Category: Custom Design

#StayAtHome and #AloneTogether: CARD GAMES TO PLAY AT HOME!

#StayAtHome and #AloneTogether: CARD GAMES TO PLAY AT HOME!

In light of the current pandemic, we want to remind our clients that we are in this together.  We urge you to listen to the CDC Guidelines to ensure safety for yourself as well as others who may be more receptive to this virus. Our message mirrors that of the CDC:  Stay home and please take social distancing seriously.

Shuffled Ink has created a new deck of Coronavirus Playing Cards with 52 Helpful Tips to play and learn how to be safer. The cards focus on how to deal with the virus including proper handwashing techniques, common symptoms to be mindful of, CDC facts, reputable sources to rely on for updates, etc.

COVID-19 has created a new normal for our society, where we are advised to social distance and self-quarantine.  This means that we are spending more time at home than usual.  For many, your work, home and social life are now under one roof.  Consider this an opportunity to connect with your family members through games!  For these recommendations, all you need is a standard 52-card deck.


Round up your family members and choose your partner wisely for this trick-taking card game.  The rules are relatively simple, where the goal is to have the highest-ranking card among all players during each trick.  The highest rank is Ace, while the lowest is a two.  With that said, please note that any spades card will outrank ALL clubs, hearts and diamonds cards, even an Ace.


1. Assign a dealer to give each player 13 cards.  Keep your cards hidden from all other players.

2. Assign a designated scorekeeper to record the bids made by each player.

3. Every player will analyze their cards and bid how many tricks he/she believes they will make during each trick played. (Note: if you bet 0 tricks will be won, or nil and you are correct then you will receive 100 points BUT for each additional trick won, you will receive -100 points).

4. The player to the left of the dealer will play his/her card first.  The following players must put the same suit down if possible.  Whoever wins that trick will start off the next one by putting down the first card.

5.  If you do not have the same suit as the person who put down the first card, then you are free to choose any card and suit you’d like.

6.  Once the entire round is complete, the players will count how many tricks they won.

7. If a team matches the bid with the actual amount of tricks won, they will receive 10 points.  If a team exceeds the bid with the actual amount, they will receive one point for each additional trick that they won.

8. The bag score is calculated by counting up the total score for each team (Player 1, 2; Player 2,3).  Add the bid from player 1 and 2, then add the actual score from player 1 and 2.  This creates the bag score, so if a team reaches 10 bags, then they will receive -100 points.

9. The first team to 500 wins.


You most likely learned this game when you were younger, so here’s a refresher on how to play this family-friendly card game.  The goal is to obtain four cards of the same face to create a book.  This game is played with at least two players (in this case 7 cards will be dealt).


1. Assign a dealer to give each player 5 cards (if played with 3 or more players).  Do not show any players your cards.

2. Typically, the player who is to the left of the dealer will start off, but you can start with any player you’d like.

3. Players will ask any opponent if they have a certain card.  You can only ask for that card IF you hold in your hand at least one card of the rank that you’re asking for.

4. If you are asked “Do you have any Queens?” then you MUST give that player ALL of your Queens.  Then, the player will continue to ask various players if they have any Queens.  If the player asked doesn’t have any Queens, then you say “Go Fish”.

4.  If you are asked to “Go Fish” then you pick up a card from the stacked collection at the center of the table, and it is the next player’s turn.

5.  Once a player obtains four of a kind, they will make it known to their opponents by placing the four cards face up next to them.

6. At the end of the game, each player will count up how many books they have.  Whoever has the most books wins the game.


Full of bluffing and deceit, this game will keep your family members on their toes. The objective is to be left with no cards and to also ensure that when/if you lie about a card you play that you won’t get caught in the act.


1.  Assign a dealer to evenly distribute playing cards to each player until the deck runs out.

2. The order in which the cards are placed face down is from the highest-ranked card to the lowest-ranked card.  This means the player who starts must put down any/all of their Aces in the center pile.

3.  Now, it’s the next player’s turn to go.  If you don’t have the same value as the person before, you can put down one card above or one below the previous player’s card.  (Note: You have to put down AT LEAST one card).

4.  If you believe that someone is lying either about how many cards they are putting down or if they are even putting down the appropriate card, then you call out CHEAT.

5.  If you are CORRECT that the player is being deceitful, then that player must pick up all of the cards in the center pile.

