners from our October Art Contest: Marna Blakewell and Brittni Barraco.Below are some awesome submissions we’ve received so far:The last chance to submit (max of 3 designs) is Dec. 31 at 11:59 p.m.
Personalize a playing card deck for any holiday! When you create with us, we strive to ensure your vision meets reality. This means that our team of project managers and graphic designers work with you every step of the way. For more information about our products and services, feel free to call us anytime at 407-298-3579.
Shuffled Ink is a multigenerational family business that specializes in printing custom playing cards, tarot & flash cards, packaging and more for businesses and individuals worldwide.To receive complimentary samples of our card products include your delivery address and phone number on your custom request a quote form.
● Official Shuffled Ink website: ShuffledInk
● Make Your Own Custom Playing Cards at: ShuffledInk
If there’s a deck you wish to possess, but it doesn’t exist yet, then you must create it.
Tarot beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Not every single deck or card you choose will resonate, so it may take some time to find your tarot/oracle niche. And that’s where we come in!
At Shuffled Ink, our clients create by design and without limits. They are artists who channel creativity and develop their own guidelines. Having worked alongside a tremendous amount of these talented creators and illustrators, we’ve gathered an extensive collection of mystic cards that we’re excited to share with you!
Hopefully, one of these decks will speak to you, or perhaps inspiration will strike and you’ll customize a set of your own!
Lexa Luna Studio
“Be a good ancestor. Stand for something bigger than yourself. Add value to the Earth during your sojourn.” — Marian Wright Edelman, Activist
The Future Ancestor Tarot Deck
Our client, Alexa Villanueva, created this sacred tarot deck during quarantine. She used sumi ink, water color paper, scissors & fallen leaves and flowers from her surrounding home in Seattle, Washington. A love letter of hope, gratitude and commitment live and breathe in the card’s illustrations and translations.
The Future Ancestor Tarot deck pays tribute to those who came before us by honoring the land beneath our toes. When we are actively responsible for our own actions, we pave the way for future generations who will live on this Earth long after we are gone.
Goal: To connect you with your intuition & dreams; to provide one with a sense of comfort, grounding and guidance
Level: Beginner or seasoned reader
Number of cards: 78, including Major and Minor Arcana & a custom tuck-box
Guide Pamphlet
All Things Intuitive TM
“Take each message as it resonates.” — Kris, Founder of ATI
All Things Intuitive founder, Kris, is an oracle creator and reader. Established in 2019, her mission is to provide independently created oracle cards and products to those looking to exercise divination tools, regardless of experience. All of the Oracle decks listed below are available in our Client Shop.
The Hidden Truth
Through your looking glass, seek knowledge about and answers from your Divine Masculine, Divine Feminine, a former love, your own higher self, their higher self, and/or a lost love? Simply ask to receive The Hidden Truth.
The Hidden Truth v2
Messages of Love
This candid romance oracle deck, the Messages of Love, answers questions about love, sex, twin flames, soulmates, past-life connections, and more. This deck is designed for any type of relationship.
Messages of Closure
Messages of Closure is a 54-card oracle deck created for those who have unfinished business with someone who has passed away.
The person you’re trying to connect with may have been a spouse or significant other, a parent or grandparent, a friend, or nearly anyone. This oracle card deck can help to provide the answers you seek, especially if the relationship was difficult.
In the Shadows
The In the Shadows deck holds energy for healing, cleansing and universal love.
What do you need to know about your person? What do you need to understand about your person? These shadow messages can give you insight into your connection. If you prefer straightforward messages, then this may work for you.
Everyday Magic
“After much trial and tribulation the deck named itself the Wayhome Tarot.” — Bakara Wintner & Autumn Whitehurst, Wayhome Creators
Wayhome Tarot
Everyday Magic is an online shop that sells tarot and oracle cards, crystals, home goods and bath products. We’ve manufactured a handful of decks for this wonderful company, including the two featured below.
May we all find our way home through Wayhome Tarot. Filled with 78 images that cast a familiar feeling to the receiver. This deck is for any person who is willing to allow magic to seep into their daily human lives.
This Durham-based company is among my personal favorites. Another one of their decks, the Postcards from the Liminal Space (which unfortunately is sold out), sits on my own desk. I find myself flipping through the cards to admire its detailed illustrations and, at times, even use its insight to channel sense in mundane things.
“They have the messages you may not want to hear, but you need to hear.” –Shannon Gomez, Creator of REBEL Deck
Rebel Deck (the original) If you’re looking for a light, funny and raw oracle experience, then Shannon Gomez’ REBEL Deck is best suited for you. Introducing divination with a modern twist and cards that do not hold back.
Rebel Deck (Couples Edition)
Connecting with others is just as important as connecting with yourself. The REBEL Deck Couples Edition is authentic, rebellious and foul-mouthed. Simply ask the cards what you and your partner need to know right now. These messages will tell it like it is with no interpretation necessary.
Both decks include:
60 cards
58 message cards, 1 cover card and 1 instruction card
For the “Here and Now”
Premium Card Stock 330gsm Black Core
Each card measures approx. 2.75″ x 4.75″
Shrink-Wrapped Matte Custom Tuck Box
Makes for a unique gift
Indie Deck Hub
In August, Gomez launched Indie Deck Hub, a digital marketplace that specializes in independently created card decks. This is a space for creators to sell their products and for indie supporters to buy decks directly from the creator.
Three Trees Tarot
“Beautiful tarot cards with roots in the enchanting, natural world.” — Stephanie Burrows, Creator of Three Trees
Oak, Ash & Thorn Deck
For nature lovers. In folklore, the site of oak, ash and thorn trees entwined on a hillside mark the dwelling of spirits or the entrance to the other world. These trees come together with a collection of woodland animals to create a stunning and unique tarot art deck.
83 cards total, equipped with the standard 78 (22 Major Arcana, 56 Minor Arcana) + two companion reference cards, a secret bonus card and two additional art cards
Custom Tuck Box
400 gsm card stock, matte finish with anti-scuff laminate
They will be restocking on Nov. 25, 2020. Follow their media platforms for more updates.
The Oak, Ash & Thorn Deck was created by Stephanie Burrows and illustrated by Adam Oehlers.
Finding Your Tarot Deck
Hopefully this list has shown you that there’s undoubtedly a tarot and/or oracle deck out there for you. But if nothing piqued your interest, then here’s my advice to you. Playing off a quote about books by the late American Novelist Toni Morrison, if there’s a deck you wish to possess, but it doesn’t exist yet, then you must create it.
Style. Technique. Time period. These are just a few details that critics look for when placing artists into art movements.Art has a long history, which means pure originality may be rare at this point, but this isn’t to say that innovative art concepts are completely nonexistent. If anything, art’s extensive past provides contemporary artists with an endless supply of ideas to sample from.It’s likely that even your custom playing card and tarot designs emulate artwork that originated several millenniums ago. Let’s take a look!
Ancient Cave Art (B.C.E)
The earliest homo sapiens who walked the Earth etched and painted animals, human hands, symbols, etc. onto cave walls and rocks. What may look like simple drawings today are, in actuality, novelties. These are among the first pictures known to humankind, paving the way for future artists to advance the art form.
Rock shelter in India. ~ 13,000 B.C.E.
Drawings of a gaur, or Indian Bison, and human-like figures.
Frozen in time for us to reflect on, the clay illustration above heeds warnings of the Indian Bison’s threat toward humankind. Journalist Jo Marchant and photographer Justin Mott visited the caves where art and design were born, and in 2016, the Smithsonian Magazine published their article “A Journey to the Oldest Cave Paintings in the World”.These drawings and engravings tell stories, some of survival methods, others of fatal demises. But all with the intent to inform. While the names of the first artists may remain unknown forever, we recognize their tremendous impact on establishing art, whether they understood its future significance or not.
Mosaic Art
As time progressed, so did the the intricacy of art.The Greeks created mosaics, or floor and wall designs. Artists used small pieces of assorted material like shells, glass, stone, tile and pebbles to produce images like the one below. This medieval art style captured ancient lives, from their appearances and clothing attire to religious beliefs.