6.  If you are INCORRECT that the player is lying, then you have to pick up all of the cards in the center pile.

7.  The first player to be left empty-handed wins the game.


This card game’s rules are simple and the game itself is engaging for children in particular.  The idea is similar to that of Cheat, but there is no bluffing involved.  The goal is to run out of cards!


1. The dealer must shuffle and give 8 cards to each player.

2. The player to the left of the dealer starts off the game by placing any card of any suit at the center of the table.

3. Going clockwise, the next player(s) must put down a card that follows the same suit as the first card played. Once all players have followed suit and contributed to the pile, that’s the end of the trick.

4. All of the cards played during the previous trick will be discarded.  To determine who won the trick, find which player put down the highest-ranking card.  The winner of the trick will lead the next one and place any card in the new pile.

5. If during a trick, a player does not have the selected suit in their hand, then they must collect all of the cards in the center pile, adding it to their current hand.  This player will end up starting the next trick.

6. The player who has no cards left in their hand will win.


For nearly two decades, we have assisted in making your customized projects come to life! And we will continue to do so, as our manufacturing facility and office are fully operational. While this is a unique time, it is also a great opportunity to start working on a customized game that you may have put on the back burner. So, stay at home and get started — we can’t wait to see your creative ideas! ● Official Shuffled Ink website: ShuffledInk ● Make Your Own Custom Playing Cards at: ShuffledInk ● Make Your Own Custom Tarot Cards at: ShuffledInk ● Make Your Own Custom Card Game at: ShuffledInk


THE BEST BOARD GAMES DECADE-BY-DECADE Decade-by-decade it’s natural for trends to change. Whether it be a new fashion statement or a new board game, we are constantly seeking the “new thing”.Now, change is inevitable. It’s actually a good thing to accept this ever-changing world. Without it, we would still be throwing sticks rather than using dice.As the decade quickly comes to a close, we’ve comprised a list of some of the best board games of each decade. Take a look at how board games have evolved over the years. And you’ll also find a sneak peek into what 2020 may have to offer for the future of board games.

The 1950s: Candy Land

While Candy Land was actually introduced to the world in 1949, it reigned as one of the leading popular games throughout the ’50s. Today, it continues to be popular among children and certainly nostalgic for adults. According to Tim Walsh, an American game inventor and writer, 60 percent of households that have a 5-year-old child, own the game Candy Land. Clearly, its popularity did not cease after the ’50s came to a close. And we are certain that the upcoming ’20s will be no different.

The 1960s: The Game of Life

The Big Game Hunter permanent collection

The Checkered Game of Life 1866 Edition
This game is quite unique because it reached great heights in popularity during its original production in 1860, as well as during its revamp in 1960. This game is the perfect example of how a board game changes with the trends and times. During the 19th century, The Checkered Game of Life was Milton Bradley’s first printed and sold board game. Introduced during Abraham Lincoln’s presidency while slavery was not yet abolished (1865), this first installment was a melancholier board game than what we are accustom to. One of the checkered sections was actually labeled “suicide”. It detailed a man hanging by a noose from a tree branch (see below). If a player fell on this space, they were booted from the game.The altered 1960s board game naturally varies from today’s version. Those who played during the 20th century would either end the game as an impoverished farmer or they would reside in Millionaire Acres. Today, the concept of rural vs. urban plays a role but is less dramatic and stereotypical. You’ll either end up in Countryside Acres or Millionaire Acres. Nevertheless, both game versions represent a similar goal: reaching happiness in the game of life.

The 1970s: Mystery Date

While the board game Mystery Date was released during 1965, its popularity spiked during the ’70s upon updating. If the tagline doesn’t give too much away, ‘Meet Your Secret Admirer,’ the game was targeted toward young girls. The goal was to land your dream date with one of the boys who waited behind the door while avoiding “the dud” who wore normal clothing. The more admirable suitors were dressed in either formal, beach, skiing or bowling attire. Throughout the years, this game has notably changed its aesthetic to keep up with the varying decades.

The 1980s: Pictionary

In 1987, Pictionary sold 3 million copies. It was then deemed 2nd place on the highest selling games ranking. The top spot was held by the Nintendo Entertainment System. Similar to the idea of charades, players draw hints for their teammates with the end goal of guessing the correct word being sketched. It is the game’s simplicity and the ability to evoke competition that created its popularity during family game nights. Personally, I find Pictionary to be more comfortable to play than charades. Rather than using your body to act out something, you put pen to paper and allow the motionless drawing to do all the action.