The European Renaissance focused on finding a new way to embrace life; a means for rebirth. Not only did politics, culture and the economy play into this way of thinking, but so did art.The Mona Lisa is one of the most famous Renaissance portrait paintings. Leonardo da Vinci redefined how women appeared in portrait art. Other artists used jewelry to emphasize status and side profile shots to highlight neutrality. In the Mona Lisa painting, da Vinci manipulates the woman’s mouth into a sly grin. This small but remarkable detail suggests that this Renaissance woman had a mysterious and enigmatic personality, which was an uncommon representation during this time.
Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci
Neglecting its art predecessors Baroque and Rococo, Neoclassicism implemented a realistic depiction of life. So, rather than painting with rose-colored glasses on, these artists urged to illustrate knowledge with reason.When a new art form surfaces, artists may undermine previous styles and genres, or even try to add their own flare to other works. To be frank, art shouldn’t have many restrictions. Artists should have the freedom to reap any style. But many Neoclassicist artists fought to erase art that they did not deem rational like the two previously mentioned. This new movement impacted not only art but society as well. The French Revolution was sobering and Neoclassical art mirrored that.
Oath of the Horatii by Jacques-Louis David
Ironically, the next genre to enter the art domain was Romanticism, which fell further from Neoclassical’s rational approach and expressed melodrama and sensationalism.The Age of Reason attitude was pushed to the side, allowing room for encouragement, emotion and ideation. Art does inspire art in many ways. In this case, Romanticism sparked insurgence.“Romanticism is precisely situated neither in choice of subject nor exact truth, but in the way of feeling” — French poet Charles Baudelaire.
Wanderer above the Sea of Fog: Caspar David Friedrich – The Kunsthalle (Hamburg)
This movement condemned creative liberties, dictating nearly every aspect of the piece. I wrote that art shouldn’t have many restrictions, but during the Academism period, artists adhered to strict, conventional formulas taught at the French Academy of Fine Arts, or Academie des Beaux-Arts and other European institutions. Academic art professionals, critics and teachers during this time would probably laugh at the phrase, “anyone can be anything.” If you weren’t already prestigious at the craft or didn’t know someone who could pull strings, then being part of the academic movement was probably not in the cards for you.
The Shepherdess by William-Adolphe Bouguereau.
Let’s travel to the beginning of the 20th century, when art spiraled into daunting images of skulled faces, morbid death, and immoral spirits. This work is comparable to Romanticism. Both intend to capture emotion, but they do so in wildly different ways.In a literature or art class, you may have been asked, “What is the deeper meaning?” On a few occasions, perhaps you could not find the depth in someone’s work. Well, if it wasn’t painstakingly obvious by the title, every single speck of symbolist art is meant to be symbolic and meaningful.The image below shows death taking the soul of a grave digger. This symbolizes how death creeps up and can take one’s life at any moment.
The Death of the Grave Digger by Carlos Schwabe
Taking a page from Symbolist art, Expressionism was also full of dark disturbances. One characteristic that separates these artforms, is the use of unconventional human appearances. In “The Death of the Grave Digger,” death is portrayed by a beautiful slender woman. If an Expressionist artist were to remake that painting, the soul-taker would look more haggard and disfigured.
Cardplaying by Otto Dix
In 1910, this type of art resurfaced with a new name to account for prehistoric drawings like religious symbols and various shapes carved into stone. Of course, these artists had access to more than just knives and stone, as well as loads of knowledge from past creators.Impersonal shapes, figures and colors decorated the canvases, lacking a clear subject.
Composition 5 (1911) by Vassily Kandinsky
Contemporary Art
Abstract, surrealism, photorealism, pop art, conceptualism, minimalism, street art — these are just some styles that fall under contemporary, or present-day art.All artists create in their own distinct way. At Shuffled Ink, we manufacture custom products like playing cards, games and tarot. This allows our client innovators to design without limits.In October, to reach out to more artists in the card community, we hosted a Card Art contest. The idea was to promote originality in one’s craft. Its structure intentionally resembled the canvases our contestants would be drawing on — blank and open for opportunity.During our month-long competition, we received hundreds of submissions from insanely talented artists. After learning a bit about these art movements, it may be easier to group these artists into certain categories.Featured below are some pieces entered to #ShuffledInkArt on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.
As long as there are thoughts, ideas and talented hands, art will continue to evolve. We can’t wait to see what’s to come.Shuffled Ink specializes in printing customized playing cards and games as well as tarot & flash cards for business, personal, promotional, advertising, and/or marketing purposes.