The 1990s: 13 Dead End Drive

You may remember this board game from its sensationalized and quirky advertising TV commercials. This murder-themed board game was released in 1993. The objective of the game is to inherit the fortune that was left by the wealthy character Aunt Agatha. The goal is to take down each of your opponents by trapping them in an area that will knock them down and boot them out of the game. Instead of playing on a flat surface with game pieces, this game’s structure implemented a 3-D board to issue a more realistic gaming experience.

The 2000s: Apples to Apples

This board game was released to the public halfway through 1999, as the new decade was approaching. Throughout the 2000s, and even much of the ’10s, this game was a phenomenon. It brought families with children of all ages together for game night and it wasn’t short of entertainment. I remember playing the game with my parents, siblings, aunts, uncles and cousins, as we gathered around the living room hoping that our card would be the chosen one. Nearly 15 years later, my family continues to crack jokes about that family game night.Funny Story: If you’re wondering why my family still talks about the time we played Apples to Apples during Fall 2009, here’s the story. It was my sister’s turn to be the judge, so she read her adjective card aloud: Annoying. We all quickly and competitively slid our one card to my sister in the hopes that we would get chosen and find ourselves one step closer to winning.My sister read through each card and decided to pick Patrick Swayze. The adults gasped, wondering why she had chosen the beloved actor who had actually died only a few months prior. My sister responded with, “I just didn’t know who he was, which was annoying. So he gets the ‘Annoying’ card!” My aunts and uncles responded with, “too soon, too soon.” Turns out, my brother had won that round and was ironically using it as a throw-away card. To this day, anytime Patrick Swayze is mentioned we all say, “too soon, too soon.”

The 2010s: Codenames

The original word guessing game was released in 2015. Since then, it has broadened its board game horizons and created different editions, with the same overall goal but varying concepts manifested.During Codenames word game, if you are the spymaster in your team of two, your goal is to describe the word(s) to your partner without specifically using any of the words in your set.  This game calls for strategy, teamwork and, of course, secrecy. If you have a competitive nature, try this one and play it as a final hoorah to the ’10s decade. (But I’m positive it’ll continue its popularity reign into the ’20s).

The Future: 2020s

At Shuffled Ink, we can manufacture any board game that wish to design. Throughout the years we’ve assisted in the creation of your customized board games, complete with customized accessories, booklets, dice, instructions, spinners, timers, tuck or setup boxes and more.You all, our clients, are the future of what board games have to offer in 2020. What will board games look like in the future? We have an idea that may or may not be wildly far-fetched. Nevertheless, that question is for your innovative minds to decide and for us to help make possible. ● Official Shuffled Ink website: ShuffledInk ● Make Your Own Custom Playing Cards at: ShuffledInk ● Make Your Own Custom Tarot Cards at: ShuffledInk ● Make Your Own Custom Card Games at: ShuffledInk ● Make Your Own Custom Flash Cards at: ShuffledInk


Playing Cards Crafted by Jews at Camp Vught (January 1943 – Sept. 1944)
During World War II in the early to mid-1940s, these handcrafted playing cards were made at an SS (Schutzstaffel, or Protection Squads) camp known as Konzentrationslager Herzogenbus or Camp Vught.  During the Holocaust, Nazi Germany built the camp in the Netherlands. Active for nearly 20 months, it reached a max of 9,000 Jews during May 1943.The Holocaust was the mass genocide of European Jews, where nearly two-thirds of Europe’s Jewish population were murdered. Adolf Hitler, the Anti-Semitic Nazi leader, believed that Jews were an inferior race.  Nazi Germany built nearly 44,000 concentration camps for the purpose of ethnic cleansing.  Today, we remember the Holocaust survivors and victims through Memorial Museums.  Now, handcrafting playing cards did not start in a concentration camp. The process dates back to ancient China, where domino markings would be drawn onto slips of paper. The cards were then brought to Europe during the 14th century, where they sported more hand-painted designs. The origin and invention of playing cards can be attributed to a variety of cultures all around the world, which is why discovering new card designs that reflect the times during the Holocaust is fascinating to find.Throughout these points in history, playing cards struck an appeal with a variety of people and cultures for one reason or another. But it’s undeniable that the cards created at Camp Vught symbolized a time when people were seeking a source of amusement, as well as a means to accentuate their artwork.

The Card’s Designs

  • KINGS / QUEENS / JACKS: These cards represent the SS camp’s authority figures, as they are shown clothed in the British army’s uniform.
  • ACES: Buildings are illustrated on these cards, including the Protestant church shown on the ace of spades.
  • JOKERS: It is daunting, yet, unsurprising that these cards portray the prisoners themselves. They are shown pinned with the unlucky number 13 on their chest amid barbed wire and dust.
The handcrafted playing cards created by the Jews at Camp Vught were preserved by the camp, which has been turned into a national monument (Nation Monument Camp Vught).Despite being created under such devastating and brutal circumstances, the cards seemed to have played an amusing role during an unamusing time. Nevertheless, the cards can be added to the long history of playing cards that we continue to discover. ● Official Shuffled Ink website: ShuffledInk ● Make Your Own Custom Playing Cards at: ShuffledInk


THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN TAROT CARDS AND ORACLE CARDS At Shuffled Ink, we manufacture both Tarot and Oracle cards. The designs and creative interpretations of these allegorical cards stem from our client’s profound vision.And as Halloween creeps just around the corner, “spooky” season begins to settle in. Naturally, personalized tarot and oracle cards go hand-in-hand during October.Whether you visit a fortuneteller for a card reading or read the cards yourself, have you ever wondered the difference between Tarot and Oracle cards?

What sets a Tarot deck apart from an Oracle deck?

When you create a Tarot card deck, you are following a standard structure: a set of 78 cards that follow the Major and Minor Arcana. The deck consists of 22 cards following the Major Arcana and 56 cards represent the Minor Arcana.The Major Arcana portrays picture cards, numbered 0-21. These cards depict the realm of the material world, intuitive mind and change. Some of the titles given to each picture card include ‘The Fool (0),’ ‘The Magician (1),’ ‘The High Priestess (2)’, etc.
Major Arcana Images by The Dark Exact
The Minor Arcana are issued into four groups with 14 cards in each: Wands, Cups, Swords and Pentacles. Unlike the Major Arcana, the Minor represents your daily-life happenings.

Custom Tarot Cards

Oracle cards differ from Tarot cards because they do not follow a straight and narrow arrangement. Someone who customizes their own oracle deck of cards can create their own rules: how many cards go in the deck, the shape of the deck, the card’s images and meanings, the purpose of the deck. While you customize your oracle deck, you are also customizing your own theme.Oracle decks typically come with an interpretation booklet. This allows the reader to understand the images and words that you have created. When it comes to choosing whether you want to create a Tarot or Oracle deck, it’s all about preference. If you enjoy a preset structure to meet your creative needs, then Tarot Cards are the way to go. But if you would rather start from scratch and draw on your own rules and images, then the Oracle deck is a better route to pursue.

A Foreseeable Future

Shuffled Ink guarantees a foreseeable future for your custom printed Tarot card and Oracle card designs. Every single client adds their own personal and unique touch to their Tarot cards. With differing messages, visuals, colors and designs, it’s a treat to see your customized vision. Here are some finished personalized Tarot and Oracle cards we’ve printed. Perhaps, these varying designs will inspire you to create some of your own!
The Magician
Art & Divination
Divine Oracle Peele Card
Personalized: Magickal Tools, Candles, Chakras
Shuffled Ink is a multigenerational family business specializing in printing custom playing cards, tarot & flash cards, packaging, and more for businesses and individuals worldwide.To receive complimentary samples of our tarot-card products, include your delivery address and phone number on your custom quote request form. ● Official Shuffled Ink website: ShuffledInk ● Make Your Own Custom Tarot Cards at: ShuffledInk ● Make Your Own Custom Flash Cards at: ShuffledInk  



“The services (Shuffled Ink) provide(s) and the process for printing decks is by far the most pleasant I’ve had the opportunity to use! That paired with the high-quality printing makes for a great experience!” —Jared Hall, OxT Cards Creator

Shuffling playing cards may seem like a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. Whether your shuffling skills need polishing or you’re not quite sure how to handle a deck of cards, these simple techniques will help you further develop your signature style in the art of cardistry.

So, What is Cardistry?

Cardistry is a well-known term specifically among those in the playing card universe. It is typically defined as “the performance art of card flourishing”. This non-magic shuffling technique allows for cardists to manipulate their deck of playing cards in a visually appealing manner.Cardistry got its name by combining the words “card” and “artistry”. And while the name may be simple, this craftsmanship can be difficult to execute.One of Shuffled Ink’s clients, Jared Hall, creates decks for cardistry. His love for the technique actually stemmed from magic, which resulted in him watching various tutorial videos on the art form. Soon enough, inspiration struck and he wanted to create and execute cardistry on his own, so he did. And you can too!