● Official Shuffled Ink website: ShuffledInk
● Make Your Own Custom Playing Cards at: ShuffledInk
● Make Your Own Custom Tarot Cards at: ShuffledInk
● Make Your Own Custom Card Games at: ShuffledInk
A tarot spread is designed for nearly anything: guiding one’s love life, career path and uncertainties… there are even ones that align nicely with Halloween. So, while the world has been undeniably spooky since March 2020, let’s not press the snooze button on such a thrilling time of year!With Halloween in mind, we designed three spreads for you to incorporate into this Fall’s tarot card reading routine!
1. The 6s
This spread revolves around the number six. 6 cards, questions and rows (1 column). A number, title and open-ended question is assigned to each card.
The Tarot Spread:
(1) Monster Mash: How do you interact with others during social settings?(2) The Seer: What magic (passions) do you tap into daily?(3) Pumpkin Patch: How do you feel about the choices you have made?(4) Costume: When do you resort to putting on a façade?(5) To the Bone: Are you in-touch with your mind, body and soul?(6) Kindled Spirit: What is your relationship with love like (whether romantic or platonic)?
2. Hallow v. Hollow
In this spread, determine whether the presented statement is hallow orhollow to you. The Major Arcana, which consists of 22 cards, is suggested.
Hallow: to respect greatly
Hollow: without significance
It’s up to you whether to use these exact statements or pose your own. Remember, there is no right or wrong answer, as the Hallow v. Hollow spread is designed to discover who you are.
The Tarot Spread:
(0) The Fool: Explore new paths.(1) The Magician: If the opportunity is presented, strive toward the aspiration(s).(2) The High Priestess: Listen to your instincts.(3) The Empress: Build a family of your own (if you do not have children). Fulfill your nurturing side (if you do have children).(4) The Emperor: Cut yourself slack when in pain mentally or physically.(5) The Hierophant: Commitment to your partner.(6) The Lovers: Use integrity to follow-through with decisions, regardless of difficulty.(7) The Chariot: Positive relationships with work colleagues and employer(s).(8) Strength: Prevail during dark moments and return stronger.(9) The Hermit: Ensure time alone without completely withdrawing.(10) Wheel of Fortune: Respect and kindness toward those around you (strangers, employees, employer, peers, family, friends, etc.).(11) Justice: Learn from your trials and tribulations.(12) The Hanged Man: Seek change when unhappy.(13) Death: Allow yourself to mourn the loss of a loved one, a dream, a friendship/relationship(14) Temperance: Pursue tranquility through breathing exercises, yoga, sleep, etc.(15) The Devil: Weigh all options even when overwhelmed with making decisions.(16) The Tower: Help others around you when an unprecedented event occurs.(17) The Star: Allow past negativity to follow once you’ve turned over a new leaf.(18) The Moon: Once you wake up, write down the dreams you just had.(19) The Sun: Read or learn about enlightenment so it can be fully sought.(20) Judgement: How others perceive you, whether accurate or not.(21) The World: Share your experiences and hardships with others to raise awareness.Arrange the cards to your liking.
3. Full Moon Scorpio
If you research the Full Moon Scorpio, you’ll find that many interpret the spread differently. But this isn’t to say that one spread is more accurate than the other. Ultimately, with any spread, it is up to you to decide how many cards to use and what questions will be prompted.We’ve chosen this spread for a couple of reasons. First, on Oct. 31, 2020, it is predicted that a full moon will illuminate the night sky…and second, the astrological sign, Scorpio (Oct. 23 to Nov. 21) coincides with Halloween.You can use this spread directly, as a guide or disregard it completely.According to astrologers, the Earth’s gravitational pull, which influences many components in our world, is responsible for your personality, or zodiac sign. So, it is unsurprising that many people believe that a Full Moon can alter your behavior, mood and disposition. To provide some Scorpio-sign insight, the attributes include being curious without limits, trustworthy, devoted, persistent and strategic.
The Tarot Spread:
8 Cards to recognize Scorpio as the eighth astrological sign
5 Questions / Reflections to represent the number of attributes listed
How are you balancing various parts of your life?
What are your career goals?
Do you feel a difference in your mood as the full moon approaches this year?
Where do you stand with family members?