Shuffling Tips

1. Practice Makes Perfect

The number one tip that Hall emphasizes is practice. While the phrase, “practice makes perfect” may seem cliché, it couldn’t be more relevant and true when it comes to cardistry. Hall says, “Cardistry is not easy, but the payoff of learning a move is worth all the time you spend learning it.”Now, the more help you get the better. Watching videos on ‘Cardistry for Beginners’ or from channels like Fontaine Cards and Dealersgrip will get you out of your own bubble. The sooner you submerge yourself into the world of cardistry, the quicker the cards will fall into place…or at least for the time being, fall on the floor.

2. Steady Hands

Mastering the art of cardistry doesn’t happen overnight. In reality, you are going to fail more times than you succeed. So, don’t be surprised if you spend more time dropping cards than shuffling them. Similar to professional baseball players striking out or dropping a routine catch, even pro cardists drop cards.If you shuffle playing cards too quickly, it leaves room for more mistakes than intended. A common misconception about shuffling cards is if you shuffle the cards quickly, it will make your performance look better.  There’s a clear difference between shuffling cards quickly and creating the illusion that you are shuffling them at a rapid pace.  The latter is a better technique, especially for beginners.  This is where your personally crafted hand mechanics come into play.

3. You’re In Control: The Mechanic’s Grip

There isn’t necessarily one way to hold a deck of cards. But one of the most important tips to note is to find a style that is comfortable, practical and efficient. And each of your fingers has a designated section on the card that it is responsible for.


Personalized Playing Cards
Practicing your mechanics will only get you so far, but having the right cards will allow you to perform your cardistry smoothly. It’s understandable that when you’re starting out, you’ll use any dusted deck around the house. But you’re only as confident and solid as the deck you use. Cardistry is all about comfort and finding your stylistic art form, so why not create your signature, quality deck of playing cards to match that? Shuffled Ink’s custom print playing cards are created in 3 easy steps, explore your options today!For more information on Jared Hall’s Cardistry brand, explore OxT Cards.For updates on Hall’s social media, follow @occupiedcards. ● Official Shuffled Ink website: ShuffledInk ● Make Your Own Custom Playing Cards at: ShuffledInk ● Make Your Own Custom Card Games at: ShuffledInk



Shuffled Ink is honored and proud to support the Joe Namath Foundation, which benefits numerous children’s charities and neurological research. 

Joe Namath Foundation Customized Playing Cards
In 1969, Joe Namath, the quarterback for the New York Jets, personally guaranteed that the Jets would defeat the Baltimore Colts in Super Bowl III.  Not only did the Jets win, but the game was regarded as the greatest upset in American football history.Shuffled Ink owner, Charles Levin, attended Super Bowl III with his dad on January 12, 1969.  Since the age of 6, he has been an avid and rather fanatical Jet’s fan.  In fact, Charles attended Super Bowl 3 and witnessed Namath’s greatest NFL moment. And, ever since he was a young boy, and even now in adulthood, he has idolized and always dreamed of meeting the MVP football star, Joe Namath.Naturally, as the 50th anniversary of the epic Super Bowl game approached, Levin couldn’t help but find himself reminiscing about Namath and the Jets.The stars seemed to have aligned on January 24, 2019, when Charles, working late at the office, received a phone call from Joe Namath’s manager who was seeking to create printed custom playing cards for the upcoming Joe Namath Foundation charity golf tournaments.   They wanted to use the personalized cards as party favors to place into attendee’s goodie bags.  Needless to say, Charles assured him that he had come to the right place!As the nearly two-hour phone call concluded, the Foundation’s order was underway free of charge BUT with one contingency — Charles would be able to attend the VIP cocktail party the night before the tournament, as well as meet his idol, Broadway Joe.  It was truly an incredible dream coming full circle!
Shuffled Ink owner, Charles Levin, with Joe Namath at the Joe Namath Foundation charity golf tournament in Jupiter, FL
The Joe Namath Foundation playing card decks, designed by Charles and Shuffled Ink’s graphics staff, are completely customized back and faces.  The cards capture a series of iconic moments in both Namath’s life and football career.  But most importantly, the personalized card decks illustrate the purpose and beauty of the Joe Namath Foundation.
Joe Namath Foundation Customized Playing Cards
On March 31, 2019, Charles had the opportunity to meet and spend time with Joe Namath and so many other incredible athletes and supporters of the Foundation: John Schmitt, Namath’s center for Super Bowl III; Kevin O’Leary Mr. Wonderful from Shark Tank; Hall of Famer Johnny Bench; Pittsburgh Steeler Franco Harris; Super Bowl XXII MVP Doug Williams; Vinny Testaverde; and Ed Too Tall Jones just to name a few.Shuffled Ink is honored and proud to support the Joe Namath Foundation, which benefits numerous children’s charities and neurological research.  At your pleasure, feel free to visit the website link provided to learn more about the Foundation. ● Official Shuffled Ink website: ShuffledInk ● Make Your Own Custom Playing Cards at: ShuffledInk ● Make Your Own Custom Card Games at: ShuffledInk


MAKE YOUR OWN CUSTOMIZED PLAYING CARDS FOR FATHER'S DAY This Father’s Day, consider gifting your dad with customized playing cards!  Personalize his ideal deck of cards with printed images and memories to remind him how happy you are that he is your Dad.  Here’s a breakdown of ‘Make Your Own Customized Playing Cards’ options!

Customized Playing Cards

1. 52 Customized Dad Jokes Cards

Here come the groaners…there’s nothing better (or worse) than hearing your dad slip in a few of his favorite dad jokes during a conversation.  He says them to your friends, your significant other and even the grocery bagger at the checkout line.  Show your appreciation for “dad humor” this Father’s Day by printing each one of his jokes on a standard customized 52-card deck.  Now, he’ll never run out of content, and even your children’s children won’t have the luxury of escaping his beloved dad jokes!

2. Personalize Dad’s Favorite Sports Team(s) Cards

Dad yells at the television even though the players can’t hear him.  He says it’s “therapeutic” and surely the players will sense his anger and hear his commentary from miles away (his emotions and voice are apparently that powerful).  But no matter the score, dad will always stick by his team of choice and its players.  This Father’s Day customize your own playing cards with his favorite sports team(s).
  • Pro Tip: Consider adding action shots of memorable plays/wins and even include a couple of playing cards with inspirational quotes for the times when dad’s team isn’t looking so hot.

3. Print Dad’s Ultimate Drink Choices Playing Cards

Cold beer…hard liquor…an appletini?  In addition to buying dad a pack of his favorite drinks for Father’s Day, get even more creative!  Feature customized playing cards of your Dad’s 52 favorite drinks or brands so he’ll be reminded that it’s always 5 o’clock somewhere.  And who knows, maybe he will even put the deck on display as a reminder that you’re his favorite gift-giving child!

4. Sentimental Customized Wedding Photo Playing Cards

Get sentimental this Father’s Day by reminding dad of the happiest moment in his life (at least that’s what mom says) by printing very personal customized playing cards.  He’ll reflect on the time in his life when he didn’t have to pay for your college tuition.  All joking aside, dad will appreciate a deck of personalized playing cards that feature a blast from the past with his wedding photos.
Wedding/Engagement Customized Playing Cards

5. Customized Pictures of Grandchildren Cards

Since Dad’s grandchildren are the cutest munchkins that ever stepped foot on Earth…use the millions of photos dad has on his camera roll and print them onto a customized deck of playing cards. There’s nothing better than being able to shuffle through those precious photos, especially when you’re playing a card game with the family.  But most importantly, now he can constantly point out all of the good-looking features he passed along to them.

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When planning an event, party favors are a necessity.  There are a variety of different themes that can be incorporated into custom playing cards, making it the perfect choice for your next party favor.

Wedding Favor Custom Playing Cards

To celebrate the love between two people while surrounded by friends and family members is such a special moment in one’s life.  Nevertheless, there are definitely moments of stress and touches of insanity when it comes to planning a wedding ceremony.  Among those pressures of creating your dream atmosphere for you and everyone else involved, is coming up with the best party favor for your guests.  A popular requested product is personalized wedding favor custom playing cards.  It is a memory within a game that they will play for many years to come.

Wedding Custom Playing Card Ideas

  • Your proposal photos
  • Both of your baby photos
  • Old photos from when you started dating to the present day
  • Include fun facts about your relationship (quirks, interests, dislikes, etc.)
“Mr. and Mrs.” Wedding Party Favor Custom Playing Cards

Educational Custom Card Games for Kids

Planning a birthday party for your child takes as much time, effort and energy as it does to plan a party for an adult.  While you are organizing various events that will occupy the liveliness of young children for a considerable amount of hours, you have to also think about a custom favor or “goody bag” that will be passed out after the event because the fun and games don’t end when the party concludes. Whatever supplementary items you decide to place in these bags, consider the benefit of providing the young guests with customized educational card games that are designed for explicitly for children. Young minds are constantly being influenced day-after-day by anything and everything they are introduced to. It is our responsibility to implement education and learning skills into their impressionable minds, and it’s easy to create.  Here are some educational card game party favor examples created by our customers.