Reflect on your openness toward others.
Layout: 2 rows, 4 columns
Design the Cards and Spread
Whether the spread you use is original or taken from our suggestions, consider sharing your insight and knowledge with a custom-designed tarot deck. The options are unlimited: Choose and create your own personal designs, card size, number of cards, instructions, booklets or any custom-printed accessories and packaging.Print artwork that caters to the spooky holiday or any style. To spark some creativity, here are some tarot and oracle cards created by our awesome clients.
Shuffled Ink specializes in printing customized playing cards and games as well as tarot & flash cards for business, personal, promotional, advertising, and/or marketing purposes.
● Official Shuffled Ink website: ShuffledInk
● Make Your Own Custom Tarot Cards at: ShuffledInk
Political playing cards were created during the 17th century by artists who wanted to convey specific messages through art. They put well-known figures in the hot seat, bringing attention to presidential candidates, members of congress, war generals, parliament and more.These cards are fairly similar to political cartoons. Both use satire to illustrate politicians, public figures and worldly happenings. The portraits, which are still produced today, address newsworthy topics in an artistic and entertaining way.So, since 2020 is a presidential election year, now is the perfect time for a playing card history lesson. Let’s explore how these illustrations and messages have changed over the years.
Knavery of the Rump (1679)
In 1679, artist Francis Barlow designed playing cards to characterize Oliver Cromwell’s Government. As the head of state in the Commonwealth of England, Cromwell fought to remove the monarch from power.The 10 of clubs reveals Cromwell’s imbalance between his faith and morals. The card reads, Oliver seeking God while the K. (Don Hafelrigg K) is murdered by his order.
The Head
This infamous fact shows some perspective on the people’s perception of Cromwell — a couple of years after his death, those who supported the monarch dug up his grave, detached his head from his body and displayed it outside of Westminster Hall on top of a pole. It remained there for 28 years.
French Republic Playing Cards (1793-1794)
For obvious reasons, Liberal Republicans from France completely revamped their playing card deck in 1793. The rule of law, which suggests that no one is above the law, and the French Revolution, inspired the Revolutionnaire playing cards above.Since the French Revolution ultimately ended the monarchy, traditional court cards didn’t seem appropriate anymore. The Kings, Queens and Jacks were replaced by Liberty, Equality and Fraternity. This holy trinity continues to act as an important part of their national heritage. The “Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité” motto was even written into the constitution in 1958.
Army & Navy Deck (1865)
Including text is not a necessity on political playing cards. Most of the time, when done properly, an illustration can successfully deliver the message on its own.In 1865, artist Andrew Dougherty commemorated the switch from wooden to ironclad warships through playing cards. The King, Queen and Jack court cards display caricature-like drawings of civil war naval members. These cards show the new iron ships in action as well as soldiers yielding rifle-muskets during the Battle of the Monitor and the Merrimack in 1862.
Anti-Religions Propaganda Deck (1931)
In 1931, Russian authorities created these playing cards to push their anti-religion agenda. The Joker card directly above quickly sums up the USSR’s motives. The winged man symbolizes capitalism and the kneeling figures are the four religions. The suits depict each religion as well: Clubs for Eastern Orthodox; Hearts for Roman Catholicism; Spades for Buddhism; Diamonds for Judaism.These drawings suggest that the Russians wanted their citizens to see religion as skewed and untrustworthy. This radiates propaganda, instilling the message that all respected religious figures are not as moral as they appear.The King of Diamonds features a rabbi reading the Torah while also engrossed by money. The Queen of Clubs shows an Eastern Orthodox nun with a man in the background. This insinuates that the woman finds him desirable despite her loyalty to God. The Jack of Hearts illustrates a Roman Catholic priest wrongfully thinking lustful thoughts amid a prayer.
Atouts de la Vie Card Game (1940)
During WWII, Madame Lucien Willemetz designed various card games. She is well-known for creating the educational board game Le Jeu de l’histoire de la France as well as the wartime card game Atouts de la Vie.This card game emphasizes work ethic, honor, discipline, etc. Ironically, the French government did not adhere to the principles they so desperately sought to instill in their citizens. Nevertheless, the object of the game is to collect all ten virtues.