“Linguacious” Game-Based Custom Flash Cards for Learning Vocabulary

Positive Affirmation Cards

Party favors do not necessarily have to only be passed out during or after a party.  There is something thoughtful about random acts of kindness distributed toward the people who you love like your family members and friends, or the people who you see every day like your co-workers or even a stranger who you pass by on the street.  Custom Affirmation playing cards can mean a lot of different things to people, but one thing they do for everyone is relay positive messages.  With many people opening up about their mental health, and even for anyone who simply has a bad day, affirmation cards can truly help someone to embrace a positive mindset.  It is simply a reminder that everything will be OK.  With positive and motivating thoughts at one’s fingertips, it can be a comforting feeling for any person at any point in their life.

“I Am Power Deck” Custom Affirmation Cards

How to Create These Playing Card Party Favors

One of the great aspects of our company is that most of our custom printed products are manufactured in the U.S.A. We are grateful to have the team, tools and equipment necessary to make nearly all of your products, including the possible last-minute party favor ideas you desperately desire.  Creating your ideal product, whether it be one of the suggestions listed above or one of your own original ideas, is easy to create with our accessible Design Shop.  The basic steps include choosing a canvas/template, designing your custom playing card’s images and texts, etc.  And how you want your party favor to look is completely your decision, but of course, our design team is always happy to help assist. 


oracle cards everyday magic

As the temperature drops, and the leaves change from green to orange and then to yellow, dismiss your pumpkin spice latte cravings and channel autumnal essences into your customized playing cards, personalized tarot cards and card game designs.

Typically, the commencement of Fall hails for decorative pumpkin socks and T-shirts, and although incredibly spirited, they just aren’t going to be enough this year.  Think bigger; think spookier.

Here are 6 suggestions to consider while creating your own Halloween-influenced product with Shuffled Ink.


Preparations for the holidays can be a bit overwhelming, especially when you have to remember all of your family traditions, including the yummy desserts and dishes.  Consider printing your Halloween recipes on a deck of cards.  Easily mobile and accessible, you’ll be whipping out the creepy crawling spider cupcakes and zombie-finger cookies just in time for Halloween parties.  And when your family and friends are “dying” to know how exactly you perfectly molded the dough to resemble a skeleton head, you can supply them with their own deck of scary good recipe cards.


Channel your inner psychic abilities if you plan on dressing as a mystic fortune teller this Halloween. But handpicking the perfect outfit is only a fraction of your costume responsibilities.  Don’t forget the most important accessory: Your one-of-a-kind deck of personalized tarot cards (Halloween style, of course).  Personally equipped with distinctive symbols and designs, your original artwork will leave people wondering whether you truly practice the art of divination.  Consider going above and beyond by setting up a fortune-telling booth.  After all, it’s Halloween – where you can dress however you wish and, perhaps, end up looking into the future, too.


While every other house in the neighborhood passes out the same old basic candies, you can fill those buckets with Halloween-inspired playing cards!  Customize your own unique artistry with help from our expert design team, and give the trick or treaters something that’ll last longer than a chocolate bar. The cards, reflecting your very own creative purposes, will channel your take on Halloween’s notorious entities: pumpkins, ghouls, candy corn, flying broomsticks, etc.  Not to mention, parents will thank you for saving them a trip to the dentist.


Whether your kids have dressed up as a pumpkin, ghost or Demogorgon, search through your Halloween archives and print those terrifyingly adorable photos on playing cards!  Much like a holiday card, feel free to send these decks to relatives, family friends and co-workers.  It’s the perfect way to reminisce on the costumes of Halloween’s past while also showing your family completely “decked” out.


With candy-filled tummies and faces oozing syrup-based blood, allow your kids to enjoy Halloween even more so with fun card games.  Matching games promote cognitive development like memory enhancement, classifying skills and imaginary growth.  And just because you’re customizing a children’s game doesn’t mean your Halloween designs have to be limited.  It’s Halloween after all, so make artwork as frightful, friendly or ferocious as you desire!


One of the most important aspects while developing your own board game, especially one with a Halloween theme, is there can never be enough creativity.  Rather than seeing candy corn as a treat, know that it can just as easily be used as a game piece.  Determinate upon your target audience, allow your board game to truly come to life with a spooky storyline, and make sure your visuals are as spine-chilling as you see fit.  Perfect for a cozy night at home or a thrilling Halloween party, your originally designed board game will send your guests running home to create a game of their own!

Hopefully, these ideas have sparked your desire to bring Halloween to life with custom playing cards, card & board games and tarot cards.  Whenever you’re ready to begin working on your personalized project, know that our team of designers will help you from start to finish.  Shuffled Ink can’t wait to turn your idea into a reality!

● Official Shuffled Ink website: ShuffledInk

● Make Your Own Custom Playing Cards at: ShuffledInk

● Make Your Own Custom Card Games at: ShuffledInk



We know what makes our family and friends laugh, cry and tick, especially when we’re playing endless rounds of card games.  With no shortage of entertainment and gathered personality types, we’ve put together a fun list of “players” you will most likely encounter on a typical game night!

The Sore Loser/Winner: Be sure not to pinpoint this player to just toddlers…they come in adult sizes, too.  Game night wouldn’t be complete without accusations of cheating and at least two meltdowns.  Not to mention, this player’s “losing” episodes are just as bad as their “winning” ones. We’ll let you decide who you’d rather deal with: Someone who displays intense gloating or walks away from a game in anger.  All joking aside, most of us have experienced “angry bursts” while playing a game — when you draw the “Go to Jail” card and can’t collect $200 in Monopoly; when someone makes you “Draw Four” cards in UNO — so we understand your pain, and we don’t judge.

The Dynamic Duo: Typically dealt with during team games, these two players allow their one-of-a-kind bond to be known.  Their complete starter pack includes an elaborate handshake, intense staring and, of course, twin telepathy.  When this duo participates in a game, their competitors often feel two emotions: envy or loathing.  They either wish they had a partner in crime of their own, or they simply can’t stand the pair’s obnoxious tendencies.

The “Wannabe” Pro: This player never misses an episode of Family Feud (including the reruns), tunes into Jeopardy every night at 7 and, in their spare time, researches cheat codes on popular games.  And while you’ll have to deal with their smack talk before the game and during their brief winning streak, count on no words uttered when they’re losing.

Silent but Deadly: For this player, silence is key.  Most of the time, it’s easy to forget about this player because they don’t openly make their presence known.  Nevertheless, they often show no remorse for the game pieces that block them from what’s “rightfully” theirs: eternal glory.  And while they share similar characteristics to that of The “Wannabe” Pro, it’s their tremendous gaming skills and mysterious persona that separates them from the mere hopefuls.  By the time you realize their true intentions, it’s always too late.

The Happy-Go-Lucky Butterfly: This player would rather receive a sportsmanship award than a first-place trophy.  Generally focused on life’s simplest pleasures — enjoying the company of friends and family — they often socialize more than playing the game, which can be frustrating for the players who must nudge them when it’s their turn.  Regardless, inviting them to game night has more positives than negatives. This player’s happy-go-lucky attitude outshines their nonexistent competitive drive.

The Ferris Bueller: (For those of you who haven’t seen “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off,” it’s a movie about a teenager who plays hooky instead of going to school).  Now, we all have that one friend who is constantly blowing up the group chat with messages to hang out, but when a plan is finally set, they never actually show up.  And while you may not physically encounter this “player” on game night, their absence is still relevant, as their flaky actions can disrupt the flow of the game and result in unbalanced teams.

The Glue: Like The Ferris Bueller, this person technically isn’t a player, but they do play an active role in the game as mediator.  Ensuring everything runs smoothly, they typically appoint themselves with the position, as they would rather observe than partake in the game.  Even so, your game night wouldn’t be the same without this key “player,” for their calming energy in a room full of various gaming personalities is much needed.


Ever tired of playing the same games over and over again?  Consider building your own custom card or board game with Shuffled Ink!  The same personality types may continue to show up, but at least you’ll have something new to play, and it’ll be your own unique product!

Now, whether you find yourself fitting in all, one or none of the categories listed, Shuffled Ink hopes you have an unforgettable night of fun with these “players” …so much fun that you’ll end up doing it all over again!

● Official Shuffled Ink website: ShuffledInk

● Make Your Own Custom Card Games at: ShuffledInk Custom Card Games