Connecting news and art through playing cards is such an innovative way to tell a story. 2020 has certainly been jam-packed with activity. So, if you’re looking to create custom cards similar to the ones above, then find a person who or an idea that is important to you and illustrate it onto any playing card product.Some of our clients, including our own company, created COVID-19 decks at the start of quarantine. These decks are informative and capture the pandemic in all its uncertainties. You think it, we print it.To receive complimentary samples of our card products, include your delivery address and phone number on the custom request a quote form.
● Official Shuffled Ink website: ShuffledInk
● Make Your Own Custom Playing Cards at: ShuffledInk
● Make Your Own Custom Card Games at: ShuffledInk
This October, all artists are welcome to share their passion for art in Drawtober. This community-driven Instagram competition promotes originality within every creative medium. While there are very few (if any) strict rules, participants must incorporate the theme, Harvest Festival, into each design.Hosted by Timothy Von Rueden, the inclusive art challenge starts on Oct. 1 and naturally closes after Halloween night. Below is the Drawtober 2020 calendar, which presents this year’s 6 prompts: Carvings, Wicked Apothecary, Midnight Feast, Folklore, Ancient Rituals and Harvest Festival.We encourage our incredible client creators at Shuffled Ink to submit your talented artwork to the contest with the hashtag #DRAWTOBER2020. Perhaps the fall-inspired designs will spark several concepts for your next custom card projects!
Submit ANY design (whether you created it for Drawtober or not) by using the hashtag #ShuffledInkArt or tag us @ShuffledInk on Instagram. The winner will receive 10 FREE decks with that artwork on a standard 54-card deck of poker-sized cards with custom card backs and standard faces. We are excited to see your awesome art!
● Official Shuffled Ink website: ShuffledInk
● Make Your Own Custom Playing Cards at: ShuffledInk
● Make Your Own Custom Tarot Cards at: ShuffledInk
● Make Your Own Custom Card Games at: ShuffledInk
● Make Your Own Custom Flash Cards at: ShuffledInk
Our clients’ custom cards serve a unique and clear purpose. They create decks to raise awareness and educate, market their artwork, celebrate milestones and so on. With Shuffled Ink, the creative playing field is vast because there isn’t a cap on personalization options.So, if you’re looking to create a deck of cards with a distinct purpose, then feel free to follow our 4-step design guide. In this article, you’ll find helpful suggestions and strategies as well as examples of our clients’ custom card products.
1. The Purpose
Staying ahead of the game means constantly implementing new initiatives. If you’re a professional seeking to promote and market your brand or logo, an artist looking to use tarot cards as a canvas, or a card game designer working to crush your Kickstarter goal, then Shuffled Ink is best suited to bring your vision to reality.So, let’s run through the basics.Marketing 101
Who is your target audience?
What is the message/purpose?
How will you promote this campaign?
All three steps are extremely critical, especially if you’re designing custom cards for marketing, branding, promoting, client gifts, sales leads, trade shows, etc. It’s essential to nail down each of these steps, for example, you can easily craft an excellent message but misinterpret who the target audience is.
2. Choose Your Custom Product
We are positive that our dedicated service and graphics team will suit your needs and help cultivate your message. One of the fantastic parts about creating with us is that any product you choose is entirely customizable, so you make the rules. While Shuffled Ink provides the blank canvas, you are the artist — paint anything you like and in any color(s).Here are our products:
We have a variety of clients with bold visions for their playing card decks. Here are some messages that are often pursued:
Bringing Awareness: Speak to others through art. Many creators use playing cards to bring awareness to various subjects like saving endangered species and our ecosystems, portraying history, etc.
Promoting Brand/Company: Our clients also choose to print their company emblem, website and/or social media links on their deck of playing cards. This may seem like a simple act, but the impact is tremendous. Now, every single person who interacts with your playing card deck will have access to your supplementary content.
Merchandise: Selling or handing out company merch is a fantastic way to manifest your message into clients’ minds.
EXAMPLES:These illustrations by Give Me a Brief, raise awareness for our planet’s most endangered species.
This deck was printed for both gaming purposes and to raise awareness about the Spotted Lanternfly invading our ecosystem.
Astrodog Media is a Video Production Agency known for crafting high-quality videos and other digital media for businesses, agencies, and brands. The custom faces include different types of dogs floating in space and the backs show the logo.
The SD Office of Highway Safety designed custom playing cards to emphasize the importance of safe driving. Their message is clear: Beat Death. Don’t Cheat it. Instead of including tips and strategies, they let the artwork do all the talking. Each face card includes a reaper-like creature to instill the lurking reality that if you drive recklessly, death may be around the corner.
Flash Cards
If your purpose relates to teaching or training a certain skill, then flash cards are the route to go. Our endless custom options are perfect for educational cards since every person has a different way of teaching and learning. Basically, you dream it, we print it!
Train Employees: Creating PowerPoint presentations are not always an effective route for some business settings. These training flash cards encourage time management, communication skills, risk management, etc. It also reiterates the expectations that employers have for their employees and vice versa.
Teach Interview Skills: It’s never too early or late to start prepping for an interview, which is why there will always be a consumer for this custom card product. Whether it’s their very first one or their hundredth, it’s important to cultivate how they are going to present themselves to a potential employer. Putting one’s best foot forward means that they aren’t reading off a script and studying the basic interview talking points. Rather, they are prepared for the most difficult questions.
Learn a Language: Our clients are constantly setting the bar to new heights. An age-old skill like learning a new language can be interactive and exciting when you implement both visual and auditory elements. Our suggestion is to set your purpose apart from all others. Go against the grain and introduce a new way to learn a language. Consumers are always looking to try new things and if they like what they experience, then word will spread, and you’ll gain more clients.
EXAMPLES:These flash cards are for training purposes in a work environment.
This ultimate Interview Survival Kit includes over 50 tips & strategies to help secure your dream job.
These audio-enhanced flash cards, known as Linguacious are geared toward children. An image of the designated word is displayed with a QR code. Upon scanning the code with your phone, you will hear the pronunciation of the word in the targeted language. Here is a visual of the fronts- and backs- of these game-based vocabulary flash cards.
Card Games/Board Games
The overall purpose of card and board games is to entertain, but there’s obviously more to it than just that. If you’re looking to create a custom card game, the message should be locked down and clearly stated. A card game has a lot of different moving parts before it’s printed.
Identify the theme: Having a distinct, unique and fun game will help set yourself apart from other game makers. Right now, you probably have an idea of what the game will be about. For example, will it feature zombies, robots and aliens? Or does it follow a question/answer format (similar to Cards Against Humanity)?
Establish the Rules: This is the fun part! You are the all-knowing creator who is bringing this game to life. But make sure to keep your game’s purpose in mind at all times. You don’t want to stray away from the designated message you’re trying to relay.
Graphic Design & Game Pieces: Customize your game to your heart’s content, including but not limited to the card size, card stock, number of cards, spinners and dice, booklets, instructions and game tokens.
“Some write books to be remembered. Long after you are gone, you will be remembered for the game you have made. So pour your heart out and make a great game…”True Frenemies Board Game Creator, Derek White.
Elephant in the Room Card Game. Players use the white cards to disclose whether they personally agree or disagree with the statement or not.
Tarot & Oracle Cards
If you’re passionate about sharing your knowledge and insight through tarot and oracle cards, let our team print your custom designs. Our clients use tarot to reimagine the world. These pieces are not only eye-catching but the meanings behind each one are equally enticing.
Reinvent: Tarot has an extensive amount of history. Some clients enjoy reproducing decks that are decades old. This allows new tarot designers to reflect on the past and remember where the art form originated.
Readings: Tarot and oracle readings can become quite deep and personal, so consider adding your own original designs to the deck.
Market Art: If your art fits well in the spiritual realm, market using tarot or oracle cards. These decks include however many cards you desire, which allows for an endless supply of art concepts to dabble in.
Nicolas Conver’s 1760 tarot deck was faithfully reproduced by one of our clients for the purpose of restoring history. The deck is also available for purchase.
Make the mundane magical with custom oracle cards. This deck holds 36 allegorical messages to inspire your inner self.
The Wayhome tarot deck by Everyday Magic features images that weave in the magic of the mundane and imbue them with an enchantment that asks us to look a bit harder.
3. Exposure
We’ve found that online exposure is key to relay your brand’s purpose with custom card products. Simply being active on social media is a beneficial form of marketing.Over the past couple of years, we have used social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook and Twitter to market our custom cards. Recently, we started posting content on LinkedIn, which is an incredible site for companies and individuals alike to network and craft a professional message.
4. Client Product Shop
Once your cards are printed (even if we didn’t manufacture your product), you have the option to become a member of our Client Shop.
INCREASE AND DIVERSIFY YOUR SALES: Shuffled Ink’s goal is to invest in and cultivate a tight-knit community for our clients to feel comfortable marketing, promoting and selling their custom products. Many alternative online marketplaces charge significant referrals, percent of the sale and other exorbitant fees. This is not our approach! We truly believe that we will achieve our greatest success, by directly partnering and investing in our clients’ success.
MEDIA PROMOS: Most e-commerce sites will put your product live on their site and leave it collecting dust. That is not our mindset. Our goal is to actively communicate with you to ensure your message is heard. We will work alongside you to market, promote and sell your custom products on our media platforms. Prior to publishing content, we work with you to perfectly cultivate your desired message.
Here are a few examples of how we promote our clients’ products on our social media (whether available in our shop or not).
Contact us to become a member of our Client Shop or for general information about our products.
Custom Cards with a Purpose
We’re more than happy to chat with you about any and all of your ideas. Our purpose is to assist you. When you choose us to print your products, all hands are on deck. After all, your success is our success.To receive complimentary samples of our card products, include your delivery address and phone number on your custom request a quote form.
● Official Shuffled Ink website: ShuffledInk
● Make Your Own Custom Playing Cards at: ShuffledInk
● Make Your Own Custom Tarot Cards at: ShuffledInk
● Make Your Own Custom Card Games at: ShuffledInk
● Make Your Own Custom Flash Cards at: ShuffledInk
Thomas Bowles established his printing shop in the late 17th century. He not only dominated the London market well into the next century but also bred four generations of printmakers. The Bowles family specialized in maps, guidebooks and topographical prints as well as produced some playing cards and games.In 1714, shortly before Thomas’ demise, he passed the business to his oldest son, Thomas II. He followed in his father’s footsteps as a successful printseller and publisher, opening a shop in St. Paul’s Churchyard. His younger brother, John, managed his own shop as well, creating original map designs for clients.John’s son, Carington, worked alongside him for ten years as John Bowles & Son. Thomas II’s son, Thomas III, was destined to follow in the same path but, unfortunately, died the same year he joined the partnership. In 1767, Carington’s son, Henry Carington Bowles, took over the family business.In this article, we will look at playing card decks and illustrations as well as games printed, published and sold by the Bowles family.
South Sea Bubble & Mississippi Scheme Decks (1721)
Printing satirical pieces were the Bowles’ niche. The Beggar’s Opera, written by poet John Gay, parodies various Italian work. It also implements comedy and political satire in songs set to contemporary and traditional English, Irish, Scottish, and French tunes. These cards, published by John Bowles, mirror the music and lyrics from Gay’s opera. The sheet music shares the same space as the court figures. The faces are in the upper left-hand corner of the playing cards.
The Spendthrift (1760-1767)
This is not playing card art, but it does portray a young man’s experience with gambling and gaming. The illustration shows a deck of sprawled out playing cards and an empty glass sitting on the table. It is assumed that he lost a great sum of money during a poker-related game. Carington Bowles published this print.
Bowles’ Geographical Game of the World
Henry Carington Bowles created a game for players to gain knowledge about various parts of the world. Published in the late 1700s, the board game embodies Western Christian views on the world. The period speaks volumes. One of the game’s punishments is to move backward if you land on Mecca. Players spin a teetotum (spinning dice) to move their markers around the map game.
Bowles’ Geographical Game of the World Game Board
Bowles’s Geographical Game of the World, case front
Shuffled Ink resembles the Bowles’ business in some ways. We are also a family-owned printing company. Founder Charles Levin started the custom playing card business in 1999, and today, three of his children work alongside him. Matthew is the Vice President, Lisa is a Project Manager and Jonathan is an Operations Manager. Shuffled Ink specializes in producing decks of custom playing cards, card games and tarot & flash cards for individuals and companies around the world.To receive complimentary samples of our card products, include your delivery address and phone number on your custom request a quote form.